i used to believe

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I used to believe that once you flushed the toliet the Rice Crispy Elves would come out of the toliet and attack you and force you to live with them in the sewer.

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I used to believe that crocodiles lived in the toilet and would bite my butt when I had to go to the loo.

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As a young child , well not that young actually , I used to have this pervert superstition...Whenever I was in love with some boy , I was scared to go to the toilet because...I thought the guy would somehow be able to peep.Ough , what an icky thought that he would find out I went to the bathroom just like everyone else...

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when i was younger, probly about 6 or 7.. i couldn't find my mom so i ran all around the house trying to find her and i ran straight into my brother. So he asked me what i was doing, he said "i know where she is". And he walked me into my parents bathroom and pointed to the toilet and it was swirling. He said "i flushed her down the toilet". I screemed and sat down by the toilet and cried until mom finally got home.. and then i thought she was a ghoast

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When I was little, I thought a large wolf-like animal lived in the toliet. If I didn't hurry up with my business and flush him back down, he would come up and try to bite my butt.

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I used to believe that if you didn't close the toilet lid after flushing, you would get sucked down into it.

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I used to think that snakes lived in the sewer and hung around in toilets, and that one day when I least expected it one would bite me on the butt. I was about 20 at the time. I have a horrible horrible fear of snakes and still look into the toilet before every sitting!

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When i was younger and i had just been to the toilet, i used to open the door, lean in, flush the toilet and run away because i thought something would come up and get me.

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I used to believe that if you flushed a spider down the toilet that it could crawl back up when you were using the toilet!

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before i started cleaning house, i never knew how the toilet got clean after each use (especially in public bathrooms where there was no mommy with a toilet brush). it seeped into my imagination somehow that there were short, green gremlins in blue overalls which would climb out of the back of the toilet and hold up wooden signs that said "BUSY - CLEANING," then start scrubbing exactly when i flushed it. this terrified me for years, until i got chore-lists and found out they were small CHILDREN that had to clean the thing. -- and i was one of them!

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I used to have a huge fear of the public toilets you see dotted around on the pavement in the UK, the electronic ones where you put a 10p coin in when you want to use it and the door opens for you. It scared me witless when my mum told me that the floor tipped up to get rid of your wee after you left. I've only ever used one once since.

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I used to believe a crocodile god lived in the toilet. He was only awake at night. I was always nervous going at night, worried that I was disturbing him and he was going to come out and eat me. I always got off the toilet as quickly as possible and shut the lid before I flushed. I didn't even want to be around the toilet with the lid open.

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In junior school, I used to believe that I would die if I didn't get out of the door before the towel machine clicked after you'd pulled out a fresh section.

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when i was little i found out Elvis Presly died on the toilet i was scared to use the toilet because i thought he would come up and pull me into the toilet.

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I had a very strange thing about toilets... when I was very young in my mother's exercise class, I was in the child care in the back by the bathrooms and one of the toilets got clogged, but instead of just quietly overflowing, it made this really loud noise and was squirting water everywhere. I thought it was a monster, and to make matters worse since I was the oldest kid there I had to go up in front of all the exercising ladies and tell the instructor about it while the child care lady tried to turn off the water. After that I was terrified of sitting on or standing next to a toilet when I flushed it, I'd stand up and step away, reach allll the way over to flush, and then run away. This was particularly difficult in bathroom stalls where the door opened inward.

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i was told that God could see you wherever you were... i figured that included when you were on the loo, and being a shy little thing, I didn't want God to see me on the loo... so I didn't go for two days!!!

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After seeing JAWS the film on TV when I was very young I was scared of visiting the toilet.

There is a young woman who gets killed at the start and I believed I'd see her arm in the toilet bowl.

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I believed that the sound of the toilet flushing was the devil, and so I make it out of the bathroom as soon as I could after flushing it, otherwise the devil would get me (I was Catholic, by the way- and am no longer).

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I used to be believe that, in public restrooms, when you flushed the toilet, the lights would go out (and you wouldn't be able to find the way out of the restroom, etc.). Then, one day, it happened. Seriously.

J. Bush
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I have always thought, and more than likely will always think that something is going to get me when I sit down to use the toilet.

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