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when i was about 7 or 8 i thought that when i flushed the toilet a huge monster will come out of he toothbrush drawer and take me into the toilet :(

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Ok, I still kind of believe this, but I am afraid of toilets. Ever since I was little, I somehow got the idea that a hog's head lived in the toilet. If you've ever heard of the story "Old Raw Head", thats who it was living in the toilets. I always thought that Old Raw Head would come out and get me. I also thought Chucky was in my shower. lol.

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My older brother told me that if i didn't get out of the bathroom quick enough when i flushed the toilet that the boogie man would come and get me. SO i used to flush and RUN!!!

Flower Girl
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When I was in the fourth grade my brother told me there was a monster in the toilet. So, for several months I would take Barbies and leave them on top of the toilet as sacrifices so the toilet monster wouldn't eat me while I was using the restroom. My mom would always follow me afterwards and put the Barbies back in my toybox; so, for a long time I thought the toilet monster was eating my sacrifices.

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When I was 3 I accidentally saw a part of "Little Shop of Horrors" it was the part where the plant ate this guy (dont really remember) I used to thing that a plant would come up out of the toilet and eat me.

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When I was young, I used to believe that all public toilets were dangerous because a detached mummy's hand would rise and pull me down the bowl, thanks to my nose-digging yet ironically germophobic aunt. Surprisingly enough, most of the time, the worry was not about dying in the toilet bowl, it was about getting grabbed by the bare butt and then getting poo and pee all myself as I died.

I'm fifteen now, and I still freak out when I have to enter an excessively dark public toilet.

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I used to worry that when i was on the toilet, a little submarine periscope would pop up and look at my bum! I'm still nervous about that sometimes and i'm 18!

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Around the age of five or six i used to beleive that as i was peeing in the toilet a single file of about 7 hooded and stooped monsters kind of like the ones from the film the dark crystal were travelling extremely fast around the world coming to get me and wouldn't stop until i had finished peeing, flushed and got out of the room as fast as i could. To this day it makes me nervous to be in a bathroom whilst the toilet is flushing. what a creepy little guy i was.

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I saw flies in the bathroom one day at my grandparents house,so i went too the toilet and started watching the carefully so they wouldn't fly down the toilet and touch or tickle me!

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I used to think a giant kraken would come out of my toilet when I flushed and would drag me into the sewer so I ran out all the time.

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When I was in elementary school I thought whenever you flushed the toiled a monster would come out and get everyone at school. I only believed this at school, I guess because the "woosh" sound. So from grades 1-4 i would only go in the bathroom when no one was in there and then go to the bathroom and not flush. Or I would go to the bathroom, finish, open the door, flush the toilet and run like Hell!!!

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I used to beleive that the public toilets(that were really loud when u flushed), were always going to flood, and id be trapped inside the stall. So, for 3 years i would flush and run out as fast as i could.

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i used to be afraid that every time i used an outhouse, a spider would crawl up through the hole and bite me on the butt. i was also afraid of getting bitten on the butt by a snake whenever i had to pee in the woods.

emma the toilet monster
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when i was little, i believed that after i went to the bathroom, i had to run out of the room before it was done flushing, so the toilet monster wouldn't get me and pull me down the drain.

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The beach toilets I believed that monsters lived in them so i never used the toilets...I regreted that one time ...

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i used to believe that there was something living in the loo and that when you flushed it, that 'thing' popped up. so i would flush the loo and run out of the bathroom as fast as i can. I still get scared(at the age of 18) when i flush the loo on an plane (i think its the noise it makes)

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I had a very strange thing about toilets... when I was very young in my mother's exercise class, I was in the child care in the back by the bathrooms and one of the toilets got clogged, but instead of just quietly overflowing, it made this really loud noise and was squirting water everywhere. I thought it was a monster, and to make matters worse since I was the oldest kid there I had to go up in front of all the exercising ladies and tell the instructor about it while the child care lady tried to turn off the water. After that I was terrified of sitting on or standing next to a toilet when I flushed it, I'd stand up and step away, reach allll the way over to flush, and then run away. This was particularly difficult in bathroom stalls where the door opened inward.

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I used to believe that if you didn't close the toilet lid after flushing, you would get sucked down into it.

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There was a time when I was around 8, where I read of some exotic spider in South America that hid in outhouse toilets and proceeded to deliver FESTERING DEATH through repeated noxiously poisonous bites to your exposed, turdy bottom. Regardless to the truth of this story, I have lived my life continually looking between my legs on the porcelain throne. I still do.

Ashton Sanderson
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My grandparents lived on an old farmhouse with no indoor plumbing. That meant late-night trips to the outhouse. With flashlight in hand, my mom would lead the way, with 7 children following closely behind. While my younger sister and I were taking our turn, I saw a spider crawling right beside me and I totally freaked out. I thought surely there were millions of spiders down in the "hole" (to which I thought there was no bottom), just waiting to swarm all over my bum and bite me. From that day on, a trip to Grandma's meant constipation for me, because no way in HELL was I going to sit that long on that stupid hole!

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