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You know how toilets always continue the flushing noise for around 10 secs after you flush it? I used to believe that if I didn't leave the bathroom before the toilet was done flushing, that I would grow a penis and turn into a boy.

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when i was about 7 i saw this weird programme about snakes and for some reason i associated it with toilets so for years afterwards i used to be petrified of the toilet flush thinking the noise would attract the snakes to come up from inside the toilet and bite my backside or something so id flush the loo and run out the toilet as fast as i could to escape -it wasnt till i was about 9 when i realised how ridiculous i was being so i decided to face my fear and one day i stayed next to the loo as i flushed it - it was really loud and as i didnt see any snakes i thought i must have scared them off with my new sense of bravery *sigh* they were the good old days...

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I was terrified of the wolf from never ending story, and the wolf from Lion, thw Witch and the wardrobe (I had a nightmare where he came out of a tap)
I started a game that when you flushed the toilet you would wake him up so you had to wash your hands and get out of there before it stopped flushing, then I started believing it...... Wierd thing is I told my sister recently and she did exactly the same thing.

Beware of the plumbing
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i used to think that every timei flushed the toilet the genie from the movie aladdin would come out.so every time i flushed i wouldrun away..this wenton for a couple years....

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Don't ask me how this belief got started, but I always feared the outhouses at the local campground. I was convinced that this was where lobsters lived and while you sat down to do your business, they would reach up and pinch your butt!

Leary of Lobsters...
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I used to believe that if I went to the bathroom during the night, a Wizard with long gray hair, a long pointed nose and very long fingernails would scratch me on my butt while I sat on the toilet.

JoEllen S.
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When I was around 7 or 8, I believed that a witch lived in the toilet. I have no idea where I picked this up. But anyways, I believed that this witch couldn't do anything until you flushed. So every time I would flush the toilet I would run like hell to the living room where I would be safe.

Robert B.
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in school some of the girls never went to the bathroom at school.(i learned later they had like a fear of public toliets or something.) back then i thought they done something to make the toilets mad and if they went in that the toilets would eat them. kinda like a toilet mob.

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When I was little, I used to believe there was a monster down in the pipes that woke up when the toilet was flushed. I'd wash my hands first before going for the flush, then run as fast as I could for my room and LEAP onto my bed in case it had followed me- it couldn't be a very big monster, you see. I'd always wait until the sound of the toilet tank refilling finished, and scanned the floor suspiciously before getting back down.

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I used to belevie if i flushed the toilet in the last sstall at school three time in a row, an evil ghost would come out and bite you, and then you'd die when you turn 13!! My friend told me it happened to his great great grandpa!And I thought it was real

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When we were little my friend and I made up a story about a scary creature that lives in the toilet and would bite your bum if you would stay on it too long. We called it the 'Bum-biter'. I actually started to believe in its existence and was very scared to go to the bathroom after that. I was allready in highschool when I stopped believing in it.

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when i was about 5 i had this dream that if i didn't leave the bathroom after flushing the toilet a giant bird would smash through the window and eat my dad. I am now 17 and i still believe that...

big bird
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Whenever I flushed the toilet, particularly at night, I used to believe that a scary monster would come crawling out from the u-bend and chase after me and kill me, or something.

So consequently, I used to run like the wind as soon as I'd flushed the toilet and got back into my bed and pulled the covers over.

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When i was a child I had to be extremely careful when going to the toilet in small stalls. The reason for this was because I belived the toilet would attac me when I flushed it if I didn't ran out of the stall or kept eye contact with it. Pretty hard to do that with a toilet, you can imagine.

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When I was small I used to believe that a monster lived in the toilet and ate my poo. I thought that if I sat on the throne for too long it would bite my bum, so I never closed the door until I was about 10 I would jump off and sprint into the hall.

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I used to have a fear of nocturnal visits to the toilet after seeing a program about rats coming out of toilets at night. I will go now, but only with the light on and I sing loud to scare any rats away!

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I used to think that there was a monster who lived in the toilet, so I used to wait until the last minute, then rush, because if I spent too long on the toilet it would reach out and get me. (I even now worry about my husband spending so long in the bathroom!) Also, I had to run out of the room once I had flushed the toilet, as that's when it's most likely to get you and suck you in!

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I used to think that the gremlins would pull me into the potty and drown me and i always get up quickly after using the toilet at 14 years old

~Summer Dawn~
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i used to believe that when you went to sleep the time would all of a sudden change to the time that you wake up.

Woody (Scotland)
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I used to believe that there were lobsters in the toilet and if I didn't look they would come up and pinch me.

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