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One time when I was14 and my little brother was 6 I convinced him that if he crawled in the toilet and I flushed it he would go down the pipes and meet the ninja turtles he was so obsessed with. I got grounded for like 3 months.
I was always told not to flush the toilet when someone was in the shower. I thought it was because the toilet water came out of the shower. I cried so hard when my mum flushed the toilet while I was showering!
Any properties with a sign outside proclaiming "To-Let" where available to the passing public who needed to use the toilet.
A cousin, who was a few years older than me, once informed me that anything flushed down a toilet was stored in the tank on the back, then removed at night by a man who went around to each house and emptied the tanks with a vacuum cleaner. It was important, she warned me, that I should never go to the bathroom at night, lest I be caught there when the toilet man came and have my butt sucked off by the vacuum.
I was not convinced, but I knew that telling her she was wrong wouldn't go over well, so I don't know how long she went on believing that one.
I was 6 and bored while taking a bubble bath when I discovered to my amazement that the back lid on the toilet tank could come off. I thought I had discovered a secret compartment that nobody else in the world knew about, and I proceeded to put all my bath toys into the tank for safekeeping. Needless to say, my father wasn't as enthusiastic about my secret toy chest discovery when I told him about it.
I used to think that the pictures in the handicapped stalls meant that there was a bathroom inside the store. If I needed to use the bathroom when we pulled up to the store I'd think good they have a toilet in there.
I believed snakes lived at the other end of the toilet pipe, so I was always scared of using the toilet out of fear of them attacking me. I would go through this whole ritual of lifting the lid and peering inside, looking again before sitting, and looking between my legs while going. I'd always go as quickly as possible. Then I'd close the lid, flush and run away as fast as I could.
I believed my grandma was the only one in the whole wide world who had blue toilet water. I thought it was the coolest thing ever because snakes couldn't live in blue toilet water. I also loved the fact that when you peed, the water turned green. I would get so excited every time we went to Grandma's.
I went into the boy's bathroom one day in first grade (I'm a girl), and when I came out, a little boy told me, "This is the boy's room. You can't come in here."
So I told him, "You need to learn to share."
When i was little i used to believe that anything you flushed down the toilet would come back up with the new water. one day when i was three i told my mom i could go to the bathroom all by myself. she asked if i was sure i i said "of course i'm sure." She told me to change into my pajamas while i was in there. to test my theory, i flushed my favorite pajamas down the toilet (they were silk so the toilet didn't clog). i stared at the toilet for a while waiting for them to come back up but the only thing that came down(i later learned that water came down, not up) was new water. my mom asked what was taking so long and i ran out of the bathroom in my underwear crying and screaming "THE TOILET ATE MY PAJAMAS AND IT WON'T GIVE THEM BACK!!!" my mother quietly laughed at me and then explained how toilets actually worked.
I had two bathrooms upstairs and one downstairs. One of the bathroom upstairs is directly above the one downstairs. Than I had the most brilliant idea ever!!! I ran upstairs into the bathroom and flushed the toilet. In, let's say, "mid-flush", I screamed nonsense words into the toilet. Than I sprinted down stairs and down the hall into the downstairs bathroom. I sat there, leaning over the toilet with the lid wide open, staring into the water. Waiting. For my voice.
i used to belive that when i flushed a bug (dead or alive) down the toilet, the next time i went to the bathroom it would be there waiting for me to sit down and then it would crawl up and bite my butt.
so now everytime i kill a bug i stomp on it really hard and trow it out. but now im scared that if it doesn't die when i stomp on it it will crawl out of the garbage and come up to my room.
So, i just make my little sister kill the bugs now. She either throws it outside or she puts it in the next door neighbors garbage = )
I used to belive that if you sat on the toilet to long, and then flushed it,right after you flushed a mermaid would flip ot of your toilet and flip back in.
I used to believe, when I was a child, that the reason you couldn't eat on the toilet was because your body couldn't handle food going in as 'food' was coming out.
I beleived that if I cut out a toilet from a catalogue and very carefully cut the lid off it you would be able to see inside the toilet bowl.
When my son was about two, he liked to accompany me to the bathroom EVERY TIME I WENT. One time, I asked him if I could have some privacy, and I'm not sure where he got this idea, but he replied, "Sure!" and turned around, reaching under the sink for a sanitary napkin, which he handed me, so proud for being a terrific help. He still didn't leave the room.
Up untill the first year of grade school, I would always sit on the toilet, facing the tank, while taking a dump. If I sat the usual way on the toilet, I belived, there was a posibility of either transform into something non-human or my gender would change. I could not keep this up for long, however, for doing this required that I remove both my pants and shoes.
I used to believe that if I flushed the toilet before I showered, I would take a shower in dirty toilet water.
my friend told me that there was a lady who lived in the back of the toilet and the sound that came when you flush was actually a warning that she was coming and you had 5 sec. to leave before she ate you.
My first rememberable experiences with urinals began at school, and those were the long metal ones designed for multiple people to use at once.
So when we went out for dinner one night, I went to the toilet, and for the first time I remember, I saw individual ceramic urinals, never seeing these before, I assumed these 'smaller toilets' were for 'babies' and the toilet cubicles/stalls were for grown-ups.
Later in the night I returned to the toilet shocked to see my grown up uncle among other people using the 'baby's toilets', I persuaded my slightly younger cousin, who also had to use the toilet, to use use the 'normal' toilet like a grown-up.
Nowadays - I coincidentally never use urinals, not because I believe they are the 'baby's toilets', but because I much prefer to do my business in privacy - even though I stand up when doing so.
when I was little I used to believe the toilet was my dad's pet and if you didn't feed him, he would die.
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