fear of
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I used to think a monster watched me go to the toilet and after I flushed the chain it would come out and eat me.
Luckily it never did.
I used to think that if i sat on the toilet too long,a monster that resembles the one under the bed would reach his hand up the drain,grab me by the behind and pull me down through the toilet.
i used to believe that if i sat on the toilet for too long a monster would come out and bite my bum off...soo i used 2 do the toilet reeaally quickly and run out of the toilet.
i used to be scared of going to the bathroom by my self cuz i thought there would be a snake coming out from the toilet...!!! well i wouldn't blame me... the darn toilet had snake pictures on it!!
i always thought that the noise the toilet made was the sounds of a gorilla coming out of the toilet, so i would run out as fast as i could when i flushed. even after i knew that it wasn't, i still played the game.
When my second born son was about 3 and was potty training he dookie downed a huge long poo and he stood up and looked in the toilet and started crying really really hard. He yelled to his dad and I to come and make the sneak (he couldn't say snake) go away. He refused to go poo after that for the longest time because he thought snakes were in the toilet.
Until i was like 8 i thought if i flushed the toilet, the boogeyman would come up and kill me so everytime i went to the bathroom, i would flush it and run or make my brother stand in ther and flush it while i stood on the other side of the door.
When I was little I used to believe the toilet would suck me down if I didn't get off it immediatley after flushing it. As soon as I was done I would jump off the toilet and run out of the bathroom in fear of being sucked in.
one time, my dad and my mom were laughing, but i didn't know about what. so i asked them, and my mom said that she would tell me later. but then she left to do some errands, and i asked my dad what they were laughing about. he told me this story about this lady in new york who was at a party and went to the bathroom, and there was a poisonous snake and it bit her butt and she had to go to the hospital. i still check the toilets before i go!
i would not flush the tolit because i thought i would get sucked in.
I used to be really scared of going to the toilet and thourght that little purple alians would vaporise me in to goo.
I used to think that some kind of monster lived in the toilet and when you flushed, the monster would come out and consume you. I would just flush and run.
I remember when I was very young my parents watched growing pains on TV. In one particular episode one of the children made a home movie about the alligator in the sewer myth where the alligators would come up through the toilets and eat people while they were going to the bathroom.
For a long time afterward I was afraid of the alligators that would come up through the toilets to try and eat me.
I used to believe that flushing the toilet awoke monsters underneath the bathroom sink. Every time I went to the bathroom I would wait until the VERY last second and then quickly flush and run away.
When I was a little 5 or 6 year old, I wouldn't flush the toilet because I thought a monster would come up. When I got over that, I just used to flush and run away.
When I was little I saw the movie Look Whos talking no. There was a big toilet and it had teeth & talked! It was mean...I got so scared that my toilet was like that too that I stopped using the toilet @ night. !!!!!
When i was smaller i.e.6 or possibly 7 i had just been leaning about "Old Possums Book of Practical Cats" By T.S. Elliot and i had just finished learning about "Macavity the Mystery Cat" and untill i was 12 i used to think that because there was a small window above our toilet in our house quite high up that Macavity being a cat burgular and all would come through the window whils i was on the toilet and kill me.
i use to and still am scared to death of toliets....ever since i was a little girl...and i am now 18. my toilet at home is not as uncomfortable but at school they have sensored toliets and i have to talk myself down from freaking out...right after im done i jump as far from the toliet as possible before it goes off...closing my ears....its so scarry!! i hopw i don't have this toliet phobia forever...
i used to believe that when i flushed the woilet a withch would come out i used to run in fright after i flushed
I used to believe that if you flushed the toilet in a public bathroom a monster would jump out from inside it and gobble you up. I think I saw someone come out from a tiolet in a movie once.....
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