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When i was a little boy , i used to believe when i was on the toilett a ostrich arrived and pinch me
When my son was about 2 and a half, after he would go potty in the toilet, he would flush it and looking into the bowl and waving he'd say, "Bye poo poo, bye pee pee". Like they were a living part of his body. It sounds disgusting but it was really very cute and I love to remind him of it...every now and then. ;)
As he went down the hallway toward the bathroom, my toddler son told his Internet-addict mother: "you'd better close that chat thingy because I'm fixin' to flush the toilet and it might mess it up."
i used to believe that if u didnt have any toilet paper your supposed to go to your neighbors house and wipe with your hand.
I used to think that if I flushed the toilet several times in a row, I could make it overflow.
when i was young i thought toilets were monsters that ate and drank our cranp and piss!
Our bathroom was perfectly small and square and to entertain myself while using the potty, I'd shut the door, use the light switch to choose a 'floor,' sit down and convince myself I was on an elevator going up. When I was done, the elevator bell would ding, the door would open and I'd be magically at the floor I had selected.
I used to believe that 'to let' signs were advertising near by toilets!
Sarilly when someone stuck your head is a toilet. I used to believe that a Sarilly was an candy and i asked all of my frineds if they can give me a sarilly
When I was very small, I always wondered where the poop and the pee would go after you flushed it. My belief was that the feses or urine would just flow through pipes and come out of the rain gutters somewhere. The way I pictured it was that some homeless guy and his bloodhound were sitting on the sidewalk next to a rainpipe and whenever I flushed the toilet, it would come out next to the homeless guy and the bloodhound would just lick it up! |-P
I used to be believe that the Tidy Bowl man (from the commercials) really lived in the toilet, and I would look for him all the time.
I used to believe that when you flushed the toilet it went underground to a chamber.the liquid went off to your taps.There was a covier belt were all the solids went.sOME PEOPL LIVED DOWN THEIR AND COULD pick the things they wanted from the convier belt.I one dropped a mini torch down accidently and I thought someone would take it and use it.
When i was around 6 years old i believed that there was a restruant that served grinch people underneath my toilet. There was always a family with a spoiled little kid sitting down at a table right underneath my toilets pipes.They used to wait for "food" to plop out of the toilet and they'd fill up their cups with "drink".Sometimes if i was having trouble poo-ing i thought the little bratty kid would get impatient and stick his hand up the pipes! Naturally I learned to give them fast service.
I still actually do this. In fear of colgging the toilets, I cross my fingers and hold my breath. Hey, It works.
i thought when i flushed the toilet the people inside it were yelling at me0 0
i thought that some homeless man sat in my wall and the poop would go down through that little pipe into a bowl and the starving people would eat it and one day i took the stud finder and i went by the toilet because i thought it foud things behind the wall and it beeped right next to the toilet and i was terrafied and i used a different bathroom rom then on.
I used to beleve that the toliet was called the bog monster
je croiyait quand j'etait petit que des betes me regardaient faire mes besoins et quand je fesaient kaka elles moraient alors je fesait kaka le plus souvent possible
I used to belive that when you would flush a fish down the toilet they would go and live in a world of fish where they could go and do fish things without being tortured becuase they are different, but then i realized, that the fish werent going to a world of fish they were going to a world of sewer mutants that used them as slaves for their own sick purposes. STOP FISH SLAVERY!
i used to belive that when u flush a tolit and u were siting on it it would flush u down with the poop or peepee.
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