fear of
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I used to think that ther was sharks in the toilet and they would eat your butt! LOL
I used to belive that toilets had secret little sets of teeth that came out and bit your butt it took me 2yrs to belive that they didn't...boy I was stupid.
i thought a monster would come out of the toilet when i flushed it and bring me into Toiletland if i didn't run out of the bathroom fast enough
i used to think that if i didnt flush right away ghosts would come up out of the toilet and chase me through the house. so i runed out of the bathroom as fast as i could.
I had a friend who's older brother and sister told him that they use to have another brother named Mike but mommy and daddy didn't like and flushed him down the toilet and then up popped shawn!! Of course this little boy was scared everytime his older sibling would say "lets see if we can get Mike back!" as they grabbed him and headed for the bathroom.
When i was little, i watched the Twilight Zone with my dad. and well, ya know when you are young inages get suck in your head that seem just oh so real...well there was this thing that ate people...i have no idea what it was but it scared the living crap out of me...and somehow that got transferred to the toilet, that if you didnt go enuf, or forgot to flush, or anything, that it would come up and kill you..eat yer booty or sumthin. i used to run outa the bathroom because of that! lol
I was terrified of the wolf from never ending story, and the wolf from Lion, thw Witch and the wardrobe (I had a nightmare where he came out of a tap)
I started a game that when you flushed the toilet you would wake him up so you had to wash your hands and get out of there before it stopped flushing, then I started believing it...... Wierd thing is I told my sister recently and she did exactly the same thing.
When i was younger, i used to believe that there was snakes in the toilet that slithered through the pipes and would bite your butt when u were sitting on it!!! I would always make sure that i sat at the very edge of the toilet seat and would be so scared!!! When i was all done "doing what i had to do" i would stand as close to the toilet paper role as possible until i flushed!!!
that freddy cruger would grab my butt and pull me under while i was going to he bathroom and that chuckie would be in my bath tub
when i was about 9 my friend told me that snakes came through the pipes and would bite your butt... so everytime i went to the bath room i would go as fast as i could so the "snakes" wouldn't get me
top belief!
when i was little, i looked up to my brother, older than me by 5 years. We shared a room until i was seven.
At night, when he would go to the bathroom and flush the toilet. He would then RUN down the hall and jump into his bed and pull up his covers really fast
I asked him why he did this, and he said that by the time the toilet finishes flushing, you have to be in your bed and under your covers or the Boogie Man would come and eat you. Of course, i believed him.
When i was about six, i went to the bathroom at night. I flushed the toilet and ran down the hall. However, i was a very clumsy child, and i ran into the wall. By the time i rubbed my foot, the toilet had stopped flushing, and i wasnt in my room! i ran into my parents room and cried, kissing them madly and saying i was going to get eaten...
...my parents still laugh about that one. Thank you so much older brother...
when i was about 7 i saw this weird programme about snakes and for some reason i associated it with toilets so for years afterwards i used to be petrified of the toilet flush thinking the noise would attract the snakes to come up from inside the toilet and bite my backside or something so id flush the loo and run out the toilet as fast as i could to escape -it wasnt till i was about 9 when i realised how ridiculous i was being so i decided to face my fear and one day i stayed next to the loo as i flushed it - it was really loud and as i didnt see any snakes i thought i must have scared them off with my new sense of bravery *sigh* they were the good old days...
when i was, like, seven or eight, i used to beleive that my scarey looking dolls lived in the toilet. So when ever i went to the bathroom, I turned around and check if they were there ready to pounce on me and rip me to shreds!
For some reason when I was young I used to think that I would have to flush before the toilet paper got completly wet, and I had to book it out of the bathroom before it was done flushing.
So, if I was at the movies or at a restaurant I would almost run into people to get out as fast as I could.
I used to believe, that the toilet-flusher was a magic button and that witches would come and get me if I flushed.....
when I was about 7 I thought that if you left the lid up when you flushed the toliet the loch ness monster could come up and get you...a pretty common idea for a kid, but what makes my tale weirder still (or perhaps not for the media centric adult Ive become) was that I was convinced Id see a World In Action (bit like 60 Minutes if you're American) show all about this so it MUST be true!
When I was in first grade we watched a movie at school about volcanoes. For some reason, for about a month after seeing that movie I was absolutely convinced that lava would come up through the toilet if I took too long. I tried to go to the bathroom as quickly as possible & flush as quickly as possible to avoid the lava.
I used to believ that whenever I flushed the toilet, that it would disturb all of the spiders in the bathroom and they would come out to get me!
top belief!
When I was a kid, my parents used to warn my sisters and I not to sit for too long on the toilet or you would grow a cord out of your bum that would attach to the toilet and you would be stuck there forever... the thought still scares me..
When i was younger there used to be a show on about a family of dinisours..one of which lived in the tiolet. so i would always check befor i went to the bathroom to make sure he wasnt in my toilet
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