fear of
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When i was about 5 to 6 i believed that there was an eye down the plug hole of the bath and that it would eat you!
I used to beleive that if you flushed the toilet a masquarade of evil things (though i didnt know what) would pour out of walls mirrors and all other things you could think of! so id finish, open the door and flush... then id run like mad towards the living room (sometimes screaming all the way!)Everyone must have thought i was MAD!:)
I used to be scared of toilets that had black or brown seats, "half-seats" or, even worse, no seats at all. One time I was in the car coming back from a holiday with my step sisters and we all needed to get out and go to the toilet so we stopped at a caravan park, but I refused to go in to the toilets because I was scared of the colour of the seats. Another time I wet my pants at school because the toilets there had black seats.
I used to be terrified that E.T. lived in my bathroom cupboard and that a witch lived in my toilet. I also believed that if you took too long to flush, the witch would come up and pinch your butt.
once i told my sister that there was a toilet monster and that when she goes to the bathroom it drinks the pee and eats the poop but if you stayed too long it would come out and eat you.so now when she goes to the bathroom she runs out screaming after she flushes.
My grandfather was fastidious about keeping the toilet seat down (yeah, I know...odd for a guy...) and would give us a hard time if we left the lid up. He said it was 'cause rats come up out of the toilet and get into the house. I'm still not sure about that one? Anyone wannna confirm that??? I kept the lid down from then on, however.
When i was younger, i used to believe that there was snakes in the toilet that slithered through the pipes and would bite your butt when u were sitting on it!!! I would always make sure that i sat at the very edge of the toilet seat and would be so scared!!! When i was all done "doing what i had to do" i would stand as close to the toilet paper role as possible until i flushed!!!
When i was younger i would sometimes watch the show " Are you afraid of the dark?". I vividly remembered an episode where a monster come's out of the toilet. From then on i would run out if the bathroom after i flushed the toilet regadless of where i was.
i used to think that a giant snake would come out of the toilet when i flushed it. so for awhile i didn't flush the toilet until my mom told me that i had to. so i would flush it and then run out really quickly trying to escape to giant snake.
When I was a little girl I always was afraid of people watching me. I was so afraid of going to the bathroom because I believed that the people in the sewer would swim up into the toilet and see me pooping/peeing on them.
My brothers told me that if you flushed the toilet when you were still sitting on it that it would suck you into the pipes and you would come out in the ocean. They would come into the bathroom and try to flush it before I could stand up. I started to pee in the bushes outside instead.
I used to squat over the toilet because I thought a rat would crawl up from the sewage and bite my but and I would get rabies.
When i was about 9, i thought that because there were rats in the sewers a giant rat would climb up grab me then pull me down into the sewers through the toilet :(
i used to believe that something would come out of the toilet [preferrably mice] and bite my butt. i still have that problem when i use the bathroom. [and im 20]. lol.
When I was a kid, my cousin told me that if you sat on the toilet for too long at her house before or after you "did your business" a hand would come up and grab onto your butt. I still worry about that happening sometimes. I think it happened in a movie or something.
My sister told me once of a rat coming out of someone's toilet (dunno if it was true) but then I was afraid of a sewer rat coming out of the toilet and biting my butt when I was on the toilet. I also though that I wasn't safe from the rat until I was out of the bathroom and down the hall before the flush was completed. I was a weird little cretin.
When i was little i believed that if you still were sitting on the toilet seat when it flushed you would be grabbed by a monster that was in the sewers and you would die.
When I was little we had fish and when they died we would fluch them down the toilet. Evey time I went to the bath room I was scared that the fish were going to bite my butt, so I would go and then hurry up and jump off.
when i was young i used to be scared to death of my toilet.because i thaght one of the teenage mutan ninja turtles would grab my butt and pull me into the sueage! i was such a retard cause in the 2nd grade i found out they werent real
When I was about 3 until I was about 9 I thought that if I sat on the toilet a crab would come up and pinch both of my butt cheeks. After that I would take about 5 second bathroom breaks. Everyone was amazed how I would get out so fast!
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