fear of
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When I was in kindergarten I had to pee real bad so I went into the bathroom but suddenly my head was flooded with my fear of an ugly green monster with finger nails living in the toilet and would grab my genitals, I was so scared I ended up peeing in my pants.
someone told me that if u go to the bathroom on the toielt you would get sucked inn..
When i was younger i use to believe that everytime you flush the toliet a ghost would come out so everytime i flush the toliet i hurried and ran out of the bathroom!!
I believed snakes lived in the toilet... I hovered over the toilet so the snakes could not jump out and get me! I still hover unless I am at home on my safe, clean toilet.
i once beleved (still do a little)
that monsters were behind the mirrir
and if you flushed the toilet they'd come out and eat me . i know i know it's stupid.
i used to beliecve that if i stayed in the bathroom too long after the toilet flushed, then you would get sucked in it. i would run out of the bathroom, and after it was done flushingf, i would go back and wash my hands.
When the toilet flushed i used to think that a monster was going to jump out and eat me so whenever i went to the toilet i ran to my mom and gave her a hug!!
My grandmother used to tell me that if i wouldn't behave,she would flush me down the comode to deal with the potty monster.
I used to belive that there was a monster in the toilet and when I flushed he would wake up and attack, so I would flush and run. And the louder the worse it would be for me.
I used to belive that when i peed at night, a giant spider would jump in through the window and kill me.
I used 2 believe that every time i went to my grandads house if I used the toilet there was evil monkeys that followed me upstairs through the water pipes and if i flushed the toilet they would jump up and bite my bum!
IF my mum realise i hadnt flushed it she used to shut at me, so i flushed it and ran down stairs so fast!
When my mom was pregnant with my little brothers, I was always afraid of her using the toilet. You see, I had always believed she might poop the baby out on accident, because my mom wouldn't tell me where babies came out, but that it was near her butt. She finally had to explain to me that everything was safe, and that it was too early for her to have the baby anyways. *Sigh...*
When i was little i used to believe that (this was when i was extremely scared of spiders) if i sat down on the toilet a huge spider woud come up as soon as i sat down somehow, and jump on my bum and bite me!!!
Yes, Harry Potter got to me.
When I was in grade two or three, our class got to go to the second or third Harry Potter movie. That night, I was freaking that Voldemort would come and get me. So, when I went to the bathroom, I would go, wash my hands. Then I would flush, and run for my life.
Also, I used to think when I would be going, a monster you come up and grab my butt.
When I was little I was afraid of public toilets, esp. the ones at my school. I was terrified that when I flushed the toilet I would get sucked in, so after completing my businessI would have to pull up my pants, take a deep breath, hold the door open partially with one hand, and when I was ready carefully push down the handle and run as fast as possible out of the stall.
when i was about 4 i thought there was a witch in the toilet and that her sister was behind the towel on the wall. So i went as fast as i could didnt wash my hands, turn out the light, andi very rarly flushed. I still kinda belive it and im a little afraid to go at night.
When I was young, I used to believe that if I sat on the toilet for a long time, it would suck me in. Thankfully, it didn't;-)
i used to beleive when i was little that if i did not get out of the room before the toilet stopped flushing the toilet monster would come out and pull me down. i still like to get out before it stops
When I was little,my older brother told me a story.If I flushed the toilet,and didn't get out of the bathroom quick enough,an evil monster would drag me into the sewers.Every time I needed to use the restroom,I ran as soon as I flushed.
When i saw Sphen King's IT, I used to believe that IT would came out from the toilet and grabb you from your ass with his sharp claws and then he would swallow you to the depths of the toilet and there he would kill you.
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