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I used to think that the reason you should not flush the toilet when someone was in the shower was because what you flushed would come out of the shower head!
I used to think if i took too long on the toilet that a lobster or a snake would bite me!
When I was a kid they started putting the automatic toilets in public stores and restaurants, and when I would go to use them I would finish, pull up my pants, and try and get out the stall before it flushed, because I was afraid it would suck me down in it or a monster would grab me... The first few times I would scream, one of those times my mom was in the next stall and got freaked out. She still thinks it was a huge spider. Sometimes I still catch myself tryin to get outta the stall as fast as I can... lol
I used to believe that all the waste from the toilet was stored in the cystern
in the town I grew up in there was a row of about twenty houses that where divided into two flats for each house. The sign out the front of the estate said ''emergency flats". I believed that these were flats where the toilets where realy close to every room in the house, in case there was an 'emergency'!
Alright when i was little i went to the bathroom wierd. I saw that movie abotu the little ball creatures that come out of the toilet and decided that if I HAD to use the water closet, I would do it safely. I basically squatted, yes with my feet on the seat. Like i was doin squat excercises. Needless to say, aiming was hard, but I think I had relatively good aim. I remembered this cause somehwo someone aquirred a picture of me in my "ritual".
when I was about 5 I loved the sailor moon show ... but whenever I used the toilet I had to finish wash my hands and then flush ... I also had to leave the restroom before it finished flushing because I was afraid that as soon as the flushing stopped the evil villain lady from ( I forget her name ) would rise out from the toilet and eat me if I was in there .
I use to think that your tiolet was just a fast way of washing your clothes!! AHHHHHH! Until it swollen my favorite socks and the water over flood so I thought it was just mad at me and wanted to punish me by getting me wet !!! huh huh
We had friends over one day and we could hear the toilet running. My husband asked our 7 year old daughter to go "jiggle the toilet". After a few minutes, my daughter hadn't returned so I went to see where she was. When I walked into the bathroom, my daughter was bent over the toliet, kind of hugging it and shaking. When I asked her what she was doing she said, "Daddy told me to jiggle the toilet."
I used to think that when you flushed the toilet that it went to a building where worker people picked out the poop and other things that went down the toilet and that was howthe water got cleaned
I used to believe that there were little people (who looked just like the Keebler elves) who lived in the toilet and drank pee and used poo as play-dough.Weird, huh?
I used to believe that if you peed in a toilet that already had pee in it then that would produce aids......i remember looking into the toilet that i peed in and thinking "there is definately aids in there"
I used to belive there was a 'toilet man' and fed him by flushing food down the toilet.
A girl in my third grade class went on trip to Disney World with her family. I don't remember exactly if it was at one of the parks, or at the airport, but when she was using the bathroom, she noticed that the toilet was flushing automatically, How did the toilet know when to flush? She thought that someone was watching through a camera in the wall, and for a while, I too believed that someone was watching us go to the bathroom in the process.
i used to think when you go to the toilet and your still sat on the toilet if you flush the chain when you are still sat down you would get flushed away
dont ask me why !
I used to think that when you flushed the toilet, what you were flushing went to the back part. I was scared to flush if there was a lot in there because it might explode on me and poop would go everywhere. Lol!!
when i was 6 or 7 i loved it when my mom would tell me scary stories from the ones she had seen so one night she ran out of stories but i begged she asked if i knew why the toilet howled (really it did)no she gave me this story about a boy falling in to a toilet and he lived there his name howly commadey and that he would grab me i belived this when we moved from that house when i was ten i laugh about it now GOOD STORY MOM
I used to believe that if I went to the bathroom in the middle of the night, everyone in my house would get mad at me for flushing the toilet for the minor noises it made.
I remember when I was young I'd always forget to flush the toilet. Then one day my day told me that if I dont flush it a giant poo monster would come out of the toilet and eat me.
when i was little my cousins told me that a dip stick was when you got a stick and went up to the toilet and dipped the stick in some poop then ate it. they pretended like it was the coolest but i never did it.
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