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Because I took so long to use the toilet, my parents convinced me that a 'man with a shovel' was waiting at the end of the pipeline to collect my deposit and was about to go for his dinner-break, so I better hurry up. Most times his dinner must have gone cold before I finished!
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After a very confusing explanation of sex and reproduction from my older brother (he was 11 and I was 9) I was convinced that babies could come out of your bum at any time. Therefore it was essential to check the toilet pan for babies before flushing.
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My friend told me once that when she was little she went to a public toilet and saw blood in the toilet. She ran out to tell her mother that she was convinced someone had been murdered and the body was hidden in the cupboard in the cubicle wall.
I used to believe that monsters lived in my toilet and they ate my poop and urine when i flushed the toilet.
as a kid, i told my brother that every time you flushed it costs 10 cents. this got him off the habit.
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I used to think that the 'vacancies' sign outside B&Bs / hotels meant that they had toilets (because of the vacant / engaged sign on public toilet doors!!) I never understood why anyone would go to a hotel with a 'no vacancies' sign.
My sister is 11 years younger than I am.... when she was four, I had her absolutely convinced that if you didn't replace the empty toilet paper roll with a new roll once you'd used the last of it, the police would come arrest you.
Once when she used all of the toilet paper and didn't put up a new roll, I pretended to call the police and turn her in, she cried for the rest of the day, waiting on the toiled paper police to come put her in jail.
She is 20 now, and I can still convince her of silly things like this.... still DO, too, lol!
On a trip out of the country as a teenager. one of the guys told a friend of mine that urinals were to be used to wash one's hair. Having never seen a urinal before, she believed him, and before the trip was over, she tried it out herself. That night at the group meeting, she excitedly told the leader, "Did you see the awesome gadgets they have in the bathrooms that can be used to wash your hair? They work so well." Needless to say, the leader had some explaining to do.
When I was young, I used to think that the sign "TO LET" was for toilet but for some reason the 'I' was missing.
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When I saw "WC" on a public toilet, I had no idea what it meant. The only thing I could think of was that it had something to do with W. C. Fields, so I decided that he must have invented the toilet, or something.
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When I was younger, my parents, sister and I went to the local diner, and when I went to the restroom, I came out and told my mom that there was a bathtub on the wall, little did I know at the time that it was actually a urinal.
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i used to think that if you flushed the toilet, whatever is inside would go out the shower because my dad always said not to flush when he was taking a shower
When my sister Julie (aka Tigger) was about 3 she & mom were visiting a neighbor. They had a new toilet sitting in the living room waiting to be installed. Well, it seems Julie needed to have a poo-poo, so she did just that...then wondered why it wouldn't flush!!! LOL!!!
As he went down the hallway toward the bathroom, my toddler son told his Internet-addict mother: "you'd better close that chat thingy because I'm fixin' to flush the toilet and it might mess it up."
The lid and seat were always up when my father left the bathroom. This observation, coupled with the obvious fact of men being larger than women (I hadn't yet noticed that rear ends do not follow this general rule), led to my entirely logical conclusion that men lifted the seat and sat on the rim of the toilet to poop, as the seat was too small for them. As I had never seen a man use a toilet, this belief stayed undisturbed in my mind for an embarassing number of years.
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When my son was about two, he liked to accompany me to the bathroom EVERY TIME I WENT. One time, I asked him if I could have some privacy, and I'm not sure where he got this idea, but he replied, "Sure!" and turned around, reaching under the sink for a sanitary napkin, which he handed me, so proud for being a terrific help. He still didn't leave the room.
I used to think if you sat on the same toilet as a boy you got pregnant. Therefore I would squat above the toilet anytime my male friends came over.
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I used to think that a manhole cover led down to this little room where three guys were playing cards. Then, when someone flushed the toilet, their turd would come down the delivery chute, a bell would ring, and the guys would argue about who's turn it was to take care of it.
When I was wee, my grandmother had me believe the Tidy Bowl Man (from the television commercials) lived in the toilet tank. (Not the bowl, this man was GOOD!) I never saw him, no matter how many times I looked in the tank.
top belief!
I used to believe that the spider in our loo ate big juicy strawberries. I brought it one every morning and when I went back in the strawberry was gone. This was when I was 5, I have now found out that my gran removed the strawberry every morning. Devastated!
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