fear of
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When I was only 4 years old my Grandparents had a house in the countryside and it had the toilet outside. It was very creepy and the outhouse was full of spiders and i was told that there live ugly little trols and that when you go in there they grab you and take you down the toilet.
when i watched a film called look who's talking and the boy sees the toliet come to life at the night(it is in some part of the film happens to the lil' boy!)well i used to think it would happen to me if i went and ended up nearly wetting the bed!
When i was young i don't know why but i always thought that if you flushed the toilet during the night, a monster would come out and pull you in.
To this day i grimace at the thought flushing the toilet when its dark even though i don't remember how i came to the conclusion in the first place.
when i was bout 4 or 5 i used to believe that the was a monster called the toilet monster I would think when I flushed the toilet if I didnt get to my bed and pretend to be asleep by the time it stops making noise the monster would come and get me.
Until I was about 10 I believed that when I flushed the toilet Gremlins from the film would come out and get me.
This led me to flushing the loo and running for my life down the hall.
I used to believe that when I flushed the toilet a man with a shotgun would come out of it and try and shoot me. So I had to wash my hands, open the door and turn out the light before I was able to flush it. Then I ran like the wind!
When I was small, I was always afraid that a snake would come up out of the toilet while I was on it. Well, in my early twenties, a boyfriend at the time had a snake that he kept at my house. He put it in the bathroom and shut the door while we went out one day. When we came back it was gone. Guess where it had went. It was my childhood nightmare come true!
top belief!
I used to believe that there were two monsters in the toilet, a smart, mean one that was the boss and a dumb one that was his henchman. When you were sat on the toilet I they would be plotting how to get you once you flushed the toilet (that was the only time they could get you). I always used to open the toilet door before flushing so that I could jump out of the room before they got me. The dumb monster always used to trip up and the nasty monster would yell at him for missing me. The nasty monster was the deep noise that comes first when you flush and the hissing of the cistern filling up again was the dumb monster's whiney voice!
My father had a poster (I'm sur eyou've all seen it) Of a giant ape climbing out of a toilet. Well my brother beleived that if he sat on the toilet too long an ape would come out and eat you. I beleived that if you fell in the toilet (we had big ones and it was very easy to do this when your 3) you would turn into an ape. Imagine my terror when my other brother who was about 10 tried to flush me down.
top belief!
i used to be terrified of the toilet suddenly flushing while i was on it and pull me into it in the process. i thought it would grab my by my shirt tail so i decided the simplest solution was to go to the bathroom in the nude. i also for some reason felt the need for someone else to wipe me. this resulted in a casual night at a restaurant when all of a sudden a naked boy came running out of the bathroom, naked, screaming "mommy i need you to wipe me". yeah, i thankfully got over this one...
top belief!
When I was 4 or five, I believed that the toilet was a portal to hell. When you flushed, it opened up the gates allowing the devil to come up and get you. I thought the devil was so mad because we dumped all our crap in his house.
When I was little I saw the movie Look Whos talking no. There was a big toilet and it had teeth & talked! It was mean...I got so scared that my toilet was like that too that I stopped using the toilet @ night. !!!!!
When I was very young we had a vacation cabin in the middle of nowhere. No electricity, no running water, and an awfully smelly outhouse. My mother once told me not to sit too long or I might get hemmorhoids. For many years after I thought hemmorhoids were little animals that would jump out of the "hole" and bite my behind!
top belief!
When I was a little kid I saw a movie where a guy was in the electric chair and I thought the toilet was a sort of elctric chair cause it had a handle too, and so when I flushed i would run screaming in fear of being electrocuted, one day my mom was on the toilet and I came in and she flushed while she was on it and I screamed 'MOMMMY your gonna be shocked run for your life!!!!! auuuggggghhhhh"
I first remember when I was 5, my parents would take us every summer to campgrounds. You know those outhouse toilets with the HUGE hole in the seat? Well, I was so scared to sit on it I started crying, because I really believed I was gonna fall in (I was very small) and drown in the sewer, or that a monster would grab my butt and pull me in it. Then I would never be found!
I'm still afraid I'll fall in after 25 yrs... :(
i used to believe that snake lived in the toliet and when you to the seaside crabs crawled up the toliet and pinced your bum
When I was small, my friend told me there's alligators living in the sewers. I reckoned the alligators must be very small in order to be flushed down the toilets. I have a fear that the tiny alligators will come out of the toliet while i'm doing my business and bite me. I had a hard time doing my business after that. I look down into the toilet everytime I'm doing my business ever since, until 4th grade.
When we were little my sister used to be scared to sit on the toilet for very long because she was afraid that a whale would come up from it and bite her on the hinnie.
I belived there was a monster that lived in the toilet bowl and when you flushed the toilet and night you woke him up and you had to run out of the bathroom quickly or he would get you!
When I was little I saw the movie Gremlins.If you seen it before there is a part in the movie where Gremlin comes up out of the toilet ( I was sooooo scared) for months i was affraid of going to the toilet & used to hurry up & get out !
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