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I used to beleve that the toliet was called the bog monster

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There was always this terrible musky smell in the bathrooms at my preschool. I decided the odor was from boys and leaves, and I called the smell "izzies."

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When I was little, (four to five) I would believe that some kind of monster (for some reason he was nice) would eat everything you put into the toilette, and for some reason, he really liked poop. So I'd talk to him while I was on the toilette and say "I'm pooping hard for you so you'll get full"

I also had an uneasy feeling like he would eat my butt if I didnt poop or pee enough.

Needless to say, I dont talk much to the monster in the toilette anymore. (Ok, maybe once in a while, to make sure I'm on his good side. =)

Dennis Kiper
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When I was about 5 I used to belive that the story of 'Mary and Joshep' they told me in sunday school was untrue because I I didn't know how they would go to the toilet. I realiosed a few years later that 'proper' toilets hadent even been invented then.

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When I was little I used to believe that when you flushed, a monster would eat what you "disposed" of. That leads to why The toilet makes noises. I thought the monster was saying," Thanks for the food!!!"

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My dad used to say that the rats in the sewer are having a party when he had a pee when he got drunk,cause there was alcohol in his pee. I believed it so much that every time he said it, I went and threw lots of peanuts and crips down the loo. Well, no party without nibbles..!!!! I was only about 4 or 5.

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You know how when you flush the toilet the handle rises back up again? Well when I was little I believed that was due to George the Ghost pulling it back up for me, so I'd always say "thank you" to him after flushing. I also believed that George felt like smooth fibreglass....I still have no idea where I got that from.....

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I was on a routine babysitting adventure, when my cousin comes out of the bathroom claiming the toilet was mad at him, therefore I had to wipe him to make the toilet happy again. I did this continually until he was about five. My suprise when his older brother, whom is eleven, tells me that he just made up the whole thing because he didn't want to wipe himself/

Beth, US
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When I was a little boy I used to watch those Toilet Duck ads where they would clean the inside of the toilet bowl. I used to throw bread crumbs into the bowl to feed the ducks.

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When I was like 3 I used to think if I put a towel over my head while I was on my little toilet, no one could see me.

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je croiyait quand j'etait petit que des betes me regardaient faire mes besoins et quand je fesaient kaka elles moraient alors je fesait kaka le plus souvent possible

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One time when I was14 and my little brother was 6 I convinced him that if he crawled in the toilet and I flushed it he would go down the pipes and meet the ninja turtles he was so obsessed with. I got grounded for like 3 months.

Mean Older Sister
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I used to think that a toilet was alive and that it only flushed when it was hungry. At my school there was constantly something gross or wierd in the toilet and that it didnt flush because it wasnt hungry or it didnt want to eat the gross stuff. And I thought that when toilets flooded it meant they had eaten something gross and were barfing it out.

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When I was in second grade, we had a substitute teacher who wanted to take everyone to that room where we could relieve our bodily functions. I thought she told us that she was going to take us to the laboratory, not the lavatory. To this day, I have nightmares of going to a laboratory to take a pee.

Steve W.
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When I was about 4 years old my Dad took my brother & me camping in a State Park. This was the first time I'd seen an outhouse. When I first went in I was shocked by the odor. It reminded me of a cow pasture in the hot summer sun. I thought I had discovered where cows go to the bathroom!

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There was a song I heard when I was about 7. It had the line about a ship sailing away '..on the last day of September'.

This bothered me. I took this to mean that the last day of September was the last day EVER and that the world would end. It upset me somewhat that nobody seemed all that bothered. I think it was August at the time, surely people should be doing something about this!!!

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I always wondered why the toilets of boys and girls were apart.I interperted that that they may have pink coloured walls,flowery cuboards and girly stuff.

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When I was little, I didn't understand why my mom told me to wash my hands after going to the bathroom - I honestly believed it was because toilet paper was somehow poisonous.

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When I was little I used to believe that the water closet on a standard household toilet is where all the excrement went. It always felt kinda odd sitting next to all that filth while you did your business, and you could not pay me enough to open the lid. It wasn't until my dad had to fix the floater that I found out how it worked... but even then I remember standing at the door of the bathroom inching forward to see what was inside.

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i used to belive that my toilet was a gateway to another dimension and when i was three (i was very small and skinny) i sat in the toilet and flushed my self and the water span me round and i was thinking "wow im going to another dimension". when i opened my eyes i was facing the other way and all i saw was white from the back of my toilet so i leaped out and grabbed some toilet paper and ran around my house spreading it everywhere so that i could "destroy the bad guys of the next dimension" until my dad stopped me and sent me to my room. I still wait for the right time to re-enter that dimension!

mairi-10 yrs old
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