fear of
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when i was little i was always terrified that i would fall down the toiliet and never be seen again so i ALWAYS remebered my name and my house and my phone # and my parents names so if i was flushed down the toileit i could shout them out and someone would either come rescue me or tell my parents i died.
when i was little i always went to the shitter with my teddy. one day when i was watching my waste go down the toilet i accidentaly dropped teddy into the bowl. i screamed as i watched teddy go round and round and finally disappear. i was so afriaid that next time i flushed id fall too and be sucked down the hole that i held my bodily functions for a week. lets just sat there were a few "accident" and by few i mean alot. my mom though i had memory loss and forgot toilet training.
I am in absolute shock that I'm not the only one who beleived a Vampire lived in the toilet! I have absolutely no idea where this beleif came from, but I used to run as fast as I could after I flushed because I thought the Vampire would wake up and get me!
When I was young I had phobias about everything, but especially when it came to flushing the toilet. I believed that flushing the toilet sent a signal to a witch who knew that you were alone in the bathroom and could come and snatch you up. Well, the bathroom on the first floor of our house was HUGE and it was quite a distance from the toilet to the door. More often that not, I wouldn't flush and just ran out. My brother and I fought over that for years, because he thought I was just gross and didn't understand I was terrified of the bathroom witch!!!
When I was in second grade my older sister told me she was learning about 'The Black Death' at school. She told me that people would die this horrible death because rats would bite them on their bottoms when they were squatting down 'going to the bathroom'... For YEARS I believed a rats would climb through the pipes and into the toilet and bite my butt!! I could never sit on it for very long without turning to check for rats.
To this day, I have a serious rodent phobia!
I used to believe that if you ate while going to the restroom, you would die.
I still belive that the toilet monster is real, and so I wash my hands before i go, then I flush and run with my ass hanging put then pull my pants up in my room.
I never watched horror movies so when a friend told me about It grabbing a little boy from inside the toilet I was terrified it would happen to me. The loud flushing public toilets made freaked me out and I would always try and get my hands clean and get out of there before he grabbed me. To make it worse my elementary school had a long gated hallway leading to the bathroom. I used to run down that hall imagining him coming to get me in his demon clown car. Sometimes flushing public toilets still scares me.
After watching "Jaws" (one of our more gullible babysitters let us do it), my youngest brother was convinced that sharks came up into toilets to eat the people sitting on them. The rest of us encouraged this phobia by humming the theme song every time he went into the bathroom. This eventually backfired on us: my mother made us go in the bathroom with him, b/c he was starting to get constipated.
I beleived that Dracula lived down the toilet and would bite my Bum. First I'd check that he wasn't there then I'd go as quickly as possible and finally I'd take great satisfaction flushing 'cause I knew he couldn't get me then. Going to the Loo was a real adventure!
I once thought that the toilet's flushing worked by creating a very small black hole. and if I didn't get out of the way fast enough, I would get hit with the Hawking radiation when i flushed the toilet.(I read a lot of scientific american and science news)
When I was little I used to think I should only go to the loo when I was really ready and not sit on the loo for too long as I thought a witch would come up the toilet and tickle my bum with her long nails if I sat for too long!
i used to believe that if i fell in the toilet i would turn into a goldfish and someone would flush me down the toilet. so i used to make my mom hold my hand whenver i went...in fear i would fall in
When I was a little girl I wouldn't go to the toilet at night because I was scared there would be someones head in it.
When i was about 7 i first went on plane and i got told to watch out for the toilets because they are loud and they suck you in if you stand to close to then so now 7 years later i still press the button and run as fast as i can and shut the door behind me just incase : )
I used to believe that when you flushed the toilet it would explode if you were near it. Everytime I flushed I ran down the hall screeming and running for my life...i fell once and that is how I learned the truth
When I was younger, I had a weird fear of using the toilet after certain people had done so. If relatives were visiting and a boy cousin who teased me was the last to go to the bathroom, even if I thought I'd burst for having to go so bad I'd hold it in. I'd dance around and when my mom questioned, "Why don't you go use the restroom?" the response was, "NO, YOU GO FIRST!" I remember I once begged her to go and use the toilet because I had to go "so badly". I said this as though it were the most logical thing in the world. She once got very angry with me in one of these situations and said, very sarcastically, "Well, you'll just have to go in your pants, then." Imagine her surprise when I looked up at her and said, "Okay. What now?"
My biggest fear of the toilet when I was younger was that if I ate something good like meat, it would exit my body, enter the toilet, and a crocodile would smell it and snap my bottom right off from underneath me.
I used to believe if I didn't leave the bathroom before the toilet was done flushing, a giant wolverine would come out of the toilet and murder me. This started when I was six and ended when I was ten. I have no idea where this came from
I used to belive that aligators lived in the sewer, so your poop and pee went to the sewer, so when you go to the bathroom an alligator would swim up the toilet and bite your buttt....i was scared to go to the bathroom for a looooong time lol
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