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a family member went around telling me that dead people came up through the toilets. So from then on I always thought that the people who died came up through the toilet when they wanted to. Especially when you were on it.

Christine A.W.
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I believed alligators lived in toilets, and one apparently got hold of my sister.

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I used to believe that a family of vampires lived down our toilet. Whenever I went to the loo, I'd be feeding them, ie solids and liquids - use your imagination! - and that whenever I flushed the toilet, I had to be off the seat because they might bite my bum, and I was so scared of the loud flushing sound, I used to cover my ears and rush out of the bathroom - after washing my hands of course.

Turd Brain
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I used to be convinced that a pike would swim up the toilet and get me. I had to be shown the full workings of the toilet before i would sit down on it. Now I realise how stupid this was.... it's the rats coming up that scares me now.

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I used to believe (I was 6-7) that when you flushed the toilet you had to run out of the bathroom, spin around three times, look at a corner in the room and be very quiet because a tiny demon who lived in the toilet would otherwise get you for disturbing his sleep... I still can remember the expressions on my parents' faces :)

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When I was little, I overheard my parents talking about getting a new snake for the toilet. Little did I know this was a PART for the toilet!! I was petrified to take too long going to the bathroom, because the snake would come bite me!! Now I'm 19, and just confessed this to my mother. We have had so many laughs over that!!

young and gullible at the time!
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If anyone in my family found a spider in the house they would kill it and flush it down the toilet. I was always afriad one would not die then it would crawl up the toilet and into my bum. I wsa scared of the toilet until about age 9.

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up to the age of 12 i was totally n utterly convinced that at night when every1 was asleep n id get up to go to the toilet, sum1 wud attack ,e from behind - but theyd get my bum first! so, being the clever cookie i am, id hold my bum and run for it like there was no tomorrow! or i would back up against the wall and follow that sliding along to the safety of my room!

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Not long after my parents allowed me to see the movie Gremlins. (I begged for weeks, I was about six or seven...) I made up in my mind that when you flushed the toilet (these were the old style with like, what forty gallons of water in them) and were alone in the bathroom, that it set off an alarm. The evil Gremlins would come up through the toilet and get you. This being absurd because water was a problem for them in the movie. I cannot tell you how many un flushed toilets I left, or how many times I ran really fast from bathrooms!

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I was DEATHLY afraid of public toilets. I wouldn't use one even if I was about to poop my pants. I kept imagining that, when I went to flush, the toilet would burst and send up a litteral column of water (and also....well, do I really want to go there?)straight up to the ceiling at typhoon speeds, and it would flood the bathroom and I'd drown. (I have a fear of water/drowning in the first place.) Never mind that the bathrooms aren't watertight, never mind that water pressure (strangely, I knew all about water pressure even though I was quite young at the time) in sewage lines would never grow that large, never mind that had never heard about that happening before, never mind that other people used them just fine, I was convinced that public toilets were death traps. If I absolutely had to use one, I would flush and then run like crazy out the bathroom door. Needless to say, I got some strange looks at that.

Looking back, I think it has something to do with the loud flushing, a Flying Rhino Junior High cartoon episode (Where, you guessed it, a toilet explodes exactly like that, minus the...well, stuff), and the ability to hear the rushing water throughout the walls in the piping. I'm 13 and still am very reluctant to use a public toilet.

Daniel Muir
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I was scared that if I peed too much, the toilet would flood

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once, when i was 7, i went to an airport with my mom. i had to use the bathroom really bad, but as soon as i got in, it flushed on me. there were tons of people in the bathroom who heard me screaming. my mom explained that they were automatic toilets, but i still thought that they would eat me if they were tired of being pooped on.

One big Loser
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When I was smaller, my little brother loved to hold and look at bugs. Me and my other older siblings were scared of them... even my parents. So whenever a bug found its way into our house... we'd just get Taylor, who'd play with them, then flush them down the comode, laughing as they were sucked downward.

Ashamed and embarrased that little Taylor had an advantage over us older folk, we decided to scare him. He was still pretty young with a general fear of the toilet in means of what came out of it if he wasn't careful. So we all said with strait faces that he'd better watch out for the toilet.

Why? Because we said every bug he had flushed down the toilet (Quite many), they're ghosts would shoot out by the hundreds (Like the maggots on Bones), and shoot him sky-high off the toilet to kingdom come, all the while biting him on the butt at the same time.

Instead of fearing the bugs, Taylor improvised and while we were away, stuffed and flushed an infinate amount of Quilted Northern down the loo... probably trying to create a plug of some sort

Jokes on us... we "older folk" had to clean up the flood... and the "ghosts".

Mean Older sister
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when I was younger i was very paranoid at being shot. So when I'd go up the stairs into the dark I'd hold a pillow infront of my chest (like that'd help) and I was terrified of sitting on a toilet because I thought a man would shove his arm up the pipe and shoot my bum :P, man was I ever paranoid.

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When I was younger, I would never put my feet on the ground when I was on the toilet because I was afraid that ants would come and put potions on my feet to kill me. I was a disturbed child.

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I used to think that the sound of the toilet flushing was actually monsters roaring, ready to come get me because I did my business on their heads. To this day I still block my ears while I flush.

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When I was little I used to believe that every time you flushed the toilet, that a door at the end of the pipe would open and trolls would run up it and if you were still in the bathroom then they would get you. Whenever I flushed the toilet I always ran as fast as I could down the stairs and jumped down the last few so I was faster. When I twisted my ankle I was scared that I couldn't get out fast enough so I got loads of toilet paper and purposely blocked the toilet so that the trolls were stuck.

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I used to believe that if i didnt run fast enough out of the bathroom after flushing the toilet that it would explode.I always made it so i was never proven wrong.

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I used to think if I sat on the toilet for too long a hairy hand would come out from the hole at the bottom and pull me under.

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when i was little, i used to be terrified of the toilet. I was told if you sit there for too long, you get hemmrhoids. I wasnt sure what they were, so i imagined a long arm reaching out of the tolet and grabbing you and sucking you under, and leaving lots of tiny dots on your butt. I also thought that if you werent out of the bathroom by the time the toilet finished flushing something would come out of the filter part and yell at you, and you would never be able to go to the bathroom again.

Yeah, thats me
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