i used to believe

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My friend ayaz used to believe that whenever u flushed the toilet the grinch would come out and breath on you and you would die because he eats toxic waste. he still believes it and now hes 12. His brother put a life size poster of the grinch on his door while he was asleep and he screamed the house down. i used to chase him saying "i've transformed into the grinch! i'm going to breth on you!" and he would run away screaming...
and some ppl think hes smart...

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When I was about 1 1/2 and started potty training my 14 year old sister told me that when I went to the bathroom and used the toilet the devil would grab me and pull me down into the sewers where I would be lost for ever. I didn't want to use the toilet... Not until my other sister explained to me that she was just trying to scare me.

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When I was little, I had an irrational fear of flushing the toilet. At school I always would pretend that I 'forgot' to flush, and made excuses like that. This turned out not to be a problem, because another little girl in my class was obsessed with flushing the toilet, and would gladly do it for me anytime!

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In my parents bathroom, their toilet was really loud. At least that's how I remember it. And everytime I would flush it, I would run through their bathroom and jump onto their bed, bc spiders would come crawling out of the toilet and a monster would be under their bed.

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I was about 3, when my toilet overflowed right in front of me! I was so afraid that I regressed to using the plastic potty. I had nightmares for years of it overflowing, or getting sucked in. I was so afraid that I either wouldn't flush, or flush and run. Then when I was about 7 or 8 I actually rationalized in my dreams that the toilet wasn't an enemy, but a friend. To this day, I still feel anxiety if I have to unclog the commode, but I guess that's to be expected considering what happened.

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When I was younger my nana had an old antique toilet that still worked and when you flushed it it made the scariest and loudest noise so everytime I flushed I would run screaming out of the bathroom and run in to my room!

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I used to believe that if you flushed the toilet too often it would eventually overflow. I was so terrified of this that I had nightmares about overflowing toilets and drowning in toilet water, nice!

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For some strange reason, when I was about 4 I used to believe that Snuffalupagus lived in the plumbing of public bathrooms. So when I started kindergarten, whenever I had to use the bathroom I would sneak in quietly, open the stall door, and sit down. I thought that if he couldn't hear me, he wouldn't come drag me down the toilet with his trunk. but then came the dreaded flushing time... I would quietly get up, pull my pants up, then open the door for a quick getaway. Id pull down the handle and run like a madwoman till I was outside, where I would hold the door shut for at least 5 minutes. Me and my crazy imagination!

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when i was little i used to believe the guy from scream lived in the toliets and everytime u flushed u heard the giant sound and that was him screaming at you to go away.

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when i was about 9 i used to be realy scared if airplane toilets cos of the noise

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I was quite certain that there was a killer in the toilet, and that if I just sat on the toilet he would stick his arm through the hole in the bottom of the toilet and stab me. Instead I had to wait until I really had to go, and had to start peeing immediately upon sitting down. The killer wouldn't want to get his arm in pee, after all.

what the?
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When I was little I believed that a toilet monster was in my toilet. It was he who made that big FLUSH sound. So I always trapped him by putting the toilet seat down and then running out of the bathroom before the flushing noise stopped. Because of this, I rarely washed my hands, unless I was planning to wash them and then flush.

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i used to think that when you went to the bathroom the toilet ate your soul, so i refused to go to the bathroom

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I used to believe that when I flushed the toilet, if I didn't get out of the bathroom fast enough, a black hole in the bathroom would suck me into the toilet.

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when i was a kid i thought a dwarf hiding in the toilet bowl was going to stab me in the bum with a gigantic sword; i couldn't figure out how he got the big sword down there. and yes, i was one of those flush and run people.

imagine how thrilled i was when we moved to a country house with no plumbing and an OUTHOUSE where the little bugger could actually fit, sword and all.

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After watching "Goulies" the movie, I never sat on a toilet without looking to see if a goulie was going to come up and grap my bottom!

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If i was drinking out of the toilet, i could have been killed!

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When I was 6, i used to believe the flushing sound a toilet made was caused by a toilet monster. Every time i went into a public bath room, I would run out of the bathroom saying " there is a monster in the toliet!!!!! run for your lives!"

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when i was little, my Dad told me the story about the Poo-poo monster, a monster that lived in the toilets and would grab you and pull you in whenever you sat down to use the bathroom.i believed this and absolutely refused to use the bathroom.this was serious.my parents thought they would actually have to end up taking me to the doctor because i wouldn't use the bathroom!!but....eventually i did....

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I was 15 and ALWAYS hated portapotties and nvr stuck around long enough to know much about them. so one day while driving back from the movies me and my parents and my best friend were luaghing about the movie whe i saw a portapotty and blurted out w/" eewww thats gross that portapotties not in the grass! were the hole at the bottom?!" my friend turned around luaghing cause i thought there was they dug a hole in the ground an placed the portapotty ovr it. she told me that the portapotty collected the waste and was later dumped. make sense now. i get the jokes now about flipping somebody ovr in them now.

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