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i used to sing on the toilet and i also believed that when i leaned forward really far and shut the lid on my back i turned into a bee.
and people think i'm weird nowadays
When my grandson was about 3 he used to believe if he threw up in the toilet he would get rid of his bad attitude.
I used to believe that if you peed in a toilet that already had pee in it then that would produce aids......i remember looking into the toilet that i peed in and thinking "there is definately aids in there"
I used to belive that little people actually lived in the place where the water of the toilet fills up. When someone went to the bathroom and pulled the lever, I imagined that the fisiological needs were sent to the place were the water filled up, and then, the little men would eat what someone had done in the toilet.
I was always convinced that the water tank in our bathroom would kill me, so I'd have to pee and flush the toilet, then run out the bathroom really quickly before it started to growl. Even now at 22, I'm terrified of all tanks that contain water and are raised of the ground. I can't even look inside a toilet cistern!!!
I was told that snakes travelled around in the plumbing and occasionally emerged from the toilet, and sometimes an unfortunate person would be sitting down there at the time.
As a child, I figured three things: One, that this was a ploy to stop me spending so much time in the bathroom; two, that it was hard luck for the snake to have to swim through all that mess, so who could blame it; and three, that it was obviously untrue, because how could a snake breathe underwater?
It was with mixed feelings some years later when I found out that this actually does happen.
When I was little I was convinced that Foxes lived down our toilet and if I sang really loudly they wouldnt attack me! Needless to say my parents used to dread me going to the loo if we had guests... God knows where I got that from...
When my sister was about four, and me and my cousin were seven and eight we thought my littlesister was a monster praying to her Gods when she was on the toilet, beacuse she was singing weird songs, and making weird sounds. Hehe, me and my cousin had a lot fun with that.
When I was a kid, I used to believe that there was a snake that lived in the toilet that would control when you had to use the bathroom. I assumed that if given the chance the snake would bite you and make you need to go to the bathroom in the most inoportune places. For example: on a highway with no rest stops. Therefore, I would spend as little time on the toilet as necesary.
When I was a kid, I was scared to death of using public bathrooms. For some reason, I had it in my head that all public bathrooms were just huge, dark holes in the ground that everyone had to squat or stand around. Being an extremely shy child, this idea scared me to death. Surprise bowel movements on trips to the grocery store with my mother often ended in her forcing me to use the restroom at the supermarket while I bawled crying, terrified of pooping in front of a group of people.
I used to believe that after I flushed the toilet it would go underground into these tubes underground where scientists would study it. I was so freaked out by these poop studying people I stopped flushing the toilet when I was 5. Luckily, I'm over that now.
When I was very small, I always wondered where the poop and the pee would go after you flushed it. My belief was that the feses or urine would just flow through pipes and come out of the rain gutters somewhere. The way I pictured it was that some homeless guy and his bloodhound were sitting on the sidewalk next to a rainpipe and whenever I flushed the toilet, it would come out next to the homeless guy and the bloodhound would just lick it up! |-P
When I was about 4 my friend told me that if you didn't cover up your poo with toilet roll, it would all fly out again. Then my mum saw me filling the toilet with toilet roll, and told me it would blow up if I put too much in.
I used to beleive that the water under the lid of the toilet was where our pee and poop went. Once it got filled up a parent would dump it and we'd start over again.
when i was little where my dad used to live there was a sewage works across the road. Me and my sister used to flush the toilet,quickly run across the road to the sewage works and watch to see If anything would happen lol
I once watched a tv show where a person won toilet water. everybody thought it was so nice and valuable, and i couldn't understand why you need to buy water to pour in the toilet, as there already is water in there! i figured out that it was some nice coloured water, but it still seemed strange to me.. later on i read on a bottle of perfume and i figured out the real meaning:D
since everyone flushed my fish down the toilet when i was younger i pictured it to lead right out to the middle of the sea...and that's where King Tritan obviously i could get in contact with him...i decided to write letters to the "King Tritan" and send them via tiolet...
well when i was just a little girl i had a dream that aliens told me to never pee in the toilet.. so for about a 3 or 4 days i peed in the bathtub but after that my mom told me how dumb i was and i peed in the toilet again.
I used to think tirds were monsters! Scary!
As a child, I knew that people always washed their hands after using the bathroom. However, I thought they just did it periodically, because their hands were getting dirty during the day-- like the way you had to wash your hands before lunch. The only reason they did it after using the bathroom was that they were right next to the basin and it was handy.
So... I never used to wash my hands if I was in the bathroom before breakfast, because I didn't see how they could have got dirty if I'd only been awake a few hours.
I was ill a *lot* as a child.
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