i used to believe

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I watched Batman Returns when I was 4 and every time I went to the toilet I thought the Penguin would come up from the sewers and pull me down.

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there was a movie a long time ago about a lizard that was flushed down a toilet and emerged from the sewer as a giant alligator. My sister who was 4 or 5 at the time believed it was true!

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I used to be scared of the ocean. This was because there were lobsters and jellyfish and seaweed. (all of those were way far out into the ocean) One day, I heard some one talking about how toilet water comes from the ocean. From that point up unil about 2 years ago, I was scared to use the toliet(especially when pooping) because I thought that a lobster would come up and pinch my butt off. Public bathrooms were worse! Since those toilets don't have lids, I couldn't stop the lobsters! Advise to people who still believe that: don't

:) peanut
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when i was younger i use to believe that the toliet was a bad person and if u didnt feed it (poop pee) it would bite ur butt. i was scared for years.

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When i was little (about6) i used to believe that if u dindt hurry when using the crapper, your poo would turn into a monster and take u to the sewer to kill u.

scaredy cat 241
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I used to believe that when the toilet was flushed, ghost came out of it. After I was finished going I would make sure every thing was i place before I flushed so I could run as fast as I could out of the bathroom.
I don't believe in the ghost thing anymore, but flushing the toilet is still the last thing I do. I guess habits die hard.

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When i was younger i used to beleve the tolet was a monstor and it would bite off my wee-wee so i peed out side.

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in third grade we learned about cities and sometimes rats apeared in the toilet. and i was always afraid to go to the bathroom until i told my mom and she just laughed.

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i use to believe that there was a glowing witch that would guard the potty in the bathroom at night and she would get me if i had to go to the bathroom. so to this day i do not go to the bathroom at night.

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I used to believe that there was an evil clown who lived in the toilets and came up and bit you if you sat on the toilet after you flushed.

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Dad, when we were alone, allowed me to watch the movies I shouldn't watch. After I saw "the Jaws' I was afraid of toilet, because i thought that a shark will come from the water in it and will eat me :]

dr Octopus
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My friend told me that there were knives in the toilet that chopped up anything that went into it, and after she told me that, I was afraid that I was somehow going to fall into the toilet and get my foot chopped off.

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When I was little, my friend told me that there was a bunch of knives in the bottom of the toilet, and they would chop anything inside of it up. I always had a fear that I would somehow slip and fall into the toilet and it would chop off my foot...

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When I was younger I had watched the movie "look who's talking 2" and i thought that the toilet would acctually eat me so i was afraid to flush it

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top belief!

for some odd reason i used to think that cookie monster (from sesame street) lived in the bathroom-all bathrooms. i was terrified of him (i liked no one on the show except the count, who i was "married" to)any way i thought cookie monster was afraid of salt, so i always took salt into the restroom with me. i didnt realize that cookie moster was made-up till one day at a restraunt my mom caught me trying to hide a slat shaker in my pocket before going to the bathroom.

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as a kid i was claustrophobic (sorry if thats spelled wrong...i cant spell) so i didn't like to go into the small public stalls. I told my mum this and she told me not to be silly. later i heard my sister say something about ghosts and my mum pretended to take her seriousally. knowing that there were no such thing as ghoshts i was really mad at my mum for taking her more seriousally then me, until i got an idea. from then on i told my mom i wouldnt go into the bathroom stalls, because they were haunted by people who had flushed while they were still on the toilet, and got sucked down, where they drowned and came back up to haunt the toilet forever. i wondered at the time why my mum didnt believe me...

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When i was five i thought when i flushed the toilet poo monsters would come out and scare me ......i still sorta think so

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One time when I was younger and had to use the bathroom, my dad forgot to put the toilet seat down. As i went to go sit down on the tiolet, i forgot to look first [this was about 10 years ago, I am now 14.] So, i fell in and right away thought the tiolet was trying to eat me. I ran out of the bathroom screming and crying, forgetting to pull my pant up and everything. Hey, I was only 4...can you blame me?

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I was so scared of the sound that the toilet made when i flushed that i would get in a running position then flush the toilet and run as fast as i could out of the bathroom.

Alex :(|)
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