i used to believe

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I used to be deathly afraid of the toilet deodorizers in rest area bathrooms. If there was a little "stick" in the bowl, I wouldn't use it. Or, I'd have my mom hold me so my butt didn't touch the seat.... Whining the entire time.

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When i started school i went to the toilet and the i flushed it and it was really loud and i thought it was a dinosarer roaring so i never flush the toilet till i was in the 5th grade

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I used to believe that if you didn't get out of the bathroom and turn off the light before the toilet finished flushing at night (night meaning if I was already in bed), the whole room would flush down and you would die.
I'm still terrified to go to the bathroom at night.

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i used to belive that a shark would come up the drain and attack me whenever i flushed the toilet so i would always open the door and get ready to run before flushing.

Zoe :)
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I used to believe a crocodile god lived in the toilet. He was only awake at night. I was always nervous going at night, worried that I was disturbing him and he was going to come out and eat me. I always got off the toilet as quickly as possible and shut the lid before I flushed. I didn't even want to be around the toilet with the lid open.

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Some kid told me that the Cybermen from Doctor Who lived in drains, so I thought that if I was still in the toilet when when it finished flushing they would get me. Therefore, I had to sprint from the toilet down the hallway to the living room before the flushing stopped.

Thankfully I always made it in time.


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I used to believe that some big hairy hand would pop out of the toilet when i sat down to do a poo... That made me do it twice as quick and run..

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When i was younger i asked my mum where all the water in a toilet came from, and she told me it all came from the sea, i thought she literally meant that, and every time i had to do a number two, i would have both my legs and both my hands on the toilet seat raising as high as i could go, just so if a crab of shark came up the pipes it wouldn't pinch (crab) or eat (shark) me!!!

looking back at it i feel like a huge idiot!!!

Woody from scotland
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When I was younger, I was scared of going to the toilet, as I believed that an evil witch (dressed up in the traditional pointy hat and all) wuld rise up from the toilet (even tho I was sitting on it) and poke me in the bum with her wand and then cackle. Therefore, I wuld go as fast as I could and sprint out.

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As a kid I was terrified of E.T. Somehow I deduced that he was made out of poop so I thought when I flushed the toilet he would come out to get me.
I would run out of the room and hide under my covers until the toilet stopped making noise.

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i used to believe that if i sat on the toilet for too long, trees would grow out of my bum and i'd be stuck there

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In my younger days, combined with a SERIOUS fear of the dark, I used to believe there were flushy monsters. These would only come out at night after you flushed the toilet - when there was enough noise to cover your screams. Fortunately I had a process that kept me safe - first, turn on the bedside light, then turn on the bedroom light, walk down the hall to the bathroom and turn THAT light on, then finally turn on the hallway light. Hop on the pot, do your business, but BEFORE you flush the toilet, quickly turn the hall light off. Come back to the bathroom, and with one hand on the flusher and the other on the light switch, flip both at the same time and make a mad dash to the bedroom, flipping off the bedroom light as you passed. Hop into bed and cover everything but your eyes, then lay as silent as a rock... if nothing came to get you, it's safe to reach out an arm real quick and turn off the bedside light. This persisted for years, and is probably the reason I would occasionally wet the bed until I was seven!

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I used to believe that if you flushed the toilet, a monster would come up and eat me.
I got in trouble countless times for "forgetting" to flush.
Or I'd stand as far away from the toilet as I could before flushing, and if I made it onto my bed in time, my life would be spared.

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When I was young, I thought that there was a scorpion-like creature that lived in the toilet plumbing so I spent as little time possible sitting on the toilet.

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I used to believe that there was a control room behind every bathroom that had automatic toilets. People sat in there watching on TVs for people to finish using the bathroom and they would push the button to flush it from the control room. I was creeped out by this idea that I refused to use those kinds of toilets until I found out it was only a sensor.

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I used to believe that there was a witch in the toilet who looked at my bum every time I went. Consequently I was always in a rush on the loo, and was terrified of flushing because that's when she could come out and grab me...

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When I was a child, I thought if you were sat on the toilet, doing a 'number 2' and reading a magazine, if the magazine article had a photo of a celebrity looking out, then their face would appear in the toilet bowl beneath you looking at your bottom. Put me right off going to the toilet.

Weird, I know...

Harry Palmer
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After my dad read The Hobbit to us, when we were little, I thought that Gollum lived in the toilet.

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Heard the HOME TRUTHS broadcast this morning, and thought of my own 'toilet werewolf' (50's USA) My sister and I used to believe that if you didn't *quickly* wash hands, flush and vacate the WC FAST, after depositing, a huge werewolf/Chewbacca-like creature would shoot up and drag you down with it by clamping its giant jaws on your your bum. Still get a bit scared at the thought...

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when i was little i used to believe that crocodiles lived in sewage pipes and that they were swimming around under the toilets waiting for a snack!

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