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I used to think that there was a monster in the toilet and in ate your poo and drank your pee. The toilet paper was a napkin for the monster.

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When I was camping with girl scouts we always had a list of things to clean at camp (dishes,ect). One of the duties was to clean the toilets (which are actually out houses). The older members would tell us that if you were put on duty of cleaning the toilets on the last day, they would tie a rope to your stomache, and lower you in with a paint scraper. You would have to scrape off the sides of the out house and put everything into a bucket. Then dump the 'waste' by a tree to help it grow faster. EEW, disgusting, I know! I was so terrified the first time I heard this, I refused to go to the bathroom the whole weekend. That way if I had to clean the toilet, I could say "I never used the toilet, make someone else do it."

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a couple of years ago i had a strange imagination.
I used to think that when i flush my toilet 3 times in a row, some evil toilet demon would come out and dominate my bathroom xD

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when i was little i was scared of flushing the toylet. i diddnt think a monster was there or anything but i saw my dad trying to fix it once and it over flowed. from when i saw that i was scared that i was gonna do that.....actully when i ad my fear i did! what i did was that we diddnt have any t.p left so i used a whole box of tissues. so it over flowed and i started screeming and had to get my dad. after about a month of haveing someone flush for me or me flushing and running and hideing, my dad took me in the restroom and made me flush the toylet over and over till i wasnt scared. i was in there for like an hour!

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When i lived at my grandmothers house, her house was build in 1962, and her toilet was never changed, slime was everywhere, no windows in the bathroom. Well, when i was about 7 years old, when i go to the bathroom, its creepy dark, i turn on the light, and sometimes hope no monster will jump outta the toilet and chase me, so whew, i was even scared to get closer, but i had to poop really bad, so, when I lift the old toilet lid, my heart starts pounding, so before i lift the lead, i keep the door open so if a monster comes out, i can run for my life, so, i always hope there is no dead head floating in the toilet, so i open it shaking, and ... poop...then i flush the toilet while sitting, water sparked on my bum, ahhhhh!!!, i jumped and thought it was the head, so, i hurried and wiped my bum and ran for my life without turning the lights off or flushing the toilet... whew, needless to say, my grandmothers toilet never changed, and i never used it again.

Josh R.
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after i go to the toilet i unlock the door before flushing and open the door, i then flush the toilet and pracicly run out of the toilet into my room or down the stairs. im 16 and stil afriad of something comeing out of the toilet and chasing me

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My cousin was very good at making me believe things, so when i was like six he told me that when ever i flushed the toilet that mosters would come out and eat me because i disturbed theit peaceful waters. For two years i would flush the toilet and RUN as fast as i could out of the bathroom without washing my hands.

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I used 2 believe when you flushed the tiolet a snake wuld come up and bite your butt. So i wuld run out quick!

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I used to believe that the toilet was a beacon for aliens or monsters or something, during the night. During the day it was okay, but when I had to get up in the middle of the night to go pee, it was flush-and-RUN!

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when i was 6 i thought tarantula spiders could eat me so i had a fear of going to the toilet but sometimes i really need to go so i tried to pee real fast but i ended up peeing on the floor.

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I used to believe that alligators lived in the sewers, so i was afraid to go to the bathroom. I believed that a alligator would pop up from the toilet and bite me.

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When I was little, I used to think that when you flushed the toilet then if you didn't run away as fast as you possibly could and if you didn't close the door you would be eaten by a giant monster that lived in the toilet.

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you know how there is the boogy-man.......well i belived in the toilet-man (lol) and i had to open the door before i flushed so as soon as i flushed i had to run to the other toilet and the back so he had to follow me but was to slow (i repeted this 10 times) and mum said thats why i win the cross contry all the time !!!!!! heeheehee

toilet runner........
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When I was little I used ot believe there was a toilet monster that lived in my toilet, because I would always hear wierd noises while I went to the bathroom, and if he didn't like what you put down the toilet he would come up nd eat you, so whenever I went to the bathroom I would appologize to him out loud and my parents finally heard me and told me there wasn't a toilet monster. I was mad that they didn't tell me sooner.

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when i was little i thought that when the toilet flushed a monster was comein out of it 2 get me so i would open the door and strech my legs b4 i flushed so as soon as i flushed i could dart out the door b4 the monster got me! lol

Chelsey-who has survived the toilet monster!-
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When I was a kid I used to believe that crocodiles would swim up the toilet and bite my butt - crocodiles live in the sewers!

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I believed that this weird looking creature lived in the toilet.
For some reason it was like a black and green striped snake with glowing red eyes and wore a red cape. (I got this image from a show) Every time I used the toilet I would leap up after I wiped and sit on the lid when I flushed.

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When I was a kid I was afraid to use a pay toilet at the laundromat because I thought if you stayed in there too long, a giant pinball-type plunger would shove you out with you pants down around your ankles.

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When i was about 6 i used to believe that if the toilet stopped flushing before i left the bathroom it would come to life and eat me. i don't know where i got the idea from but when the lock got stuck on the door once and i couldn't get out, i cried and my mother had to come and pick the lock to get me out

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I was so scared of the flushing noise (especally at night) that I would rush out of the door as soon I has had pulled the chain. This was associated with a recurring dream (quite underserved!) about an aunt who once surprised a family Christmas party by bursting in unnanounced. As I hadn't seen her before (1947-ish) she seemed to assume an evil persona, though this was NOT the case, but for years aftereards I had recurrent dreams involving her as the villain.

PS: Not unassociated with another recurring recurrent dream in which a coal fire appeared as a blue flame *descending* from the chimney. I called it in my private language: "fire-blaze-up".

Richard GL56 9BZ UK
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