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I remember when I was young I'd always forget to flush the toilet. Then one day my day told me that if I dont flush it a giant poo monster would come out of the toilet and eat me.

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I used to believe that some sort of king lived in the toilets, both the flushing ones and the latrines. I thought that if I wasn't fast enough, he would grab my butt and force me to marry him with my pants around my knees, something that would be very embarassing. Although I knew that there's no-one in the toilet I was still afraid of falling into toilets, and had to be very fast when I used one, until I was about 17, maybe longer.

My psychologist usually tells me that I have an extremely vivid imagination, which normally is nice, like when I'm on a boat, I imagine a lot of gremlins partying pirate-style. The gremlins are happy and nice, cheering and climbing around on the boat. I'm 26 and never bored, although I don't always explain these things when people ask for the reason why I'm never bored...I still think I'm pretty normal.

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When I was a kid I used to believe that when you went to the bathroom on a plane or a bus and flushed, it just fell out on the road or in the sky.

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i can recall seeing a house with a sign "To Let" in the window and being very puzzled that it was a 'Toilet', but it took me years until i was about eight to figure it out. I still see the wrong idea on occasions today.

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I used to believe that if I went to the bathroom in the middle of the night, everyone in my house would get mad at me for flushing the toilet for the minor noises it made.

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I used to think that whenever you used the toilet, everything that was flushed went into the tank and I wondered how it could hold so much and why it didn't smell.

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when i was little i used to believe that little monsters lived in the toilet and when i was peeing and pooping that was me feeding them .

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When i was in about 3rd grade, i never washed my hands because i was afraid that the water would soak through my hands and go into my body and make me have to "go" again.

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When I was REALLY young and I went to the bathroom I would get lonely so I made up this little man named Mr. Pipes who lived inside the toilet paper holder. Every time I went to the bathroom I knocked on his "door" and while I was going to the bathroom he would keep me company. I used to think he looked like George Carlin!!! Mr. Pipes was so popular in my family, that when my little sister was born she would talk to himtoo LOL!!!!!!!!!

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When I was little I used to think that Bill Clinton (president at the time) was going to flush an alligator down the toilet and it would come up my toilet and bite me on the butt when I went to the bathroom. I was always afraid to sit all the way on the toilet and always kept checking to make sure no alligators were there.

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At my elementary school, my bus would always arrive after this other one, and we'd have to wait a few minutes while the kids in the one in front of us got off. Anyway, this one kid got to get off early, and when we asked the bus driver why, he said "He has to use the rest room." I had never heard it referred to as that before, so I thought he was tired and going to a room in which you actually rest, or take a nap. I had never been told about this room and was jealous.

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i used to believe that if u didnt have any toilet paper your supposed to go to your neighbors house and wipe with your hand.

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When I was little my dog would allways drink out of the toilet. I couldnt understand what a toilet was so I just thought it was like a drinking fountain. and sometimes I went in there and drank the water.

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I used to believe the sound of a flushing toilet was nearly identical to the 90210 theme.

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I never really knew a toliet got dirty until I was in my late teens.

My Mom was a real "clean freak" and she had a cloth in the bathroom that she would clean the toliet with 4 or 5 times a day.

I never really knew a toliet got dirty till my late teens when I lived at a friends house for a week and saw how filthy the toliet and bathroom had become by the end of the week.

Now that I live on my own I can sure appreciate all the hard work my Mom went through to keep those toliets clean.

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When I went to the bathroom in the middle of the night as a kid, I used to beleive if I flushed when the light wasn't on the toilet would over-flow and I'd drown!

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When I was little, i used to think of the toilet as my "pet". When I'd go to the bathroom I thought I was doing him a favor by feeding him and giving him a drink!

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Up until I was around 8 or 9 I sed to think that there were little men in the sewers that sould sift through your waste and try to find valueable things. These little men would also eat your waste after they didnt find anything. Some of the little men oud use shovels to get it to the others >.< God I was stupid!

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I used to believe that everything you flushed down the toilet ended up in "Hell".

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I've lived in block of flats whole my life. When I was child, I believed that when you flush the water with urines, it goes down to flush in the flat below yours, when they use it to flush the urine with which the water goes another one floor down, and so on till the ground floor, when it flowns off the house. I didn't even think where could feces go according to my theory...

Jurkin Park
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