fear of
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I used to be scared of toliets, so when I was about to set my buns on the seat, I would immediatly check the toliet to make sure a hand wouldn't pop out of it. After I had done my buisness, such as pooing, I was relieved to know that the hand wouldn't come out unless I had defeated it with my leftover crap.
I used to believe that when i flushed the toliet, a monster would jump out of it. So i used to run out of the bathroom as quickas I could!
i am 13 and my mum told me that when i was 5-6 i was scared to go to the toilet because i thought as soon as u sat on it u fell in and it would eat u so i was scared to go in to the toilet till i was about 7 and my mom said it was funny cause she would catch me puttin things down it so it would fill up and it would not be hungrey anymore for it to eat me up
wat a stupid lil girl i was den
i thought that everytime i went to the bathroom that a monster would come out when i flused so when i flushed i ran out of the bathroom like hell.
When I was younger, I always thought there was a monster who lived in my toliet, so I was soooo afraid to use the bathroom at night, b/c I thought I would wake it up and it would eat me.. Come to think of it, I still am afraid to use the bathroom at night
I am scared to death by sharks and i used to think that a shark would come out of the toilet to KILL me. Luckly i grew out of that before middle school.
when i was about 7 or 8,we used to live in a 4 story house.on the bottom floor was the kitchen,bathroom and celler.i would never use the toilet at night as i thought the noise would wake up the monsters in the celler
I used to believe, like many others, that I had to get far away from the toilet before it finished flushing. Our bathroom was very small but the sink was seperated from the toilet by a short partician. I would flush, pull my pants up then run out of the bathroom as fast as I could. I would sit outside the bathroom until the toilet finished making noises then return to wash my hands. I have no idea why I did this.
When I was little, I belived that monsters would walk around downstairs after we all went to bed. I thought that if I flushed the toliet they would hear it and come running up the stairs to kill me.
I used to believe that if you went to the toilet without flushing the chain, that a big monster would come and take you down the toilet. I believed this because my brother told me...
I use to always flush spiders and thing like that down the toilet. But I was afraid to go to the bathroom and sit on the toilet cause i thought they would crawl back up and bite my butt!!
When i was younger i asked my mum where all the water in a toilet came from, and she told me it all came from the sea, i thought she literally meant that, and every time i had to do a number two, i would have both my legs and both my hands on the toilet seat raising as high as i could go, just so if a crab of shark came up the pipes it wouldn't pinch (crab) or eat (shark) me!!!
looking back at it i feel like a huge idiot!!!
i use to and still am scared to death of toliets....ever since i was a little girl...and i am now 18. my toilet at home is not as uncomfortable but at school they have sensored toliets and i have to talk myself down from freaking out...right after im done i jump as far from the toliet as possible before it goes off...closing my ears....its so scarry!! i hopw i don't have this toliet phobia forever...
Just thought that I would add a story that a high school teacher once told me. When MS. C was much younger she shared a bed with her sister, well she was very afraid of the dark and so when she would have to go to the bathroom at night she would run down the hall to the bathroom she thought that as long as the toilet was still flushing (not just refilling but before it all swished and went down) and she could make it into her bed that she would be safe. So to get this to work she would was her hands then put her toe on the flusher, lean way forward and push the flusher down with her toe then run to bed and jump over her sister who slept on the outside of the bed and be in it before the flush was done. Obviously this worked as she was able to become an adult and teach school.
Just before bed, I used to go and do the toilet, wash my hands/face, brush my teeth, then open the bathroom door as far as it would go, and turn the bathroom light out (the hall light was enough to see with door wide open).
I then sneaked over to the toilet,flushed it, and never looked back. I ran as fast as possible to my room, slammed the door behind me, dived under the covers and tensed my whole body, trying not to breath or make any sounds. All in case the monster that came out of the toilet found me.
I had a troubled childhood.
When I was young and we would go camping I would never use the out door toilets. I had a fear of falling down the hole, or that some strange animal would bite me on the rear.
top belief!
When I was little I use to be scared to death to flush the toilet.. I thought that when a toliet overflowed it will flow out and fill the entire room with water.. I was afraid I would drown since I didnt know how to swim at the time. That was the number one reason why I wanted to learn to swim as a child.. I wanted to be prepared in case I ever had to swim to the door once a toilet overflowed on me.
I used to think that if you flushed the toilet while you were still sitting on it then you would get sucked in.
Ok this is stupid but...
you know the public toilets where you have to put like 20p to get in.
Well I have never been in one and would never go in one as I believed when I was younger that you go to toilet and after uve finished the door opens and you have like a certain amount of time to leave before the door closes and washes the whole toilet throughout, if you dont get out in time, you get a pretty hard shower.
When I was around 8 or so, I remember hearing on the radio how someone's boa constrictor escaped into the sewer system and came up in someone's toilet. I am sure that I must've somehow heard part of that wrong, because the logistics seem impossible to me now, but for that whole year I still remember going to the toilet as fast as I could, flushing and slamming the lid down to make sure that if the snake appeared in our toilet, he wouldn't attack me. I still wonder about that and I still always put the lid down.
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