i used to believe

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When I was about 6 ot 7 I used to think that there was a snake behind the toilet and I would always do my business with my legs up...

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When i was 5 i was afraid of sitting on the toilet because snakes will come out of there and will bite my ass

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when i was just done getting potty trained my brother told me that if i sit on the toilet too long a "toilet alien" would come up and grab my butt. (i didnt go for 3 days)

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You know how people some times call the toilet a throne.

Well I used to think there was a whole villige that lived under the toilet and I was there queen and they wanted me back. So every time I'd flush the toilet I would run away so they couldn't get me.

Sherry Scheuerman
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when i was young i used to thought that someone was watching me in the toilet while i was peeing
now i turn off the lights when i poo

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a part of a scary movie was bees came out of a toilet and killed a little boy so when i was about 6 or 7 when i went into a public restrooms i would flush the toilet and run out

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(1) i beleved that crabs lived in the toilet (2)i thoht that the toilet turned into a monster.

m.r. toilet fearer
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when i was like 4 or 5, im 13 now, i used to be scared of the toilet after i saw the movie "IT". i thought blood would come out and turn into the evil clown thing

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I used to be afraid to flush toilets. I have no idea why..I think it was the noise..but I was scared to death of auto-matic flush toilets because I thought I might get flushed o_O

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When I was younger, I never flushed the toilet while sitting down. Because I thought that I'd be pulled into it. The "automatic" flushers really scared me! I had to keep my hand over the sensor while I stood, then I let them flush after.

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i used to be afraid to drink water from water fountains that were anywhere near a toilet because i thought that the toilet water/urine was somehow "cleaned" and recycled through the drinking fountain.

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I used to believe that there was a giant, snake-like monster with huge teeth in the sewer. when he heard th toilet flush, he would come slithering from wherever he was to try to eat you. I would always jump off the toilet as soon as i was done. but I was always afraid the monster would kill my dad, because he flushed two or three times every time he went!

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When I was younger I some how got the idea in my head that there was a ghost living upstairs somewhere, I never really figured out where, but whenever I flushed the toilet I would imagine it running down the stairs coming to get me. May be it was because our toilet was extremely loud and I thought it upset the ghost. But anyhow I would run into the kitchen, only about 8 feet away, Several times I slid on the floor and crashed into chairs, but once I was in the kitchen I knew I was safe from that ghost.

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i always used to think that the toilets that flush automatically at the mall would flush when i wasnt ready and suck me in.

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after watching 'The Little Mermaid' (a Disney film) i was traumatised by Ursula (the big scary half witch half octopus thing) and i used to believe (dont ask me why) that when I was at home, after I flused the loo one of her long tenticled arms would come and chase me and try to take me away from home to her secret underground cavern. I would wash my hands and sprint out of the bathroom terrified everytime. As I got older, the monster changed from Ursula to the Phantom (from Phantom of the Opera).
I still don't like spending more time than in neccessary in the bathroom..

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i once beleved (still do a little)
that monsters were behind the mirrir
and if you flushed the toilet they'd come out and eat me . i know i know it's stupid.

M.R afaid of toilets
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My friend Clarissa once told me that when she was little, she would always run out of the bathroom really quik as soon as she flushed the toilet because she was afraid that the people who lived in the toilet would pull her down with them and she'd be trapped in the toilet forever...

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When i was young i was oddly nervous. Everytime i went to the bathroom the flush, i would get frightend(terrified) that i flushed my underpants down the toilet. I was SCARED!!

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I used to belive that an alien lived in my toilet. And I was a hero. Everytime I had to pee/poo it was my superpowers telling me to fight the aliens. And when I would pee/poo I would be poisoning the aliens (knocking then out) Then flushing the toilet would send the aliens back to the sewer. And the gap in between pees/poos would be them making a new plan of trying to take over the world, and crawl up my toilet. Yes, I was amazingly weird.

Martina May
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how many of you remember the "tidy bowl man?" i was very afreid of that little man in the boat paddeling around in the toilet,not to mention crying when all the little scrubbing bubbles guys got washed dowm the drain.

geesh how lod was i ?
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