fear of
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When I was about six I heard that there were these spiders called black widows that hid under the loo seat who could bite you and you'd die in seconds! I used to check under the toilet seat for years after that.
I never realized blck widows only live in Austrailia!
When I was about five or six, I was at the video store with my mother and as she was browsing I accidently came across the horror section and saw the cover of the film - I think it was 'Ghoulies' or something, anyway it has a sharped toothed green gremlin type thing coming out of a toilet. I couldn't get the image out of my head - just from a video cover. For the six or seven years, I had a fear of going to the toilet at night. If it was really urgent I would have to go through a ritual of turning on the light and checking under the toilet seat, and then ensuring that the door was firmly closed when I was finished, so I couldn't be visited by any green monsters in my room. I was terrified. It took significant effort to shake the feeling of fear right up until about the age of fifteen, even after I'd realised it wasn't possible to have monsters in the toilet.
My sister was terrified after watching television commercials for a cleaning product called "Tidy Bowl". In the commercials, a tiny guy in a boat rowed around the toilet, cleaning the ring from the bowl at the water's edge. She feared that the "Tidy Bowl Man" would appear while she was on the commode.
I used to be afraid to go to the bathroom at night, because I was absolutely convinced that there was a man hiding behind the toilet with a gun who would shoot me if I went at night. My mother used to think that there was a man who lived in the toilet who would reach up and grab you at night. Surprisingly, we're both almost normal now.
When I was little my parents would send me out of the room if they were watching a scary movie. Whenever they did this I would always make up any excuse I could to go back out. Well one year I did this and I saw a part of some movie where the guy got his head cut off and then left in the toilet. It scared me so badly that I still sometimes check in the toilet for a head before I go to the bathroom! LOL
I saw a picture once of a very green python curled in a toilet bowl. I became convinced that snakes curl up in toilet bowls sometimes. To this day, I still can't sit on the toilet in the dark, just in case.
At night, after going to the toilet, a the Devil's disembodied hand would emerge out of the u-bend, using the deafening flush to hide the sound of it's scampering as it chased me up to my room. The hard part came when running up the stairs, since it could leap through the gap in the banister and grab my ankle, rendering me powerless to scream out and/or fight it off. I would only be safe once under the covers of my bed.
My step dad once told me of for going to the toilet when he had just cleaned it... he put bleach in, and said my ass would dissolve if i went to the toilet before it had been flushed five-six times... needless to say, i always flush repeatedly before i go to the loo after cleaning it!
My father had a poster (I'm sur eyou've all seen it) Of a giant ape climbing out of a toilet. Well my brother beleived that if he sat on the toilet too long an ape would come out and eat you. I beleived that if you fell in the toilet (we had big ones and it was very easy to do this when your 3) you would turn into an ape. Imagine my terror when my other brother who was about 10 tried to flush me down.
When I was a kid I beleived that Mirk McVeedy a fake serial killer made up by my uncle lived in the outhouse and would grab me when i was on the john.
I used to be scared of the ocean. This was because there were lobsters and jellyfish and seaweed. (all of those were way far out into the ocean) One day, I heard some one talking about how toilet water comes from the ocean. From that point up unil about 2 years ago, I was scared to use the toliet(especially when pooping) because I thought that a lobster would come up and pinch my butt off. Public bathrooms were worse! Since those toilets don't have lids, I couldn't stop the lobsters! Advise to people who still believe that: don't
My Grandma's cat died, and, for reasons I have yet to fathom, I thought she had put it down the toilet, and I thought that if I sat on the loo, the cat would come up and scratch my ass. For about a year I would never dare to sit on my Grandma's toilet seat, I'd just kind of hover above it and hope for the best.
When my sister was younger, we lived with our grandparents. Everytime my sister went to sit on the toilet, she was convinced that our grandfather - in blue, agitated, and sperm-like form - was swimming in the toilet, ready to bite her on the bum.
I used to believe that there was a child-eating witch in the toilet... The way it worked is: whenever a child flushes, the witch can come out of the water and attack. The only way to escape from her was to run to where other people were (she doesn't show herself to grownups)... The strangest part about it is that a few years ago I told a friend about it, and she said she feard the witch too...
When I was in first grade we watched a movie at school about volcanoes. For some reason, for about a month after seeing that movie I was absolutely convinced that lava would come up through the toilet if I took too long. I tried to go to the bathroom as quickly as possible & flush as quickly as possible to avoid the lava.
I had a friend who's older brother and sister told him that they use to have another brother named Mike but mommy and daddy didn't like and flushed him down the toilet and then up popped shawn!! Of course this little boy was scared everytime his older sibling would say "lets see if we can get Mike back!" as they grabbed him and headed for the bathroom.
i used to believe that little spiders lived in the toilet and whenever you went poop or pee it would kill the spiders. Whenever you just sat there on the toilet then they would come up and bite you and eat you up. Suprisingly im still alive. lol
i used to be terribly afraid that when i flushed the toilet late at night when nobody else was awake burglars would view the flushing of the toilet as their cue to come running up the stairs and frighten me.(i was terrified of burglars when i was younger.)
My Grandson is afraid to flush the toilet because he thinks that his poop will come alive and turn into Mr. Poo from Southpark.
I am totally serious, he is 8 years old and refuses to flush.
When i was young i saw a movie poster with a scary little monster in a toilet.It had such an impact that for years i would check the toliet for monsters before using it.Then look down the entire time to make sure nothing was there.
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