i used to believe

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I used to believe that if you used a toilet on a boat (a big boat like a M.V for example) that if you flushed it before you got off the seat that sea water would come up and squirt you! i was on an M.V once and I was afraid of being splashed by water but eventually my dad made me go to the wahsroom so i wouldn't wet my pants in the night.

internet freak
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when i was little i had only saw this one documentary thing on tv and it said that lots of people had baby alligators as pets, when they got too big they would flush them down the toilet...
whenever i had to use the toilet i would be too afraid that an alligator would come up through the pipe thing and bite my butt off it scared the shizz out of me!!

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every time i would flush my dead fish, i refused to use that toliet for a week after in free that the fish would come back up and bite my bum. the sad thing is i am still scared.

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that freddy cruger would grab my butt and pull me under while i was going to he bathroom and that chuckie would be in my bath tub

weird child
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how many of you remember the "tidy bowl man?" i was very afreid of that little man in the boat paddeling around in the toilet,not to mention crying when all the little scrubbing bubbles guys got washed dowm the drain.

geesh how lod was i ?
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1day i was at camp and i went to one of thoes portal potties (like the one that are deep like dugenos) and my friend was with me because i was scared becasue it was dark. She had said "get out" and i asked why and she said that there was a man living down there and he eats the poop and drinks the pee.
so from now on i would never have used thoes

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I used to believe that dead fish would dance around the toilet bowl after my older sister said they did, i never went to the toilet for days so she says.

Aaron "scared of horses" Dalgarno
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I used to believe monsters lived in our toilet, among them the aliens from Alien, Chewbacca, and E.T. The only thing that made it okay for me to go to the bathroom was to believge that Glinda the Good Witch lived down there too to protect me.

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Like a lot of children, I was scared of toilets flushing for some reason. One night I had somehow blocked up the toilet (I don't remember how, maybe I dropped an empty toilet roll in it). Anyway, my Mum was slightly annoyed & sent me on my way to bed while she unblocked it. I was terrified she would get sucked down & die so I went to my room & cried for half an hour.

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after i watched the movie gremlins...i always thought that there was a gremlin living in the toilet and that if u were there too long it would come up and bite ure butt lol

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When I was little I was not the kind of kid who asked their parents every question imaginable, I would figure out life's questions by myself. One of these questions was what the noise the toliet made when it flushed.

I figured that an evil witch and some goblins lived in the toilet. I believed that whenever the toilet was flushed that I had to shut the lid, turn out the light, run out of the bathroom, and slam the door shut all before the toilet stopped flushing. I thought that if I didn't then the evil witch would send her goblins to get me and they would cook me for dinner.

I don't know why I thought this but it scared the hell out of me for years.

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When I was little I had this fear of snakes living in the sewer. So I thought they could swim up into the toilet and bite you while you were sitting on it. So I always squatted above the toilet. I would never directly sit on the toilet seat.

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when i was about six i heard my dad reading a story from the newspaper to my mom.the story was about a man who got bit in the but by a snake while using a port-a-potty.this terified me so i came up with a plan.i would ad garlic to the toilet water to keep the snakes away from my butt (i was very confused with superstitions...VAMPIRES are killed by garlic) later that day i decided to try out my plan. i stole some garlic and put it in the toilet. and then my mom walked in. she started yelling at me and told me that couldn't happen in the city. but i thought the newspaper was like the modern day bible so i was still afraid to go to the bathroom. i rushed in the bathroom until about fith grade. i still rush sometimes and im in eigth grade!

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I was always afraid of toilets, for two reasons. The first reason was that toilets often go stopped up when I used them, and when I flushed the water would rise up to the top. I was always afraid that the toilet would just spray me with nasty water some time. I was also afraid that something would touch me if I stayed on the toilet too long.
I still open the door when I flush the toilet so that I can run in case it splashes.

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My favourite place to read was always whilst on the toilet. I could spend ages just sitting there and reading until one day a friend told me that if you sit on the toilet to long your rectum falls out. After that i wouldn't sit on the toilet for more than 5 minutes until one day my dad spent an hour shitting and with no side effects of rectum loss. My first thoughts were hooray more toilet time and my second was that my friend was a tossa.

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I used to think when you sat on the toilet a monster from the depths of the sewers would grap your private parts. I would pee as fast as I could then spaz out.

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I used to believe if you peed after someone else peed and didn't flush, the toilet would blow up. So I would have to flush the toilet before going, which lots of times ended in me peeing myself waiting for it to all go down.

not telling
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up until i was about 4 or 5 i apparently used to believe that a monster lived down the toilet. This, i think, ame from my brother, telling me that if i sat on the toilet for ages something would bite my bum...so i assumed that there was a monster down there.....It must have been hard for my mum to cope with it really.....

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I used to think whenever you flushed the toilet the toilet monster would chase me!!! And I would run every time I flushed. But when I was eight I realized there wasn't a toilet monster!!!

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I used to believe that when you flushed the toilet, a GIANT UGLY SCARY sea monster would come out and eat me....this was because of the sewer gator..........EVIL GATOR!!!!!!

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