i used to believe

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On a trip out of the country as a teenager. one of the guys told a friend of mine that urinals were to be used to wash one's hair. Having never seen a urinal before, she believed him, and before the trip was over, she tried it out herself. That night at the group meeting, she excitedly told the leader, "Did you see the awesome gadgets they have in the bathrooms that can be used to wash your hair? They work so well." Needless to say, the leader had some explaining to do.

Poor girl
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I used to believe that music came from toleits because once I went into the toilet and I heard mty mums CD player through the wall so that was what I prosumeed!

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When I went to camp a couple of years back, when I was about 9, there were two bathrooms, and on one of the bathroom doors it had a little sticker that said , "Toilet camera used for research only." So I told the entire cabin that if you didn't hurry up and do your business, the toilet camera would snap a picture of your butt!

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I used to believe that the automatic toilets were automatic because a little man sat in a booth behind the wall and when he saw you get up he would push a button and then flush the toilet for you but somethimes the toilet would flush with you on it or they wouldnt flush at all so ii would get up and yell at the little man for doingthat

maggie was mad
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i used to think that the toliet was a person and that you fed it poop and it drank pee and that farts were air fresherners...well anyways i used to make it talk to with the seat...."thank you adri for the yummeh food!" he would say XDDD and when ever it clogged i thought it would die and i would actually cry...

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I used to belive that down the toilet was dinosore land

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I used to think that rest rooms were rooms you could go to rest in if you were tired while shopping. I imagined that they had little cots in them.

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When I was little I used to believe that the toilet was a garbage so when I was 3 I flushed or tryed to flush a apple down the toilet. My dad had to get it out.

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Because as I child, everything you use is 'child-sized' or 'kid-friendly' ... I used to believe that the toilet seat was another 'kid-friendly' device, built to fit kid-sized bums.

Because mom and dad had larger bums than I did, I figured that they didn't use the toilet seat but had to sit on the cold-hard porcelin bowl.

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When I was a child my mom used to tell my little sister that if she didn't stop usuing so much toilet paper, the Tidy Bowl man would slap her on the butt. To this day I remember that and remind my sister about it. Fond memories.

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I had this really weird fear that when I flushed the toilet, somebody would come and kill me because the sound of the toilet would cover it all up. I don't know why I had this fear or where it originated.

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I never really knew a toliet got dirty until I was in my late teens.

My Mom was a real "clean freak" and she had a cloth in the bathroom that she would clean the toliet with 4 or 5 times a day.

I never really knew a toliet got dirty till my late teens when I lived at a friends house for a week and saw how filthy the toliet and bathroom had become by the end of the week.

Now that I live on my own I can sure appreciate all the hard work my Mom went through to keep those toliets clean.

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There was always this terrible musky smell in the bathrooms at my preschool. I decided the odor was from boys and leaves, and I called the smell "izzies."

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When I was little, I always thought there was a camera inside those movement sensing flushers on public toilets and that there was someone in another room looking at you on a screen, flushing the toilet when you stood up.

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I used to believe that if you jump in a toilet, they lead you to another dimension.

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I believed everytime the toilet flushed a wave broke on a beach

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i used to think that WC on public toilets meant Women's something, and i was always confused as to where the MC was.

will s
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My sister is 11 years younger than I am.... when she was four, I had her absolutely convinced that if you didn't replace the empty toilet paper roll with a new roll once you'd used the last of it, the police would come arrest you.
Once when she used all of the toilet paper and didn't put up a new roll, I pretended to call the police and turn her in, she cried for the rest of the day, waiting on the toiled paper police to come put her in jail.
She is 20 now, and I can still convince her of silly things like this.... still DO, too, lol!

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when i was about 5 and my sister was about 4, our mother had told us that after you went poop a little tidy bowl man in a canoe with oars would swim up to your poop, pick it up, and take it to his family. so my sister and i would always go to the bathroom then put the toilet seat down and stare into the cracks to see the little man. and unfortunately we never saw him. but now i am 15 and i know about sewage lines. lol

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i thought when you flushed, it went down to hell and that's what the devil fed the people in he..

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