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When I was younger, my sister had a problem with flooding the toilet a lot. I was always scared that I would flood it, so I always shut the lid, washed my hands, and then flushed as I ran out of the bathroom - thinking that shutting the lid made it not flood. Even today I can't shake the habit of shutting the lid.

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I used to believe there was a toilet monster and it ate your poo and drank your pee bu if it didn't get enough to eat or drink it will eat you..........

so i fed the toilet monster doritos

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I don't quite know when it started, but I was scared that lobsters would bite my butt. I'm 23 now, and sometimes, if I'm using the bathroom in the middle of the night, and I'm half-asleep, I'll get really nervous and scared and think that lobsters are in the toilet bowl, and they're going to bite my butt.

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when i was little and kind of still do have this paranoia that when i go to the bathroom in an aquareum that some type of water creature is going to pop out of the toliet and bit me in my butt. i always make sure i have gone to the the bathroom before i visit an aquareium

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I used to be afraid to go in the public bathrooms with the automatic flushers because I thaught they would suddenly flush and suck me in, too!

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When I was very little I watched an episode of those funny video shows where they pulled a snake out of a toilet... this combined with my belief that all of the plumbing in the house and city and world was connected led me to believe that at any time, most likely when you're sitting on it, a snake or alligator of some sort could come up out of the toilet and bite your butt. And to think I made fun of my brother for thinking he'd get sucked down the drain in the tub.

Angry Sar
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For some reason at the school i went to growing up, we told all these scary stories about things that went on in the bathroom, not just the bloody mary urban myth, but looking back im pretty sure we made up alot on our own. There was so many of these scary stories that all my friends and i became terrified of being in the bathroom... as if you went in a certain stall or something that you would be brutally murdered by some guy that apparently "hid" in there. we all bought every story too. well, all of us sub-conciously decided (on our own) that when you flushed the toilet that was the peak of your vulnerability. (who knows? dont ask.) so i would always wash my hands first and then flush the toilet, and then sprint out of the bathroom. i wasnt the only one either.. some of my friends would have to go with other people and open the stall door before they flushed. who knows how we came up with this!?!?

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When I was younger I was deathly afraid of toilets. Whenever I flushed, I would run like the wind out of the bathroom-- without washing my hands. I would also leave the lights off in the bathroom so that I wouldn't wake up the "toilet monster." And at night, I would turn on one light, as far away from the room as possible, go to the bathroom, flush, then run like crazy, while trying to be completely silent, and rush to my bed. Then I would pretend to be asleep, because the toilet monster doesn't eat sleeping children. I also thought there was a big boss toilet monster, and he had lots of little... minions. And if you peed fast enough, the sides of the toilet would be too slippery for him to climb up. And then when you flushed the sound was him screaming as his got sucked into the drain like a black hole. To this day, if the toilet flushes loudly, I jump!

The Toilet Freak
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Umm anyone ever been in the horror section of Blockbuster and seen the cover of the cheesy horror movie called Ghoulies? Yeah, it wasn't so cheesy when I was a kid, and after I saw that you better believe my butt was hovering over that toilet for months. No way was I going to get attacked by the ghoulie in my toilet.

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When I was little my sister told me that if you sit in the toilet at midnight a hand would come up and grab your butt and pull you down the s bend. Needless to say I always waited until morning to pee.

J. W.
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I'm not sure where they originated, but when I was little I had a couple fears of the toilet. The first one I think came from partially noticing something playing on tv, but I thought the toilet would wait until I sat down and then suck me in and eat me, with the lid kind of making a mouth.

Another time I was convinced that there was a snake living down the toilet drain that would pop out once I was seated and couldn't see it. Sometimes the snake blended in with the hungry toilet idea and became a kind of tongue.

... Needless to say, I made a habit of going up to my mom and casually asking if she'd used the toilet each day, to make sure it wasn't in a hungry mood and that the snake wasn't around.

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I once had a toilet that ALWAYS flooded, so my family got a new one. I always thought it'd still flood, so I'd NEVER flush.

Mr. Potty
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I went to the circus once and I had to use the restroom, I was 9 years old at the time. The toilet was constantly flushing and I thought I would drop everything important into the toilet and it would be lost forever. I would have nightmares of dropping a picture of my Auntie in the toilet and it would be gone, or a fear of thinking I was going to throw it in the toilet against my will.

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When i was in grade four me and my friends believed that there was a man stuck in the toilet because when ever you would flush the toilet the "swoosh" sounds in the girls toilet kind of sounded like "helpoosh meeee"

So instead of using the bathroom we would have to hold it

story:But once my friend really needed to go so she ran into the boys bathroom!!!!

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When I was like 5 or 7 i thought that in public bathrooms while you went to the bathroom ghosts would surround your stall, and when you flushed it they would rush up and take you away (i'm not sure where). So always used to unlock the stall door before i flushed, not flush, or (rarely) not lock the door!

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When I was a child, our toilet was at the dark end of the house. For some inexplicable reason I thought that a puppet (Loobie Loo) from a popular children's pupet show - Andie Pandie - would grab me if I hadn't gotten away from the toilet before the flush finished.

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I used to believe there was an entire family living down the toilet and that they ate and drank what we put in the toilet, using the toilet paper as napkins.
I was fascinated by the thought - and terrified! I thought that if I flushed the toilet, I would anger them for some reason.
Most of the times, I would not flush, and the grown-ups got quite angry with me.

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I used to believe that if I spent too long peeing, germs from the toilet would travel back up the stream and make me sick.

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My sister told me that if you had sweetcorn in your poo, you had six months to live! I cried for weeks

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I used to think that snakes lived in the sewer and hung around in toilets, and that one day when I least expected it one would bite me on the butt. I was about 20 at the time. I have a horrible horrible fear of snakes and still look into the toilet before every sitting!

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