fear of
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when i wus 8 i had just learned about Fred Kreuger and i thougt if i went into the bathroom while the light was off, more thane once, taht he would come out of the toiledt and rip my face off. my mind is weird
I used to believe there was a evil spirit living in the toilet and would come and suck you in like a hurricane when nobody was looking
I used to be scared of flushing the toilet 'cause I thought there was a ghost in it. LOL
MY best friend used to belive that at night when she went to the washroom she would have to go as qickly as she can or elce something would come out and bite her. i thought she was jokeing so i started to laugh and she looked at me seriously and said " im not jokeing it's true." ever since then i can't look at her without laughing!
When I was 4 I was terriblily afraid of the sound of the toilet flushing I used to scream extremely loud, cover my ears and start singing or humming to myself so I wouldn't here it. The problem was eventually solved when my mom made me list to something called the "sounds of the toilet".
I'm better now but at the time it creep the crap out of me!
That monsters inhabited the toilet. After flushing I would sprint from the bathroom
In grade 2 or so my teacher told us about in some other country there were snakes that would go up the suer pipes and end up in peoples toilets, i was worried it happened here in Canada too, I didnt want a big poisonous snake to bite my butt and kill me! for weeks i wouldnt sit directly on the toilet, id just crouch over it.
When I was little I used to be afraid of sitting on a toilet because I thought a monster/elf/demon thing would rip my @$$ off when I was twelve I finally got rid of that fear I was a very wierd disturbed child
When I was young, I used to believe if I took too long using the bathroom, a green witch wearing all black would come up, and grab me and pull me down.
and also (after watching Nightmare on Elm Street movies) I believed that at night when I used the bathroom, when I flushed the toilet, it would wake up/summon freddie kruger to my bathroom and he'd kill me
I used to believe that whenever I flushed the toilet at night, ghost would come out of it, so whenever I flushed I had to run back to my room.
for a buncha years...i thought that when you flushed the toilet ghosts would fly out...hahaha..so id wash my hands and then id flush it and RUN TO MY ROOM!!! and close the door and be scared for hours!! then i'd come out and avoid the bathroom at all costs..
(difficult times i had then..)
i recall one afternoon i was at the mall with my twin brother and grandma. As it was i was always afraid that the escilator would eat me (this could be because my brother called it the alligator).One time he actually got me to ride it instead of the elivator and that one time it caught my shoe lase and scared me to death. later that night we got home and i walked into the bathroom and was doing my busness when my loving bro came in and turned off the light and told me that the alligater was goin to eat me, butt first. needless to say i sat on the potty screaming till my sister came up to calm me down.
that was nearly 10 years ago and to this day i still cannot walk into any bathroom without the lights on.
when i was little my brother told me that if i went to the bathroom by myself that the tidy bowl man would come out and eat me. so for a while after that i would make my mom come with me to the bathroom. i finally realized that it wasnt true a little while after that.
i used to belive that a monster wo7uld come out of the toilte when i flushed it until i was about 5
When I was about 4-6 I was scared of the toilet. When I watched the Amanda Show, I saw a girl go though the toilet.
one day i dropped the spray stuff that makes the room smell pretty in the toilet. I tried to get it out. My cousin flushed the toilet and my hand was in it. I haven't even used the big kids toilet, i use the potty trainer.!
For some reason, the sound of a flushing toilet always scared me more at night than in the daytime, so when I had to go to the bathroom at night, I'd either go without flushing, and promise myself I'd do it first thing in the morning, or flush it and run as fast as I could to my room!
I was affriad of Toliets when I was a kid cause everytime I had to flash the toliet it made a loud nose and the nose would make me go death if I did't cover my ears....
When i was small i used to wach oggi and the cocroches.
oggi goes to the bathroom and flushes hisself.today im scared to flush the toilet!
I used to believe that there was a bee in the toilet and it would sting u if u peed on it!
when i was 4 i used to think that when you flushed the toilet a monster would pop out, so i would leave the door open and when it flushed i would run away so the monster wouldn't get me!
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