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top belief!
i used to think that the flushing of the toilet sounded exactly like the theme music from sesame street. every time i flushed i would kinda hum along. i don't hear the similarity anymore, but every time i flush i'm reminded of my misguided musical mind.
top belief!
Once at a bowling alley, my friend and I (both females) needed to use the restroom. We were about 8 or 9 at the time and weren't really paying a lot of attention. So we go into the bathroom, do our business, and then washed our hands in the neat looking sinks, with bars of soap instead of those dispensers. Turns out we walked into the men's bathroom and used the urinals as sinks (complete with the neat waterfall effect) and the urinal cakes as soap. Didn't realize the mistake until YEARS later.
My toilet when I was little was the kind with one big hole and one small one. I used to think that the big one was for poo and the small one was for pee.
When we was younger me and my brother always got moaned at for not pulling the chain. When my brother was about 14/15 the area we were living in had bad weather and we had a powecut. My brother went to bathroom, did his thing came out and came back dowon stairs. " I didn't hear the chain go" my mum said, my brother replied with "It won't work duh" My mum looked puzzled "well the powers off". He thought that the chain ran of electricity! Me and mum still annoy him with it.
top belief!
I used to belive that the little black hole inside the toilet was a camera. so when i use the toilet i look at the toilet bowl and say "this isn't gonna be very preety so either turn off that camera or you asked for it!" unfortunately i still say that today...(even in public bathrooms)
i was in the toilets in the shopping centre the other day, when a mother and two lttle kids came in, and went into the stall. Obviously one kid had done his business and had gone to flush, and the mother had asked him to wait till his sister had done her business before he flushed. The kid asked why, and the mother replied, "because every time you flush the toilet, a fishie dies, and every time you use too much toilet paper a tree dies." I was somewhat traumatised, sitting in the next cubicle!!
i believed that if you sat on the toilet to long a monster would jump out and eat you, this came as a shock to my mum when i ran out of the bathroom tryin to pull my trousers up shouting 'it's goin to eat me, ah.'
top belief!
When i was young we had a toilet that didn't flush very well and my mum always told me to take a saucepan up there with me when I complained about it not working.
She meant that I should fill it with water and throw the water in the pan as I flushed to help. I didn't know this and for years used the handle to mash my number twos round the u-bend before returning the saucepan to the kitchen cupboard ready for dinner . . .
Nowadays there is always an empty vase in the bathroom to avoid any mis-understanding.
top belief!
i used to think toilets were small bath tubs for animals. so I found a frog and put it in the toilet and my grandma went in the bathroom I herd a scream and I laughed pretty hard when she carried the frog out of the bathroom!! but i was pretty young oops ;)
When I was young, I used to believe that the only toilet made for pooing was the one in my own house. I was so afraid to poo anywhere else, so I would hold it in until I go home for that reason only.
We had friends over one day and we could hear the toilet running. My husband asked our 7 year old daughter to go "jiggle the toilet". After a few minutes, my daughter hadn't returned so I went to see where she was. When I walked into the bathroom, my daughter was bent over the toliet, kind of hugging it and shaking. When I asked her what she was doing she said, "Daddy told me to jiggle the toilet."
top belief!
I thought that toilet paper was bread and by puting it it the toilet i was feeding the ducks at the bottem.
Until I was six or so I thought you were only supposed to use one square of toilet paper per time at the toilet. I would tear it off really carefully and sometimes separate the layers, to give me more surface area to wipe with. This worked only marginally well for piss, but for poop, it was almost impossible to wipe everything off! I must have been a stinky little child...
Sarilly when someone stuck your head is a toilet. I used to believe that a Sarilly was an candy and i asked all of my frineds if they can give me a sarilly
I used to believe (age 4 or 5) that you had to water the tile of the bathroom floor, like my mom watered the garden. I never really watered the floor but I would pretend :S
top belief!
When I was seven, we were at my parents friends house and the woman asked me if I wanted to "spend a penny" before going on a walk. I told her I couldn't because my purse was in the car....
When I was young, my mother explained to me that the water that you flushed down the toilet would end up in the ocean or a river. So, I started to think that when you flushed the toilet, the pee and poo floated down the pipes and out into a large body of water. (This is especially sad when you know that my father works in waste water treatment!)
top belief!
I used to believe that whenever I went into the restroom in public, everyone outside instantly stopped whatever they were doing and all paused to listen to the speakers which were placed all around the store so that everyone could listen to me in the bathroom. Of course, everyone went back to normal once I came from the bathroom.
One day, when I was about four or five, my aunt came to visit and after a while excused herself and said the was going to "the lavatory". I'd never heard it called that before, so immediately I put my shoes on and asked if I could go with her -I'd never been there before! *groan* I'm almost 22 now and it's still brought up at every family gathering...
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