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When I was young, I used to believe that the only toilet made for pooing was the one in my own house. I was so afraid to poo anywhere else, so I would hold it in until I go home for that reason only.
I live in block of flats and as a child I believed that when the man above you flush the water in toilet, this water comes to your flush and then you use it, and so on till in the ground floor it finally goes out to sewages...
How good it does not really work in such a way - we live in 1st floor!
When I was little I used to think that there were monsters down in the ground below your toilet and when you flushed that was their food and drink. I thought when you just peed that they were getting their drink, and when you pooped that was their meal. I always said here comes your food when I flushed. I thought they were so grateful when they heared that flush.
You know how when you flush the toilet the handle rises back up again? Well when I was little I believed that was due to George the Ghost pulling it back up for me, so I'd always say "thank you" to him after flushing. I also believed that George felt like smooth fibreglass....I still have no idea where I got that from.....
I always believed that the toilets which had more than one hole in the bottom must be smart enough to separate your waste. Liquid to the front and solids to the back. I was too young and too certain to really think through why such a thing would be done.
My sister and I used to believe that tiny people lived in the cistern of our toilet. We would pull out this little removable part (no idea what it's called!) and put our finger in. All the little bits of dirt we pulled out we thought were people and so we'd talk to them and then put them back in! We are now adults and laugh at the stupid things we used to believe (and that we didn't catch some strange disease).
I use to beleive that there were monsters living in the piping and trying to climb out of my toilet and by pooing and putting toilet paper in the bowel I was effectively build a barricade and stoping them from getting into my house. I have no idea where this came from.
At my day care, we had one bathroom with three toilets in it. There were no stalls or anything, just three toilets right next to each other. Well, my best friend was a dude and so when I saw him peeing standing up I asked him why I couldn't do that too. He told me to try it and I did. Afterwards, when I had to explain to my teacher why my pants were wet, I told her it was because god was sexist and didn't let boys and girls pee the same way.
When I was a kid, my older brother told me that in Japan, they don't have toilet paper. Instead, they have a whole in the wall. You would wipe with your hand, and then stick your hand in the wall only for someone employed on the other side to hit your hand with a brick. This would make you stick the hamd in your mouth - all clean!
I believed this until I was about 12 when I was watching a travel show, showing a motel in Japan - with NORMAL toilets!! haha
I used to wait until the toilet tank was done filling entirely before I washed my hands because for some reason I thought that if I didn't, the contents of the toilet would come through the sink faucet and get my hands dirty.
i used to think that toilets were alive and would die if you never fed them
i fed them toilet paper pee and poo i once told my mom to feed the toilet before we left the house she had no clue .
"ashes to ashes, dust to dust, if it wasn't for your asshole your belly would bust!" This is what my non-religious father would say if asked to pray - talk about embarassing - but it also had me firmly convinced that not going to the restroom in a timely manner would make my belly get fat or even explode! So, yes, in my young and innocent mind all obese people really just needed a good bathroom break.
When I was a kid I overheard my Mom talking on the phone to her cousin. The cousin's husband apparently had to have hemorrhoid surgery, and I heard my Mom say it was caused by "staying on the toilet too long." The only thing I could figure out was that the poo made poison fumes that wafted up to his bottom and made a disease on it.
my youngest sister was obsessed with bathrooms when she was little. she would ask to go to the bathroom, no matter where we were, not because she had to go but so she could see what they looked like. we thought there was something really wrong with her...
she also liked to "teach" to "students" (her babydolls and stuffed animals) while sitting on the pot at our house when we were younger. my mom thought it was cute and even bought her some old textbooks from a yard sale for my sister to use... i think my mom even has some pictures... we still give my sister a hard time about it...
When i was about 6, i saw a bidet in a hotel bathroom. i asked my mum what it was for and she told me it was for people to wash the snow off their boots when they came in the winter. i realised the truth when i was 16!
I thought that batman and robin lived in the toilet and might possible see me peeing on them. I had to check the bowl for them before i could go.
When I was little, I used to play in the backyard a lot with my dog. It was a bother to come inside and do the whole toliet routine everytime I had to pee. The dog had it so easy...just squat and pee on the lawn. So one day I decided to give it a try. It didn't work as well; I ended up with wet shorts, and my mom thought I'd lost my mind.
i was in the toilets in the shopping centre the other day, when a mother and two lttle kids came in, and went into the stall. Obviously one kid had done his business and had gone to flush, and the mother had asked him to wait till his sister had done her business before he flushed. The kid asked why, and the mother replied, "because every time you flush the toilet, a fishie dies, and every time you use too much toilet paper a tree dies." I was somewhat traumatised, sitting in the next cubicle!!
i can recall seeing a house with a sign "To Let" in the window and being very puzzled that it was a 'Toilet', but it took me years until i was about eight to figure it out. I still see the wrong idea on occasions today.
I used to believe that you should never ever turn on the faucet in the bathroom sink right after flushing the toilet -- because the water going down the toilet would come out of the faucet! A similar belief held for drinking fountains located right outside of public restrooms.
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