i used to believe

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i used to believe that every time i flushed the toilet then something scary would pop out of it if i didnt leave the bathroom in time. so i would flush the toilet and storm out of the bathroom.

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I always wondered where all he poop and pee went to.... I thought there a monster on the other ide that kept eating it, and I was afraid it might stick its hand down the pipe and pull me in the toilet!

Mr Stick
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When I was little we had a cabinet across from the toilet in our bathroom. I was scared spiders would crawl out from underneath it and bite me, so I always put my feet up on the cabinet every time I used the toilet. To this day I cannot use the toilet without propping my feet up on something.

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i used to be scared a monster would get me at my weakest,on the toilet.
And i still am...*shudders*...

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I always lived at the ground floor & the washroom window was a bit low than usual, I used to beleive that a long nailed baggar will grab me from it ask for alms. I was so terrified that I never went to the loo in the night & rarely when I became unbearable I pissed my bed & roll an empty glass by my bed side to make it seem that I had a water spill.
witty aint I.

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I used to have this irrational fear that a serial killer would crawl through the septic tanks and stab me repeatedly in the butt while I was on the toilet.

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I used to think that when i flushed the toilet a monster would come out of the pipes and grab me so after i flushed the toilet i would run like hell out of the bathroom ,convinced that the monster would get me if i didn't.

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I used to believe that a hand would come out of the toilet bowl, grab me and pull me into the toilet--so i would try to go to the bathroom as quickly as possible and check it often.

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Because my brother used to try and flush his (cloth) diapers, I spent 3 or 4 years being terrified of flushing the toilet... I'd wait until I was dressed again and poised to leap as far as possible out of the bathroom before I even reached for the handle!

Child at heart in OR
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I thought that when you sat on the toilet a snake would bite me.

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when I was young, I used to believe that If I go to the toilet, ghost appear at the night.
my friends tell me that the ghost ask me"which do you want red or white paper?" so I cant go to the toilet every night.

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When I was younger, I used to think that when I was going to the bathroom, a fish would leap out of the toilet and bite me on the bum!

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When i was in first grade a boy told me he used to afraid of robbers coming out of the toliet to get him. Since he old me that i was always scared to go to the bathroom and would do it fast and jump up as soon as i could!

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When I was old enough to start going to the bathroom on the toilet,I believed that if you sat on the toilet,or anywhere near it,you would get flushed down the toilet.

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ok this was actually my brother that did this but... when we were younger we watched the freddy crouger movies alot (i.e nightmare on Elm st. and so on..) and he would go to the bathroom and anytime he'd go pee he wouldnt flush the toilet when he was done but he'd go and open the door and run back to the toilet and flush it really fast and then run out of the bathroom shutting the light off behind him... he was afraid that freddy was gunna come out of the toilet when he flushed it and snatch his man parts off! lol but freddy couldnt come up if he pooped only pee cuz he didnt like the smell of the poop! wat and idiot!

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I was a terrible older sibling. When my brother was 4 and I was about 6, I told him, for no reason, that when he flushed the toilet he would wake up all the monsters in the house and they would come and get him. Later I saw him running from the bathroom after flushing, with his hands over his ears! I felt really bad at the time, but now, 13 years later, its really funny.

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when i was little i thought that toilets when u flushed them a toungue would come out and take u down to the suwer and drowd u so i told my friend and she thought so to so everytime we went 2 the bathroom till we were 10 we would flush the toilet and run as fast as we could!!!lol

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I used to think (when I was really young) that as soon as I flushed the toilet, a monster would come out of it and kill me. So I would always run really fast away from the toilet whenever I flushed it so they couldn't get me!

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idk y but i still SORTA believe this, that whenever i flush the toilet i have to run out to another room that has a light on in it (and if it doesnt have one theres no use) befor the toilet finishes flushing otherwise somthing rele rele rele bad would happen. who knows wat but it just freaks me out if i dont run out of there fast enough. i try to convince myself that its not true and i know it isnt but its still scccawwwyyy.....:-D

i know im a dork, right?
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I used to be scared to flush the toilet because i believed that when you did you woke up a giant crocodile and it would eat your legs, NOTHING ELSE!!!!!!!

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