fear of
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My grandma had a big house, and a big 4 car garage that some of the house was on top of, including the bathroom. The pipes went down through the garage, so that when someone flushed the toilet and you were in the garage, you could hear a really loud noise, and it scared the hell out of me every single time I was down there. Whenever I had to be in the garage for something, I left as soon as possible, in case someone went to the toilet!
I used to believe if you closed the toilet door after using it the toilet would overflow.It must have happened once when I was little and nobody heard the toilet running because I had closed the door!
I used to believe that a family of vampires lived down our toilet. Whenever I went to the loo, I'd be feeding them, ie solids and liquids - use your imagination! - and that whenever I flushed the toilet, I had to be off the seat because they might bite my bum, and I was so scared of the loud flushing sound, I used to cover my ears and rush out of the bathroom - after washing my hands of course.
My sister was 10 when the movie Jaws first came out and she begged my father to take her to see it for her birthday, finally he caved and took her. Unfortunately it absolutely terrifed her and for weeks later she was even scared when she went to the toilet incase the shark came up and bit her bottom.
I used to believe that some big hairy hand would pop out of the toilet when i sat down to do a poo... That made me do it twice as quick and run..
top belief!
I used to be deathly afraid of the toilet deodorizers in rest area bathrooms. If there was a little "stick" in the bowl, I wouldn't use it. Or, I'd have my mom hold me so my butt didn't touch the seat.... Whining the entire time.
I used to beleive I had to get out the loo and downstairs before it stopped flushing or an evil horrible monster would follow me and drag me down it.
Generally though I was scared of any toilets. Espeacialy the very old public victorian ones.
when i was little i used to believe that crocodiles lived in sewage pipes and that they were swimming around under the toilets waiting for a snack!
I thought a waitch was going to pop out of the toilet and get me when I flushed it!
top belief!
After seeing the film Batman i was sure that if you flushed the toilet and didn't leave the room at full pace the penguin would pop up (riding a giant rubber duck) and eat your face.
I used to believe crocodiles lived in the toilet, and they ate your poop but if you were still in the bathroom when the sound (that comes after you flush and is for a little while) stops they would come up and get the poop and take you too.
my cousin told me that there will be a ghost hand crabing you bud while you are going to the toilet and me and my youhger cousin believe that and we are too scared to go to the toilet , my younger cousin wet his bed
A friend's mum told her that if she flushed the toilet whilst she was still sitting on it, she would be flushed down too! She is 22 and still frightened to do this!
When i was little my babysitter made me and my older sister watch "IT" the movie... i wanted to watch carebears.. so after we watched the movie .. i had the weirdest fear of using the toilet.. i would hover and watch inside the toilet and make sure that this werid clown guy wouldn't come out and grab me and take me and kill me or what ever...
After watching the film "Deep Rising", in which a woman was sucked down the toilet by a mutant (and you can all guess what that looked like)
i could not go to my toilet for the next week without inspecting "doon the pan " for mutant snakes!!
my dad told me that if i didnt wipe myself properley after using the toilet, a big hairy hand would come up through the toilet and get me. I used to flush the toilet while still on it and leave the door open so i could run out..........just in case.
My slightly older female cousin told me a story about these girls who got grabbed by a witch who lived in the toilet. When they flushed the toilet, this witch would grab them and skin them, eat their bodies and leave their skins in the bath tub. She said that the loud roaring noise the toilet makes when flushed was the witch crying out because she missed catching you. I still hate the noise of flushing toilets...
After watching "Jaws" (one of our more gullible babysitters let us do it), my youngest brother was convinced that sharks came up into toilets to eat the people sitting on them. The rest of us encouraged this phobia by humming the theme song every time he went into the bathroom. This eventually backfired on us: my mother made us go in the bathroom with him, b/c he was starting to get constipated.
I used to believe that the toilet would suck me down if I flushed it.
top belief!
I used to believe that when you flushed the toilet it would set of a ghost alarm and they would all fly out of the toilet. so whenever i flushed it i would run as fast as i could down the stairs so the ghosts didnt get me.
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