fear of
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When I was little, I used to think Dr. Evil would come and bite my butt. When I got done, i would run out of there at lightning speed. When I was a little older, I thought the Bloody Mary would pop out of the mirror, and and attack me , and in her hand was a ciggarette. I was Strange.
When I was about 8 I used to think that when I would sit on the toilet a snake would come out of the toilet and bite my behinds.
I used to believe that rats would come out of the toilet when it was flushed late at night so i would run back to my bedroom quickly and rush getting back into bed.
i used to belief that when you go to toliet in the midnight,an ugly hand from commode will pull you down!
When I was about 4, I was afraid of toilets in public restrooms; the kind that work on water pressure instead of gravity, since they are so much louder. I associated them with showers, which were also scary. I had this idea that if you flushed one of those monsters, a giant collander would slide up over the bowl and turn it into a shower. You would not want to be in the room when that happened!
Later, when I was 10, my shrink asked me about my childhood fears, and I told him about the toilet fear. He made up a weird theory, which he insisted was fact. Once, he said, I had seen my mother naked, and noticed she didn't have a penis. Logically, this must have been because she accidentally flushed it down a toilet. Hence, my fear of toilets. (I rolled my eyes so hard I nearly sprained them.)
when i was about 5 my brother told me that there were twin brother alligators called Tweedle-dee and Tweedl-dum living in the sewers. he said there were friendly and some times come up form the toilet to visit people. let's just say i was terrified of sitting on toilets. i thought an alligator would bite me, so i would try to be as fast as i could. (this didn't help at all because i was already afaid of getting flushed so i would hit the flush lever thing and jump back as far away as i could)
my dad had me convinced for the longest time that there were such things as jackalopes (a dangers mosners that is a cross between a jack rabbit and an antalope) he even had a picture of one.
I used to believe that you had to put the toilet seat down before you flushed it. I used to think that if I saw the water being flushed down the toilet it was going to suck me down there as well!! Somehow lol!! And I'm still scared of those automatic flushers that you get in airports where you have to put your hand near it and the toilet flushes automatically, it really freaks me out!!
I used to think that when I flushed the toilet, as the water was swirling around, a puppet like boy/creature in a sailors suit was swirling up to GET me! and i had to run to a room with other people before it stopped flushing! :)
I used to think that if I didn't leave the bathroom after the toilet was done flushing, the toilet water would flood and there was a magic wall that prevented the water from going out of the room. Needless to say, I figured out that it wasn't true, but I was still in the habit of running away from the room before the flushing was stopped. Now I'm out of the habit.
i used to be afriad of sitting on the toilet while flushing it because i thought that snakes would come up and bite me in the ass.
I used to believe when I sat on the toilet if I sat for too long that a spider would come up and pull me in. So as you can guess I was terrified of going to the bathroom and had to hover and keep turning round to check whether it was coming.
I used to believe that when I flushed the toilet the lucky charms man would come out and eat me.
When I was little I used to believe that after I had been to the toilet, I had to get downstairs quickly before the flush stopped or the toilet monster would get me
My brother was horrified that he would get flushed down the little hole in the toilet, so my mom would hold him on the potty. She did this until he was 7 or 8!!
well, I used to be (and still am) a bacteriaphobic (meaning I'm afraid of germs). only back when I was little it was a lot worse than it is now. I used to be afraid of peeing in the toilet since little drops of water would flick back up and land on my feet or, even worse, the towel that hung right next to the toilet. Every time i used the toilet with the towel next to it, I would take a sanitizer spray and spray the entire towel. i know i'm strange
I used to believe that when you flushed the toilet, there was a guy behind the toilet and reached up and grabbed the bowel stuff.... for the longest time as soon as i flushed the toilet I would run out of the bathroom so he couldn't grab me by accident!
I used to believe that there were monsters in my toilet when I was a kid. I finally decided one day that they got lost in the sewer and were never seen again.
When I was little I always made sure i was completely done using the bathroom before I flushed the toilet so I could run out the second had done it...
The reason was that I had been watching too much television and believed that flushing the toilet would call the monster from this finnish children's show I loved.I kept imagining this "Hufsa"(as the monster was called) rising out of the toilet and following me around, turning everything on her path into ice. I was really scared.
whe ever i used the toliet i used to thik that after i flushed it an evli genie would come out and eat me so whenever i flushed the toilet i would run away scraming
when i was little, my older sister told me that ifi sat on the toilet i would get sucked in, i believed it and started going to the bathroom in the waste basket.
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