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Well when i was at air ports I would always wonder what the other planes did Dad was in the military and said he went one upside down planes so I asked mom if that plane over there was an upside down plane (Pointing at the other porting station) She said yes and i was freaked from that day on!
When I saw a plane flying above me I started jumping and waving with my hands crying "Take me with you". I used to believe people would see me and take me with them.
My grandpa had a plane when I was very young. I used to get so bored when we flew. Finally one day, when boredom was mounting, I asked my grandma why grandpa never stopped to let me out and play.
My heart broke when I found out that you couldn't walk on clouds.
i used to believe that airplanes had special magic,cos anytime they fly high into the sky they always get smaller.
i always thought the passengers also shrink in size with the airplane when the plane is high in the sky.
when i was about 7 we were going abroard for the first time on holliday. this of course lead to thoughts of my first flight. i was convinced that while we were flighing i could open the window and put some cloud in a jar and keep it as a reminder of my first flight.
When I was a child, i used to believe that all aeroplanes were big when they were first made and that they reduced in size the more they flew. I didn't realise that planes were made in all different sizes.
top belief!
I pointed out a smoke trail to my older brother and asked him what it was. He told me it was an airplane. From then on, I refused to sit in the back of a plane, thinking that the plane would slowly evaporate into the air working from the back forward. I thought my best bet to arrive in one piece was to sit in the front. I still do!
I used to think that a company had boats all over the world making waves, and airplanes making clouds
top belief!
I used to believe that when you flushed the toilet on an airplane, it immediately dropped out of the bottom of the plane and onto whatever unsuspecting person there might have been on the ground below us. This caused me great concern, as I figured at any moment I may to be sucked out of the plane and fall to my death as well.
I used to believe that when you flew in an airplane, and looked down, you would see the states outlines just like on a map.
I thought the lines in the sky left behind by airplanes were "sky scrapers". Makes sense.
i used to think that aircraft carriers were a type of helicopter. when told that we were going to go on an aircraft carrier i was very dissapointed when i discovered that it was just a ship.
top belief!
I had a friend who told me that he used to think that the conveyor belt from which you collected your luggage at your destination was the same one that you put it on when you checked in. So presumably there must be an international network of conveyor belts either under the sea or up in the sky!
my mum once told me when i was about 6 or 7 yrs old, that if you were on an aeroplane an it was going to crash you had to put your slippers on and open the plane window , then hang one leg out of the window and you would get sucked out. i was terrified of flying for years after that and still think of it now when i have to go on a plane!! ( i`m 43 !!!)
top belief!
I used to believe that Concorde's nose was used to drink water with when it was thirsty.
This 'factoid' remained uncorrected in my 'mental fact archive' until the age of 20 when watching an airshow on the TV.
I remember seeing Concorde coming in to land with it's nose bent down and thinking "Ah - it'll be having a drink after it's landed.... EHHH???? WTF???"
Thanks Dad for telling me that when watching an airshow on the TV when I was 4......
When I was little, I believed that aeroplanes were sent into the air by giant slingshots.
The first time I went on an airplane, I overheard my parents saying something about being "bumped" when you flew on an airplane, and I heard them saying you got wherever you were going faster if you were bumped. That was about all I heard. I had no idea what being "bumped" meant, so naturally, I assumed that it meant you were, quite literally, bumped to your destination. I figured that you got on the plane, and the plane got on top of a big trampoline, and the plane bounced so high that when you landed, you wound up where you wanted to go. Either that, or your family got on a big trampoline (without any plane or anything to keep you safe) and bounced to your destination along a big, long trail of trampolines. I wasn't quite sure how that got you there faster, though.
I used to think that aeroplanes came to your house to pick you up.
When I was little I did not understand why people were afaid they would get hurt in a plane crash. I thought you could just jump out of the plane right before it hit the ground and walk away.
when i was little i used to think that when you were in the check in lounge waiting on the seats that you were actually on the plane!
i wandered why it never moved very fast!
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