fear of
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My older sister told me [mind you I was in 3rd grade] that If I went to the bathroom a monster would come out of the toliet and try to pull me in or eat my butt. So whenever I would use the bathroom I would constantly lean up and check just to make sure no monsters were coming...lol :)
I used to believe that when you flushed the toilet, a GIANT UGLY SCARY sea monster would come out and eat me....this was because of the sewer gator..........EVIL GATOR!!!!!!
I used to beleive that the public toilets(that were really loud when u flushed), were always going to flood, and id be trapped inside the stall. So, for 3 years i would flush and run out as fast as i could.
i used to think that when you went to the bathroom after you flushed it a creature would come up from the toilet and eat you "waste" so i would run out of the bathroom the second i flused in fear of beinf eaten.
I used to beleive that if you flushed the toilet that it would explode and all the water would shoot out.
When I was in elementary school I thought whenever you flushed the toiled a monster would come out and get everyone at school. I only believed this at school, I guess because the "woosh" sound. So from grades 1-4 i would only go in the bathroom when no one was in there and then go to the bathroom and not flush. Or I would go to the bathroom, finish, open the door, flush the toilet and run like Hell!!!
I was terrified of using the toilet or taking a shower for the longest time because of the Goosebumps episode with the talking dummy. The reason: towards the end of teh show, the dummy was in the bathroom air duct and released some sort of green gas that made the person in there turn into a dummy.
Like many others with bathroom fears, I would perform many flush-and-runs until the age of 11, along with record breaking showers.
when i was little, ever since i saw the movie HOOK,
i thought that when I'd sit on the toilet, Captain Hook would poke me in the butt with his hook then drag me down there with him.
i used to believe that a huge monster came out of the loo and ate you if you stayed when it was flushing. i thought you were safe in the living room!
top belief!
When I was very little, my mom cleaned the bathroom once, and said that the floor contained poison, so that I wouldn't step on it. After she said that, I believed that if I ever inhaled in the bathroom, I was poisoned. So everythime I had to pee, I held my breath and did everything as quick as possible (i even kept the light out and hte door open!)
top belief!
i used to be afraid to flush the toilet because i thought that it would suck me down and i would never see my family again then i would have to live in a giant crap place with other kids who were sucked in the toilet
I used to think a giant kraken would come out of my toilet when I flushed and would drag me into the sewer so I ran out all the time.
I went to the circus once and I had to use the restroom, I was 9 years old at the time. The toilet was constantly flushing and I thought I would drop everything important into the toilet and it would be lost forever. I would have nightmares of dropping a picture of my Auntie in the toilet and it would be gone, or a fear of thinking I was going to throw it in the toilet against my will.
My sister and dad were talking about a movie where aliens come out of the toilet, so for like three years i would go to the bathroom really quick then I would flush the toilet then run down the hall to where I was safe
when i was young i used to be scared to death of my toilet.because i thaght one of the teenage mutan ninja turtles would grab my butt and pull me into the sueage! i was such a retard cause in the 2nd grade i found out they werent real
When I was little we had fish and when they died we would fluch them down the toilet. Evey time I went to the bath room I was scared that the fish were going to bite my butt, so I would go and then hurry up and jump off.
top belief!
I used to believe that if you didn't wash your hands after going to the bathroom, you couldn't leave the bathroom.
I used to believe that when I flushed the toilet, a monster would come out, so I washed my hands before I flushed, and right after I flushed, I ran out of the bathroom.
When I was little, I used to believe there was a monster down in the pipes that woke up when the toilet was flushed. I'd wash my hands first before going for the flush, then run as fast as I could for my room and LEAP onto my bed in case it had followed me- it couldn't be a very big monster, you see. I'd always wait until the sound of the toilet tank refilling finished, and scanned the floor suspiciously before getting back down.
When I was little, I thought that when you flushed, snakes would come out fo the toilet and try to grab you. I would brace myself, flush and run away to wash my hands in the kitchen.
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