fear of
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they used to have that stupid commercial on tv where the toilet was green, monster-looking, and could talk. that just heightened my fear of the toliet as a kid. i remember always running out of the bathroom after flushing.
I used to believe that when you flushed the toilet it would flush you along with it.
In school i once heard you could get aids from toilets, and so i went home and i had to go reaaaally bad. i went into the bathroom and remembered about aids, and i thought well daddy stands up so he wont get aids, i will too. well im a girl, so needless to say, it really didn't work out.
I used to believe that there was a witch round the u-bend of our loo and that she lived off of our poo. I thought that if I didn't give her enough poo she'd come up and try and eat me instead. As a result, I always pushed real hard to get it all out as soon as possible so not to annoy her. If it was a little slow coming, I'd bend my head down between my legs and talk to her in an attempt to pacify her and avoid being eaten. I know it works, because I'm still here!
i would always flush after i washed my hands because i thought the water overflowed if you did it at the same time.
I used to believe there was a toilet monster and it ate your poo and drank your pee bu if it didn't get enough to eat or drink it will eat you..........
so i fed the toilet monster doritos
top belief!
wen i was little i thought that the toilet was the way to heaven because lots of my fish got flushed down the toilet when they died and one day i fell into the toilet and i thought i was going to die
top belief!
when i was about 5 i had a very strange dream about toilets. i dreamed that there was this kind of toilet monster that was invisible in the water and smelled strongly of pertrol. he would jump out of the toilet as you sat down and then you could see him, and he looked like a man with hamburger meat stuck all over him.
for 4 years i was always afraid of using the toilet in a public place when no one else was in the restroom. if there were more people there would therefore be more witnesses to my tragic demise and he would be found out.
I saw the corny schwarzenegger movie, "The Predator" for the first time at about 4 years old. Every time I would have to pooh I would always try an do it as fast as possible because I was afraid the aliens hand would reach out from the hole in the toilet and grab my bum. As soon as I would finish dropping my loggers I would run from the bathroom as fast as I could and would shut the light off on the way. Hardly ever would I wash my hands afterwards, and sometimes i wouldnt even whipe! After all, that is all too time consuming and the vicious beast would have me by then!!! No wonder I got brown streaks.
When I was a kid I had the biggest fear of monsters hiding in the U-Bend of the toilet. I could never go to the loo without someone coming with me and flushing it before I could use it.
When I was younger, my sister had a problem with flooding the toilet a lot. I was always scared that I would flood it, so I always shut the lid, washed my hands, and then flushed as I ran out of the bathroom - thinking that shutting the lid made it not flood. Even today I can't shake the habit of shutting the lid.
I used to believe that if i was in a public restroom by myself. and if it was really quiet,the devil would say my name and i'll hear it! Don't know why! I was so young and so naive.
When I was young my older brother said that when the toilet flushed, a monster would awaken inside it..I then (for about 5 years) I flushed the toilet and ran away from it as fast as possible so the monster would get me...I still can't be in the bathroom when the toilet finishes flushing (I am 23!!)
I was sitting on the tiolet one time and it was REALLY quiet then BOOM BOOM BOOM someone knocked on the door I fell in and my hand hit the mandle and I screamed cause i thought IT had got me.
I'm 11 and still afraid of the toilet.
every time i would flush my dead fish, i refused to use that toliet for a week after in free that the fish would come back up and bite my bum. the sad thing is i am still scared.
I used to believe that there was something in the bathroom and would be scared to go toilet by myself. If i was alone in the bathroom, i would start singing to myself to take my mind off the "thing" in there. Once i flushed the toilet i'd run straight out of the bathroom!
When I was a little girl I wouldn't go to the toilet at night because I was scared there would be someones head in it.
When I was about 6 or 7 I used to belive that if I sat on the toilet to long a gremlin would come out of the toilet and bite my butt, so when I was alone I would always flush the toilet and run as fast as I could into my bedroom. I would hide under my bed covers just to make sure the gremlins wouldn't capture me and eat me.
when my sisters and i were younger we were all afraid to flush the toilet. we all thought we were going to be flushed down too! mama if the toilet isn't flushed, it wasn't me!
when I was younger I believed my "you know what in the tub" would come to life and bite me in the bum.
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