i used to believe

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when I was 6 I saw a rat come out of my grannys loo. Ive never sat down on a loo since without toilet roll stuffed down to stop a rat biting my backside!!!!

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when i was 9 my uncle told me that if i used a airplne toilet it would suck me and through me out from well the whole, so when i was in a plane later that month i was so scared when i had to use the bathroom. i thought i was 2 fat for the whole.

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After being forced to watch Stephen Kings It (My father used to make me watch scary films) as a five year old... I was terrified of the toilet for ages... I thought the clown was gonna reach up and pull me in, or rip my arm off... Or that he was gonna climb out and kill me... I also thought Freddy Krueger was gonna climb up through the drain in the bath and kill me while I was on the toilet... I'm 18 and still pretty scared... and I'm petrified of clowns, I wonder why?

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When i was about 5 to 6 i believed that there was an eye down the plug hole of the bath and that it would eat you!

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i used to belive that if you flush a toliet monsters wouldcome out

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When I was in kindergarten I had to pee real bad so I went into the bathroom but suddenly my head was flooded with my fear of an ugly green monster with finger nails living in the toilet and would grab my genitals, I was so scared I ended up peeing in my pants.

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When I was about 6 I went on vacation with my aunt.Whenever I went to the bathroom in a public restroom,she would tell me to not sit on the toilet because of the germs.Since I was little I wasnt tall enough to kind of stand,so I would stand on it and hope to make it.I didn't want to sit on a toilet for fear the germs would get up in me.I was sooo scared!

This theory stopped a week later when we were back from vacation and I had to pee and I had to pee so I stood up on the toilet and I missed.My mom came in there and made me clean it up.I was soo mad!!

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I used to think that Jaws lived in the toilet and if I didn't go quick he would like come up and bite me in the ass. I also used to think that sound that the toilet makes after you flush (you know,that long ssssshhhhhh thing of the tank filling up) was ghosts breathing so I'd like tear-ass down the hall as soon as I was done.

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I used to have to watch the toilet between my legs as I peed because I was sure a hand was going to reach up and pinch my butt

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I used to think that if i sat on the toilet too long,a monster that resembles the one under the bed would reach his hand up the drain,grab me by the behind and pull me down through the toilet.

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As a kid I was terrified of E.T. Somehow I deduced that he was made out of poop so I thought when I flushed the toilet he would come out to get me.
I would run out of the room and hide under my covers until the toilet stopped making noise.

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up to the age of 12 i was totally n utterly convinced that at night when every1 was asleep n id get up to go to the toilet, sum1 wud attack ,e from behind - but theyd get my bum first! so, being the clever cookie i am, id hold my bum and run for it like there was no tomorrow! or i would back up against the wall and follow that sliding along to the safety of my room!

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im sure we all had somthing like these...when i was little (up to like 12) i firmly believef that, a killer was lurking in my bathroom, one that i couldnt see& that wen i flushed hed kill me & noone would hear my screams! so after i peed id stretch as far as my little body would go with my left arm flush with the rest of my body laready half way out n then just bolt! also had the evil kille runder my bed too and so i would jump ou tas far as possible? how did i turn off the light? why with a closed umbrella of course! standing on the edge of my bed n reaching that way the hand couldnt grab my ankels n pull me under the bed n kill me! clever huh!

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When I was about 4 I was scared of going in the toilet downstairs, because their were spiders in it. I thought if I did they would bite my butt off.

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When I was little I told my grama about how a zoo guy brought a huge snake to my class room but I was kind of scared of it. She told me that snakes can come up the toilet while you are going. I envision that snake that was 3 times longer than i was tall coming up the toilet! I always would check for them before going to the bathroom and be scared which going. It took me a long time to get over it...

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top belief!

I used to think that every time you flushed the toilet, it would get mad and wonder who did it. I decided that the way to prevent it unleashing its terrible wrath upon me was to run out of the washroom before the toilet was done flushing. You then had to pretend that you never went to the bathroom so it wouldn't suspect you. I think I believed this until I was about nine.

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When i was younger, i don't know how old, i went to a christmas party at my aunt's house. She had a boyfriend, who had a son, about the same age as my cousin, who was that aunt's daughter. They told me that every time someone would flush the toilet, a hand would come out of the toilet and try to pull you in. That night, i went to the bathroom and the worst thing that could have happened, happened. I flushed and tried to run out of the bathroom as fast as i could, so that the hand wouldn't get me, but to my horror, i got locked into the bathroom! I hit and kicked the door till my aunt's boyfriend finally freed me, i was crying and totally freaked.

young and stupid
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toilets really scared me when i was little i aways thought when i went to take a wee and i flushed i would go down with it.

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When i was lttle i had to used a training potty until age 4 because i thought if i sat on the tolit and went wee the tolet would eat me!

scaredy cat
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I used to think a monster watched me go to the toilet and after I flushed the chain it would come out and eat me.

Luckily it never did.

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