fear of
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I was pretty freaked out by the whole bathroom in general when I was little. I could never go to the bathroom without the shower curtain completely open. The linen closet door had to be completely closed. The weirdest thing I would do was cover the hole/drain in toilet bowl with toilet paper before I would sit down to go. So there were little squares of toilet paper floating neatly in the middle of the toilet water. I guess I was convinced that something could come up and get me and (of course!) the toilet paper could keep that from happening. Obviously my theory was "if I can't see it, it isn't there". What an idiot!
When I was in the first grade, my friend Sam and I were terrifed of the 'booeyman' that we thought lived in the toliet. While we were at school, we always flushed and then ran out of the bathroom. One time, I flushed, and was about to run out when I relized that Sam wasn't behind me. I got really nervous when she didn't answer me. "Sam.....Sam? .....SAM!" I screamed her name really loud and then ran out of the bathroom, thinking she had been kidnapped by the booeyman. (Turns out, she was hiding in her stall to scare me. ^___^) She still hasn't let me live that one down. (:
I had this irrational fear of flushing toilets- like something scary would come up out of the toilet upon flushing. I would use the bathroom, flush, and quickly close the lid and run to the safety of my bed, jump in and get completely under the covers till the toilet stopped making noise.
I used to believe that if i put the toilet covers over the toilet crabs would come and bite my tushy because my older cousin told me that
I used to think that when I flushed the toilet, if I didn't run I would get sucked down with everything else.
I used to believe that when you went poo in the toilet that Freddy was waiting inside and wuld reach up and scrape the poo from your bottom. I was afraid to use the bathroom and to this day never told my parents why.
I think it had something to do with the movie Ghoulies. LOL
When I was little I thought that if I sat on the toilet while it flushed I'd go with it. I also used to be scared that if I sat on the toilet when my dad had forgotten to put the lid back down I'd go in and drown
I used to believe that ghosts lived in an old apartment building in the toilet, and if I flushed the toilet they would get angry and attack me!
I used to belive, if you flushed the toilet and it smelled bad a poo tornado would take you in the toilet.
My step brother told me about the toilette monkeys and that they would come up out of the toilette and tickle your butt. I never wanted to sit on the toilette so I used to try standing up.
There is a stain from toilet cleaner on the seat of our toilet. When I saw it, I thought it was poisonous, so I was careful not to sit on it. I've done that subconciously since. 0_o
When i was younger i would sometimes watch the show " Are you afraid of the dark?". I vividly remembered an episode where a monster come's out of the toilet. From then on i would run out if the bathroom after i flushed the toilet regadless of where i was.
When I was little and we used to have family reunions, we always had them in this old creepy looking cabin at the park. The bathrooms were downstairs and the lightbulbs were always burned out. For some reason, there were only urinals. So whenever I had to go to the bathroom, my mom would take me down there. The first time I saw the "weird potties", I freaked and refused to sit on them, convinced that they would eat my butt. So my mom always had to walk me all the way to the other side of the park to use the "safe potties"
I was believed (whole heartedy, without a doubt) that when you flushed the toilet a genie would come out. Not knowing if it was a nice genie or a mean genie, I took no chances. I flushed and RAN.
when i was about 4, i would flush the toilt before going just in case there was a monster in there first..hahaha
When I was in 6th grade or so, my best friend told me about her cousin staying in this old shack one time and there being a snake in the toilet when she went to pee! After that I could never go to the bathroom at night in the dark again...I'd always have to flip the light on to peek and make sure there were no snakes. TO THIS DAY (I'm 18 now) I still can't even bear the thought of sitting down on the pot without looking in to make sure it's all clear.
I used to beleve when i was 4 that the flush on the toilet was to wake up toilet monsters.
my mum told me that in australia there where spiders that came up the toliet and killed you so for ages i used to try to go loo with my bum above the loo so lots of accidents appeared
my mum still tells the story
soooo embarressing
i used to belive that when u flushed the toilet that it would overflow and then flood the whole bathroom and u would drownd..........
I used to believe that after you were finished on the toilet once you had flushed the chain you had to quickly slam down the toilet lid otherwise a monster would come out and grab you.
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