fear of
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top belief!
For about a year when I was little, I had to reach my hand in the toilet (not the water, just inside the bowl) to feel and make sure there wasn't an invisible monster in it before I could use it.
I once killed a big yucky spider and flushed it down the toilet. My friend told me that I shouldn't have done that because animals got mutated in the sewers and grew really big and could climb out and attack people. For years I did my nmber 1's and 2's in record time to minimise the danger. It was all I could do to contain the screaming....
There was a creepy old photo of my great-great-grandparents hanging on the wall in the hallway directly across from the bathroom in the house I grew up in. As my grandmother was convinced that I would "get up to mischief" (who knows what she thought I'd do) in any room with the door closed, I wasn't allowed to close the bathroom door. I'd pee or poo as quickly as I could, averting my eyes from the creepy old folks in the picture, then flush-n-run like a mad thing -- I thought the people in the creepy picture could see me in the bathroom and would kill me if they knew I knew they could...
My cousin told me that there was a creature in outhouses (we did a lot of camping) called the toilet Dracula that had a head like Dracula and the body of a snake. It would crawl up the hole in the toilet and bite you when you sat on it. I was horryfied for years.
It all started when I was little, but I have an irrational fear of the lid being off the tank of the toilet. I won't go near it if the lid is off. I still don't know why exactly....
I used to believe that i shouldn't hear the flushing sound of the toilet. Therefore for a while in my childhood, i kept running away immediately after i flushed the toilet. How about my hands... i always don't rememebr....
top belief!
I thought there was a beaver living in the toilet that would bite me if I wasn't ever vigilant.
I thought flushing the potty would flush me down there, also. Mama says I was almost 4 before I was trained.
i used to believe that there was something living in the loo and that when you flushed it, that 'thing' popped up. so i would flush the loo and run out of the bathroom as fast as i can. I still get scared(at the age of 18) when i flush the loo on an plane (i think its the noise it makes)
I once had a dream that this big scary gorilla came out of the toilet and chased me. After that, I was afraid it really would happen and was always putting the top down.
When I was 4 years old my older sister told me that there was a monster in the toilet and, whenever I flushed it the monster would come out to get me... I would flush it and run like there was no tomorrow(I thought that there wouldn't be if the monster got me!). That fear lasted until I was 5.
top belief!
Until i was about 6, i always was afriad the toilet would over flow when i flushed it. So i never would. Until my parents started to yell at me for it. So eachtime before I flushed it, I would close the lid, stand on it, and hope for the best. At times I would remain standing on the toilet lid for up to 10 minutes, just to make sure.
I used to believe untill I was seven that I can fall into the toilet while sittingand be flushed.I didn't realise that I was to big. Even my parents couldn't calm me.
I used to believe that there was a witch in the toilet who looked at my bum every time I went. Consequently I was always in a rush on the loo, and was terrified of flushing because that's when she could come out and grab me...
When I was little, my older cousin told me that there was a "Potty Monster" that lived in the toilet and would grab your bum if you flushed the toilet while you were still sitting on it.
The beach toilets I believed that monsters lived in them so i never used the toilets...I regreted that one time ...
I used to think that spiders lived under the toilet seat, and would crawl out from underneath and bite me in the behind while i was using the bathroom at night for waking them up.
a family member went around telling me that dead people came up through the toilets. So from then on I always thought that the people who died came up through the toilet when they wanted to. Especially when you were on it.
I used to believe that there was a vampire living in the S-bend of our toilet. He was only ever awake when I had to get up in the night to go to the loo (of course). He'd hear me come into the bathroom and poke his head up into the bowl. To get rid of him, I weed on him.
I used to have to hover over toilet seats after I saw the movie Gremlins because I thought one was going to bite me.
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