i used to believe

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I used to think that the automatic tolets were controled by people who were looking at you through a camara.

jack irons
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I used to think that every time someone whent #2, it would go to a giant underground lad, where a bunch of sciantists would sit around analysing the poo. They analized it to find out what the person was thinking while they were on the toilet. I would always try to think clean, pure thoughts while I was going to the bathroom, so that I wouldn't be arrested.

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I used to think that in the bathroom at school if you found a special button in the last stall then you would get to enter this magic place full of candy with a castle and go there every day insted of school.
if only.............

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When I was in Kindergarten, I would only use cold water to wash my hands at school because, for whatever reason, I thought using warm water would cause a fire drill.

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When I was little I used to think that a restroom was a place where you would sit down and rest. I imagined a luxurious room full of coutches, pillows, and blankets.

One time on a family trip to Disneyland, my mom asked us if anyone needed to go to the restroom. I was very tired- we had been walking around all day- so I said that i needed to go. I was very confused when my mom took me into the grungy bathroom and wondered where all the coutches were.

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My Mom used to tell me that when I flushed the toilet, the "toilet farie" would magicly give me a dollar outside the bathroom door.
She would be standing outside the bathroom door kind of at the side and than when she heard it flush she would throw a dollar at the door and sneak away.

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When I was little, I didn't understand why my mom told me to wash my hands after going to the bathroom - I honestly believed it was because toilet paper was somehow poisonous.

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I convinced my brother that when I flushed the toilet all the contents of the toilet would come up into the tub if he didn't hold down the plug....he believed me too!

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Until I was six or so I thought you were only supposed to use one square of toilet paper per time at the toilet. I would tear it off really carefully and sometimes separate the layers, to give me more surface area to wipe with. This worked only marginally well for piss, but for poop, it was almost impossible to wipe everything off! I must have been a stinky little child...

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i used to think that in cuba there were no toilets. i thought that little machines would follow people around sucking up pee and poop.

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When I was about 5 I used to belive that the story of 'Mary and Joshep' they told me in sunday school was untrue because I I didn't know how they would go to the toilet. I realiosed a few years later that 'proper' toilets hadent even been invented then.

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When I was little I thought that when you flush the toilet it would come out of other bathroom pipes if they were turned on. I would never start to brush my teeth until after the toilet stopped making noise. To this day I can't brush my teeth or take a drink of water from the bathroom sink if I have just flushed the toilet.

Randi H.B.D.
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When I was about 10, I didn't want to use the same toilet as my little brother so I convinced him that there were hormones in the toilet, and that if he used it, he would turn into a girl (my mom was going through menopause at the time, and I was fascinated with her "hormone" medicine that she was taking). It worked, he never used that toilet!

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This actually wasnt too long ago.

The Miami Airport washrooms had gone high tec when they introduced these "hands-free flushable toilets", that I didnt know about at the time....

Turns out that after using the facility all of a sudden it roared! I jumped out of the stall horrified, pointing out to my mom that the toilet had flushed itself. She laughed and said "thats because on the other side of the wall there are these men that watch you and wait for you to finish so they can flush the toilet."

...I'm amazed that for the longest time i actually believed that.

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When I was a kid, I was scared to death of using public bathrooms. For some reason, I had it in my head that all public bathrooms were just huge, dark holes in the ground that everyone had to squat or stand around. Being an extremely shy child, this idea scared me to death. Surprise bowel movements on trips to the grocery store with my mother often ended in her forcing me to use the restroom at the supermarket while I bawled crying, terrified of pooping in front of a group of people.

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my mom told me my grandma had a pot belly. I thought it was from her laying on the toilet and flushing it, and the suction pulled her stomach out and it got stuck that way.

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There was a rumor that a girl was killed in the bathroom near the gym in our elemantary school. so if you went in there, you would be haunted and had a chance of being killed by her...i dont know why i believed it, but i always held it until after school.

spooky stuff, people
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I believed the urinals in port-o-potties were sinks.

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I used to think people had a "potty mouth" if they had been drinking out of the toilet.

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my primary school had a toilet labelled "invalid toilet" - i assumed it was "invalid" as in "not valid" rather than "disabled", so I thought it was just a broken toilet. For years I wondered why the school bothered to make a professional-looking sign for it, and why they didn't just fix the toilet.

incidentally, the school didn't have any disabled kids, so it was just used to store some cleaning equipment and a ladder - this just added further mystery for me when I took a peek inside.

Handsome B. Wonderful
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