fear of
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I belived there was a monster that lived in the toilet bowl and when you flushed the toilet and night you woke him up and you had to run out of the bathroom quickly or he would get you!
when i watched a film called look who's talking and the boy sees the toliet come to life at the night(it is in some part of the film happens to the lil' boy!)well i used to think it would happen to me if i went and ended up nearly wetting the bed!
I used to believe if you didn't close the toilet after flushing an angry demon would come out and flush you down. I always slammed it down before flushing.
I used to be scared of toliets, so when I was about to set my buns on the seat, I would immediatly check the toliet to make sure a hand wouldn't pop out of it. After I had done my buisness, such as pooing, I was relieved to know that the hand wouldn't come out unless I had defeated it with my leftover crap.
One day we were driving from Fairbanks, Alaska to Anchorage and on the way there aren't very many gas stations so they have lots of portal potties along they way. When I was going to use it my brother told me that I should be careful because the raccoons might jump up and slash my behind so I have never used a portal potty since.
When I was younger I use to think that if i sat on the toilet, a giant alligator would bite my rump. It was quite embarassing when I got into my teens and was still afraid to sit on the tiolet.
I used to believe that there was an evil clown who lived in the toilets and came up and bit you if you sat on the toilet after you flushed.
When i was little (about6) i used to believe that if u dindt hurry when using the crapper, your poo would turn into a monster and take u to the sewer to kill u.
When I was 3 my cousin (she was like 22) took me to Subway, where her boyfriend worked. He was really nice, and offered me a cookie and some lemonade. I gladly took the offerings, and after gobbling them down, I had to use the restroom. Well, after I had flushed, and was beginning to was my hands, I realised the toilet was overflowing! I was freaked out, I thought I was going to drown, so I ran to the door. Unfortunatly, the door was jammed, and wouldn't open, so, I began to frantically beat it yelling "AMY.. AMY IT'S GONNA GET ME, AMY HELP!!!" She came running, but the door wouldn't open for her. She worked at it, and it opened, I jumped into her arms murmuring "Amy it was going to get me". -It is now 11 years later, and I am still afraid. I never shut the bathroom door completely, and I always run out of the bathroom at top speed, to return after the toilet is done running and wash my hands.
It was the most terrifying moment of my life.
I used to believe that a monster lived in the toilet and didn't like it when I flushed. So I literally ran from the bathroom every time I flushed so the monster wouldn't come out and eat me.
This is actually my brother's fear due to a dream of his. He dreamed once that he was sitting between a toilet and a wall in an old bathroom of a house we (my family) used to live in. He said that he was just sitting there and nothing was going on, until the toilet suddenly began attacking him. It was eating him up, limb by limb, and he said that no one would help him even though there were people in the room. It was a few weeks until he dared sit on a toilet for more than a few minutes in fear that dreaded toilet-monster would make a comeback. Poor brother. :p
i used to belive that when i went to the bathroom that all sorts of monsters would come up and pull me into the toilet. i still belive that for porter pottys.
whenever i went to the toilet, after i had finished i had to quickly jump up and open the door because if i didnt get out of the toilet before the flushing sound finished then aliens would come through the toilet pipes and get me. i also couldnt turn the light off before i had opened the door because of the same aliens :P
I was 15 and ALWAYS hated portapotties and nvr stuck around long enough to know much about them. so one day while driving back from the movies me and my parents and my best friend were luaghing about the movie whe i saw a portapotty and blurted out w/" eewww thats gross that portapotties not in the grass! were the hole at the bottom?!" my friend turned around luaghing cause i thought there was they dug a hole in the ground an placed the portapotty ovr it. she told me that the portapotty collected the waste and was later dumped. make sense now. i get the jokes now about flipping somebody ovr in them now.
When I was little I believed that a toilet monster was in my toilet. It was he who made that big FLUSH sound. So I always trapped him by putting the toilet seat down and then running out of the bathroom before the flushing noise stopped. Because of this, I rarely washed my hands, unless I was planning to wash them and then flush.
when I was in year 4 (age 7-8 for those of you not familiar with the british school system), some kid told me that if you went into the toilets, turned the lights off and said something like "I believe in St. Mary's Lighthouse" three times, a ghost would come out.
Of course, I believed him - I went in, turned the lights off and damn near shit myself, only managing a half-arsed "hello?" before I ran out of there.
i used to think that unless i got out of the bathroom before the toilet water stopped running a monster would come out and get me.
I often would watch (and still do) horror movies as a kid. They would scare the hell out of me and I hated going to the toilet in the middle of the night in case a werewolf/Freddy Krueger/Rex Harrison's character in Midnight Lace would get me.
I used to beleive that a vampire lived in my toilet.
I can never re-capture the same fear i had after i watched Critters far too young and then had to go to the toilet, i wasnt even in double figures and as i was going for a wee i was looking through my legs for this creature to come and drag me down to a certain death.. i looked so hard once i lost balance and fell in... and after a few drinks.. i find i still look now.
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