i used to believe

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I used to believe that the blue water in the toilet was like blue cream soda. I never got the nerve to taste it, but I believed this until I was about 6. I also used to believe that if you sat on the toilet, and flushed it at the same time, the suction could suck you down into the toilet. To this day I still lift my bum off the toilet just a bit before flushing.....

Dore'-from Louisiana
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I use to believe that if you jumped down the toilet, you could get to a magical world(I was only 4 at the time). Anyway one day I climbed up onto the seat and jumped in feet first! It hurt and my feet got stuck.

I learned the hard way...
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When I first pooped in the working toilet, like not the little trainer ones. I flushed it and started crying, because I thought I accidentally pooped out all my internal organs and now they would be gone forever. I thought I would die the next time I had to poop or got hungry.

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Because I took so long to use the toilet, my parents convinced me that a 'man with a shovel' was waiting at the end of the pipeline to collect my deposit and was about to go for his dinner-break, so I better hurry up. Most times his dinner must have gone cold before I finished!

John H
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When I was younger, I named my toilet, Bernice or something similar to that. And every time I'd use it, I'd think that I was feeding her with my, you know. Heh, kinda nasty

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On the bathroom doors in the kindergarden room, there was a poster of a boy (for the boy's room) and a poster of a girl (for the girl's room) on each appropriate door. I used to think that if a girl went to the boy's bathroom (and vis-a-versa) she would change into a boy!

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I used to think that when I turned off the light in the downstairs toilet (not the upstairs) I had to be off the ground because it disapeared for a second. It started off as a game at first but I soon started to believe it.

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While going to the bathroom I accidentaly dropped my favorite Matchbox toy truck into the toilet. I believed that I could flush away the yellow water before I put my hand into the bowl to get the toy out. I was shocked when my beloved red truck disappeared down the drain.

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We used to have trouble with our toilet flushing. Alot of times it wouldn't go all the way down, so my step brother had my convinced that before you flushed the toilet, if you put the lid down, and told it "now if you go all the way down, I'll give you a nice pat on the back" that it would completely flush. And the freakiest part of it was that if I told the toilet that, it flushed properly, but if I forgot, it wouldn't. o_0

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I don't know if it is a belief but I remember when I first learned to use the "potty" that I imagined that the waste would be cartoon characters. Like a pooh in a top hat type of thing, and that these cartoon droppings were all collected in some place where they could go have a party.

none given
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I used to believe in that there was a monster that lived under the toilet that my poop and if I didn't feed it regularly, it would eat me.

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I used to believe that if I peed in my mothers toilet and if she hadn't flushed since she last peed that it would make a baby. I would go check afterward to see if a baby was growing there

philp coe
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I used to believe that whenever I used the toilet and flushed it, all my waste was eaten by the toilet. I thought that most toilets favored poop.

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A 'friend' of mine once told me, that if you if you flush the toilet after a number two, it would disappear from your toilet and end up in someone elses.

Naturally, I was nearly laughed out the room when I suggested this to my parents. I didn't get what all the laughing was about, until they explained it.

Naturally, I felt like a complete idiot, and didn't speak to this friend for weeks :P

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Up until about 2 years ago (I'm now 18) I always thought that urinal cakes were actually little doughnuts that were a favorite food of plumbers. I didn't know you stuck them in toilets!

Horn of the French
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I used to think that the toilet was a private swimming pool for myself. I later found out that pushing the button and sitting in it was not such a good idea.

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When we was younger me and my brother always got moaned at for not pulling the chain. When my brother was about 14/15 the area we were living in had bad weather and we had a powecut. My brother went to bathroom, did his thing came out and came back dowon stairs. " I didn't hear the chain go" my mum said, my brother replied with "It won't work duh" My mum looked puzzled "well the powers off". He thought that the chain ran of electricity! Me and mum still annoy him with it.

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When I was in 3rd grade, after eating lunch at our school my whole class would walk down the hallways to the bathroom and stop to let everyone go. I remember all of my female classmates going into the bathroom, and taking at least 15 minutes (or so it felt like.) Being a boy i could not understand why or how anyone could spend THAT long in a bathroom!! I then came to the conclusion that there must be some big, beautiful garden in the girls restroom. A garden complete with a big playground area and anything else that would cause these girls to spend that long in the restrooms.

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not my belief, but my little cousins. he's about 4 years old and the other day he asked his father if motorcycles were hatched. so apparently, he thinks that motorcycles are born in some way. haha

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When my sister Julie (aka Tigger) was about 3 she & mom were visiting a neighbor. They had a new toilet sitting in the living room waiting to be installed. Well, it seems Julie needed to have a poo-poo, so she did just that...then wondered why it wouldn't flush!!! LOL!!!

Tigger's little sister
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