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This actually wasnt too long ago.
The Miami Airport washrooms had gone high tec when they introduced these "hands-free flushable toilets", that I didnt know about at the time....
Turns out that after using the facility all of a sudden it roared! I jumped out of the stall horrified, pointing out to my mom that the toilet had flushed itself. She laughed and said "thats because on the other side of the wall there are these men that watch you and wait for you to finish so they can flush the toilet."
...I'm amazed that for the longest time i actually believed that.
I believed basically everything my brother told me. Like, it was cool to stick a gummy bear in your nose. Well, that one failed when my dad had to take tweezers to my little nostril. Anyway, my brother also told me in order to get taller (and i was and am a short asian girl), when you're on the shitter, rest your upper body against your legs. Then push your body against your legs until they begin to shake and when they do, you're growing!
obviously, putting a phone in the toilet would cause the other person to get wet. it was very tempting, but i feared the mother's wrath.
top belief!
Until I was about 8 or 9, I thought that the "Eau de toilette" on perfume bottles meant that it lasted until the next time you went to the toilet. For this reason, I always went to the loo before spraying any, so that it would last as long as possible.
My sister and I used to believe that tiny people lived in the cistern of our toilet. We would pull out this little removable part (no idea what it's called!) and put our finger in. All the little bits of dirt we pulled out we thought were people and so we'd talk to them and then put them back in! We are now adults and laugh at the stupid things we used to believe (and that we didn't catch some strange disease).
I always believed that the toilets which had more than one hole in the bottom must be smart enough to separate your waste. Liquid to the front and solids to the back. I was too young and too certain to really think through why such a thing would be done.
top belief!
when i was a kid people used to tell me that "god" was everywhere and invisible. when i looked inside the toilet or inside a cup or inside a bucket, i would always see what looked to me like a reflection of a persons bottom (though it's really just the shadow of the sides of the toilet/bucket/cup/etc).... i thought that it was the reflection of god's bum and that he was sitting on all these things, especially the toilet, and i would feel guilty for sitting on the toilet as I believed I was "squashing god".
i thought when i flushed the toilet the people inside it were yelling at me0 0
I used to believe that when you went to the toilet, that there was this town that lived in the toilet who ordered foos. So if you went poo, then they'd me ordering a hamburger, if you went pee, it was sprite and if you had diarrhea it was dessert. And tha the toilet paper was the list of food they wanted. Then when you flushed it, the noise that the toilet makes was them saying Thank you.
I used to believe that when you used the washroom then flushed the toilet, there was a man that lived in the toilet and would have to swallow everything soo fast!! it's gross now that i think about it
when i was about 5 i went to the pool with my dad and brother. They both had to pee and my dad didn't wanna leave me alone so he took me in the guys toilet. It was the first time i had ever seen i guys toilet and i thought that the urinal was a special place just for guys to shower and that the deodrant blocks in the drain was public soap that they shared. I know it's gross but hey i was 5!
I used to believe that To let signs were Toilet signs with the i missing!
When I was little our toilet was a long way down the backyard and it was pretty scarey going out there!! But our Mum used to ask us to go the toilet for her - and it was always at night when it was cold and dark and of course we would run for our lives pee as fast as possible scream a lot and run back. We really believed we were doing it for her when all along it was just to get us to go to the toilet before going to bed!! Naughty Nan!!
When I was little I used to think my mum's bum would fall through the toilet seat, because her bum was bigger than mine
When I was seven, I overflowed the toilet and I ran to my dad crying hysterically cus I thought It would flood the whole earth and the world would come to an end.
When I was little, I always thought there was a camera inside those movement sensing flushers on public toilets and that there was someone in another room looking at you on a screen, flushing the toilet when you stood up.
I used to believe that when you flush something down the toilet then it would turn into a frog so i thought that was why there are so many frogs where i live (I live in the country)
top belief!
When I was a little girl, I was puzzled by why my father left the toilet seat up so often. Being not acquainted with the true reason men lift the toilet seat when using it, I came to the conclusion that since my father had a large butt (he happened to be a tad overweight at the time), the toilet seat was too small for him to use--thus, he had to lift the seat and use the wider rim of the toilet itself when using the bathroom. I mentioned this to my mother once, and she just stared at me, perplexed, then laughed and walked away without saying anything.
When I was little I once forgot to make sure my vest was lifted up when I was on the toilet, and of course made a mess of it! Ever since that day, somthing must have stuck in my head, because I started stripping off to just my socks when I was at home to make sure it never happened again.
i used to think that toilets were little white animals that ate our-ahem-waste and that flushing was them swallowing
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