fear of
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up until I was about 10, I believed that if you sat on the toilet too long, your intestines would fall into the toilet!
someone told me that if u go to the bathroom on the toielt you would get sucked inn..
My Grandma's cat died, and, for reasons I have yet to fathom, I thought she had put it down the toilet, and I thought that if I sat on the loo, the cat would come up and scratch my ass. For about a year I would never dare to sit on my Grandma's toilet seat, I'd just kind of hover above it and hope for the best.
When I was 3 my big sister told me there was a monster in da toilet and when you sat down it would bite you on ur butt. I wouldn't go to da can in my house 4 a month. Only when I had a accident in my favorite pjs my Dad told me da truth. REACTION AT 11: I'M STILL GONNA KILL MY BIG SIS( NOT REALLY, I'LL JUST HURT REALLY REALLY BADLY.)
this is a belief of my 8 yr old cousin. although her 2 yr old brother doesnt speak much he is absolutley petrified of hand dryers that u find in public loos.his sis believes that its cos he thinks they have in side some kind of deadly gas which makes all your toys shrivel up and go purple. ?!?!
my bff when i was little told me that when you were going poo that if you sat on the toilet too long lobsters would come and and pinch your bum all through out my bringing up i would always be scared that i was sitting on the seat too long and kept checking eventually my sister told me the truth... what a pal eh?
top belief!
When i was little, my baby-sitter told me that a scuba-diver would come up out of the pipes and spear me in the butt. even though i never 'really' believed it, it still freaked me out every time i had had to go.
My little brother was afraid of toliets cuz he thought monkeys would jump out of his butt.
There was a tale in my primary school that a ghost hunted the toilets and her rings had been flushed down it. If you flushed teh toilet and hung about in a couple of days you would have scares all over your arms where she attacked you. I believed this for years and always waited until the last minute before i flushed the toilet.
I used to believe that snakes lived in all toilets and while I was sitting on the toilet, a snake would either bite my ass and/or crawl inside my asshole. It's definately a disgusting thought, and I'm not surprised that I was scared of that--but I don't know why snakes would live in the toilet. Probably, because they're the shape and size of the hole in the toilet?
I used to think, that if you flushed the toilet, when you were on your own, the poo monster would come up and get you. Then I realized, that i was no longer suceptible to the poo monster. But I was suceptible to acne, among other things.
I use 2 believe that Freddy Kruger (Sorry can't spell) lived down the toliet. And when i flushed it he would get mad and want 2 kill me. Whenever i went 2 the bathroom I'd run away very fast after I flushed so he did't get me. I think I belived this till I was about 10.
when i was little, i used to be terrified of the toilet. I was told if you sit there for too long, you get hemmrhoids. I wasnt sure what they were, so i imagined a long arm reaching out of the tolet and grabbing you and sucking you under, and leaving lots of tiny dots on your butt. I also thought that if you werent out of the bathroom by the time the toilet finished flushing something would come out of the filter part and yell at you, and you would never be able to go to the bathroom again.
once i told my sister that there was a toilet monster and that when she goes to the bathroom it drinks the pee and eats the poop but if you stayed too long it would come out and eat you.so now when she goes to the bathroom she runs out screaming after she flushes.
top belief!
From when I was two till I got to four years old, I had to take all my clothes off before I got on the toilet (even if I had a bow in my hair I would take it off!). I believed that the toilet would suck all the clothes off me and I would never see it again.
Not long after my parents allowed me to see the movie Gremlins. (I begged for weeks, I was about six or seven...) I made up in my mind that when you flushed the toilet (these were the old style with like, what forty gallons of water in them) and were alone in the bathroom, that it set off an alarm. The evil Gremlins would come up through the toilet and get you. This being absurd because water was a problem for them in the movie. I cannot tell you how many un flushed toilets I left, or how many times I ran really fast from bathrooms!
When i was like 4, i some how find a lot of spiders in my bathroom so i would kill them with toliet paper and flush it down the toliet. Then afterwards i always wondered if the spiders would come back and bite your butt when your doing your job....
When I was little my cousin told there was a monster than lived in the toliet or something like that. And that he loved little kids and if i EVEN went in the bathroom he would get me. And that if I went to the bathroom he would definetly get me. I was four at the time so of course beleived him and was petrified to go near the bathroom. I remember I would have to take my nan with me!
I used to be terrified of the toilet. I thought that if you accidentally fell in while it was flushing that it would suck you down to a horrible world that was full of rats, poop, and monsters. I hated going to the bathroom.
When I was about 4-6 I was scared of the toilet. When I watched the Amanda Show, I saw a girl go though the toilet.
one day i dropped the spray stuff that makes the room smell pretty in the toilet. I tried to get it out. My cousin flushed the toilet and my hand was in it. I haven't even used the big kids toilet, i use the potty trainer.!
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