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At my elementary school, my bus would always arrive after this other one, and we'd have to wait a few minutes while the kids in the one in front of us got off. Anyway, this one kid got to get off early, and when we asked the bus driver why, he said "He has to use the rest room." I had never heard it referred to as that before, so I thought he was tired and going to a room in which you actually rest, or take a nap. I had never been told about this room and was jealous.
I used to believe that when you flushed to toiley you were letting it drink the water in the toilet, but pee was better tasting. I thought when the toiley got thirsty it would send messages to your mind telling you to come pee.
I used to belive that if you dont wash your hands fast enough after flushing it will go all over your hands.
I also thought you had to sing twinkle twinkle little star, down the toilet so that the monsterous elfs will not eat you when your in bed the nest night.
I used to be so afraid that our house would catch on fire while I was going to the bathroom. So I had this whole system down of preparing the toilet paper while I went to the bathroom as fast as I could, so I wouldn't have to run outside to get away from the fire, with my pants down. I'd count the seconds of how long it took me to go, trying to break records of the longest and shortest time it took me to pee.
When I was little our toilet was a long way down the backyard and it was pretty scarey going out there!! But our Mum used to ask us to go the toilet for her - and it was always at night when it was cold and dark and of course we would run for our lives pee as fast as possible scream a lot and run back. We really believed we were doing it for her when all along it was just to get us to go to the toilet before going to bed!! Naughty Nan!!
When I was little I had heard about people having worms in their intestinal tracts, and I would get scared when I pooped that one would come out and bite me on the butt. Or that it would come out and try to go back in.
Once when I was about 5 I wanted to be grown-up lady so I used some of my mum's perfume. Howver, once I'd put loads on, I looked at the bottle and it said eau de toilette, and I thought that I'd used toilet cleaner! I was so scred that I started to cry, and when my mum asked what was wrong I had to lie!
When I was three or so, I believed that toilet fairies would come up out of the toilet late at night to get a drink in our bathroom. After my bath, I always insisted on leaving them a saucepan full of my bathwater, thinking they would appreciate the offering.
When I was a kid I would never use the stalls in public restroom which has air vents over them. I always believed there was a hidden camera in there watching my every move. To this day I still avoid those stalls.
i used to ask my mom how the toilet paper came on rolls and she said paper came from trees people rolled it on, so i assumed that there was a toilet paper tree in mexico and slaves were forced to pick the paper and roll it on to the cardboard tube thingys
Spray paint cans have marbles in them to help stir the paint when you shake them. When I was little, my dad used to cut the cans open and put the marbles in the toilet tank. For the longest time, I believed that if you went poo poo once a day, your toilet would produce these marbles for you to play with.
When I was little, i used to think of the toilet as my "pet". When I'd go to the bathroom I thought I was doing him a favor by feeding him and giving him a drink!
When i was about six, i went into the restroom one day and i saw the toilet seat up. I realized it was my brother, who was ten years older than me. I came to the conclusion that little kids sat on the toilet seat, but when they got older, their butts got bigger and they put the toilet seat up and sat right on the bowl.
I tried to sit on the bowl, but my butt fell in.
When I was little I was convinced that Foxes lived down our toilet and if I sang really loudly they wouldnt attack me! Needless to say my parents used to dread me going to the loo if we had guests... God knows where I got that from...
i used to sing on the toilet and i also believed that when i leaned forward really far and shut the lid on my back i turned into a bee.
and people think i'm weird nowadays
I used to believe that if you flushed something down the upstairs toilet it would come out the one downstairs. instead, i just clogged the toilet with a toy elephant.
I used to be so afraid of going to the bathroom because I thought a boa constrictor somehow got into our pipes and would come out of the toilet.
When I was younger I used to think snakes would hide in the plumbing of our toilet. So every time I sat on the toilet I would pause every 5 seconds to make sure that a snake wasn't about to bite me!
I used to pretend that the bathroom was a time machine and as soon as I sat on the toilet I would be transported to another place in time.
my mum grew up on a farm with a long-drop (ie no plumbing) toilet. a guy would come each week to replace the bucket that held all the toilet waste. anyway, my mum always thought the guy just came with a huge wooden spoon to scoop out all the poo etc and never changed the bucket. she thus thought this was the most disgusting job of all.
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