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I believed that toilets were permenately in the ground, so naturally when my father removed our old toilet(to put in a new on) I thought he had to be the strongest man in the world (or out of this world?!)
I was helping my daughter go potty in a public restroom and my 2 year old son was also with us...he wandered off and when I caught him he was holding the 'sanitary cake' from a urinal...about to take a bite! He thought it was a big candy.
true story - I was helping my 3 year old just-potty-trained son go pee and when done he wanted me to turn on the sink faucet before flushing the toilet so he could "see the water from the toilet come out the sink"
top belief!
I had a roommate that believed (when she was a child) that there were people that worked in the "poopie factory" and they would clean the water. She thought they lived under the ground below the toliet, so she would flush letters and candy to them so they would not get lonely. She said the toilet was constantly clogged and her Dad always wondered why.
When I was little I used to think that a restroom was a place where you would sit down and rest. I imagined a luxurious room full of coutches, pillows, and blankets.
One time on a family trip to Disneyland, my mom asked us if anyone needed to go to the restroom. I was very tired- we had been walking around all day- so I said that i needed to go. I was very confused when my mom took me into the grungy bathroom and wondered where all the coutches were.
When i was six i used to think that when u flushed it would go to somebody else's toilet because when there was stuff in the toilet everybody said it wasn't them
top belief!
when i was about4 , my older sister told me that every time that you hear a toilet flushing,someone just, one day we went to the local theme park. we went near the porter potties and i heard a toilet flush. i started thinking about what my sister had told me . after about 11 flushes , i started crying. everyone was staring at me.i could not stop crying. i never told my mom why , but i did not visit another theme park till i was 6
I was 5 years old and nickelodeon was big that year. When I flushed the toilet I thought that the toilet sang ni-ni-nick-nick-na-nick-nick-nick nickelodeon. why?
I used to believe that the sound of the toilet flushing early in the morning would wake up our next door neighbor, so I'd always close the lid and pile towels on top of it to muffle the sound.
When i was little i used to think that your hair became brown if you didn't wash your hands properly after you had been to the toilet.
When I was 3, I really liked bathtime. But one night, my parents were watching this one show. I really wanted to take a bath. So, I took a bath in the toilet. I figured that since the tub and the toilet both had water in it, they were the same. I don't remember my parents' reaction when I walked into the room they were watching TV in in my mom's pink towel and told them that I was done with my bath.
I live with my grandparents i have since i was about 3 and i used to be scared to go to the bathroom in our house alone so i would make my grandpa stand outside the door because i was afraid a tonado would come out of the toilet i also thought i baby tornado lived in the shower and if i touched it or opened the shower door it would tell its mommy tornado and the mommy would kill me.....
top belief!
i used to believe that water was alive and called 'mickee', so every time i flushed a toilet, i would need to stand and watch the water leave down the hole while saying, 'bye mickee bye'. i also had a pacifier at this time named pacier. it fell out of my mouth into the toilet and mickee took it, so i started talking to the bath water instead.
when I was about 5 I loved the sailor moon show ... but whenever I used the toilet I had to finish wash my hands and then flush ... I also had to leave the restroom before it finished flushing because I was afraid that as soon as the flushing stopped the evil villain lady from ( I forget her name ) would rise out from the toilet and eat me if I was in there .
when my sister was little her goldfish was flushed down the drain. she loved it so much every time someone wasnt looking she would run to the bathroom and stick her hand in the toilet, and with all the kids in the house, none of them ever flushed the toilet, so every time we would catch her she would have crap all over her until all her close were stain with crap from the toilet
when i was a year old i taught my self how to use the poddy by using the kitty litter box, my parents were hippies and were proud of me for conserving water and didnt correct me till i was 8 years old.
When I was young I used to believe that to let signs were signs telling you that a toilet was nearby. I always wondered why they had forgotten the i until I was about 12 when I found out that to let meant that the place was available for renting.
Aged nine, I saw a comedy show on the TV which included a song, during which the singer sang "I'm going to sit on a quango". This line was accompanied by a picture of a toilet. As a result, for over a year I believed 'quango' was a slang word for a toilet.
i used to beleive that when you went poop that when you went to wipe your butt you would actsedently do it wrong
you would kill yourself so i had my mom
wipe my butt.
I used to believe that music came from toleits because once I went into the toilet and I heard mty mums CD player through the wall so that was what I prosumeed!
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