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I've always hated long-drop toilets. You know the ones - a deep hole in the ground with a toilet seat or plank over it, surrounded by a spider-infested shack? I was always scared spiders or other nasty creepy-crawlies (I live in NZ, so weta's were the worst) would come up and bite my bum. You'd think now I was all grown up I'd be ok, wouldn't you....... I still won't use long drops if I can help it.....

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when i am not well i see the toilet as being made of mince and having these huge eyes. i can never go to the toilet without seeing this horribe monster!!!!!!!!

pigtails fae ek
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When I was young I heard that alligators and mice could come up through the toilet.So I thought they would bite my butt if I wasn't quick enough.So I always left the door open so I could run!

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When I was about 4 or 5 years old, I was a bit scared of the bathroom because I thought that when I flushed the toilet, ghosts would come out of it. Because I thought ghosts came out of the toilet, I usually got up and ran out of the bathroom and stoped when I saw someone and I acted casual so people wouldn't find out.

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I used to believe that when I flushed the toilet, if I didn't get out of the bathroom fast enough, a black hole in the bathroom would suck me into the toilet.

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I was about 3, when my toilet overflowed right in front of me! I was so afraid that I regressed to using the plastic potty. I had nightmares for years of it overflowing, or getting sucked in. I was so afraid that I either wouldn't flush, or flush and run. Then when I was about 7 or 8 I actually rationalized in my dreams that the toilet wasn't an enemy, but a friend. To this day, I still feel anxiety if I have to unclog the commode, but I guess that's to be expected considering what happened.

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up until I was about 10, I believed that if you sat on the toilet too long, your intestines would fall into the toilet!

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I used to believe when I was about 4 that aligators lived in the sewer and when you had a poop they would swim up through the pipes and bite your bum. I always checked befour I sat down. I realised a few years later that they couldn't swim through the narrow pipes!

Ben Dover
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When I was young my older brother said that when the toilet flushed, a monster would awaken inside it..I then (for about 5 years) I flushed the toilet and ran away from it as fast as possible so the monster would get me...I still can't be in the bathroom when the toilet finishes flushing (I am 23!!)

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I used to get really scared when the toilet filled right up with water when too much toilet paper was in it, so much so, that I would run out and leave it like that for some unsuspecting bursting member of my family. To this day, when the toilet does that i really do "crap" myself (Pardon the Pun)

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When I was 5 our toilet once got clogged and it made a loud noise. When it was fixed I was so scared to use the toilet the next day because I believed that it would explode and kill me when I flushed it.

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i thought the gurgling toilets made(when flushed) was a monster sucking up the water, and if that didn't make him full, he would jump out and eat me!!!

for some reason i still belive this......how stupid is that!?!?

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When I was little, I used to believe that some creepy octopus would pop out of the toilet whenever I flushed it. So whenever I had to pee, I would flush the toilet ,and run out of the bathroom and into my room, jump onto my bed, and hide under the covers.

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I always go to the bathroom before I take a shower. WHen I was little, I was afraid that while I was climbing into the tub (the toilet was right nnext to the shower) that the devil would jump out and grab my but, or some evil turds would jump out and grab my but, so I would get in the shower as fast as I could. Sometimes I would fall, but that darn devil, or evil turd never got me. I was proud of that.

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my mum told me that in australia there where spiders that came up the toliet and killed you so for ages i used to try to go loo with my bum above the loo so lots of accidents appeared
my mum still tells the story
soooo embarressing

embarressed girl
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I used to believe that ghosts lived in an old apartment building in the toilet, and if I flushed the toilet they would get angry and attack me!

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When I was little, my sister (who is evil) convinced me that there was a monster in the toilet that sustained himself by eating poo. I was pretty much consistently constipated until I turned eight, when I thankfully awakened to the fact that she’d been putting me on.

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My brother told me that when you flushed the toilet, a hand came out and grabbed you. In a catalouge, there was a toy toilet, and if you pressed a button, a hand would come out. I was really scared of that (but my brother teased me about it) and I didn't flush the toilet for ages. Even now, I still run out of the toilet room really quickly when I flush the toilet (I am only 12, though)

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When i was young i was oddly nervous. Everytime i went to the bathroom the flush, i would get frightend(terrified) that i flushed my underpants down the toilet. I was SCARED!!

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I used to think that rapists put cameras through the toilet pipes and watched you while you peed! I always went to the bathroom really fast so that they couldn't see me and come to my house to take me away because I was a girl.

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