i used to believe

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My mom gave me this book on Guardian Angels when I was young, and it mentioned how all the angels lived up in Heaven with God, on clouds. So on my first plane ride, I was six, I begged for the window seat. I was sitting next to my Mom when we were in the air and I looked out the window and only saw clouds. I asked my Mom, "Where are the angels?" She said, "They're invisible." A very new concept to me, I figured that pilots and passengers saw them all the time while flying.

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For a LONG time I believed my grandparents lived on plane in the sky. Everytime a plane would fly overhead (I live in NY- between LaGuardia airport & JFK), I would tell all my friends to wave to my grandparents in the air. The reason why I believe this for so long was my grandparents came to visit from Italy and when it was time to leave we accompanied them to the aitport. At the time you were able to walk them up to the gate, where you could literally see the plane they were boarding through a window. My parents would wait until the plane left, befire we would leave. As the plane would leave, my parents would say wave to grandma and grandpa. Hence the reason why for SO long I believed they loved on a plane! I did not quit understand where exactly they lived, since I had never visited!

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I use to believe that sky scrapers were those jets that left the "scrape marks " across the sky. Living near Manhatten, my folks would say to me and my brothers "look at the sky scrapers" and I'd look to the skys and get so fustrated when I couldn't find any...especially when my brothers would anounce that they were "RIGHT THERE, WHAT ARE YOU BLIND?"

Eric Johnson
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I always thought that when you go on an airplane to a different contry that there were hundreds of trap doors in the sky leading you to the contry that you wanted to go to.

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I had an Aunt and Uncle that were missionaries. We used to go to the airport a lot when I was younger to either see them fly into the States or back to Africa. I just though Africa was in the clouds and airplanes took them there.

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I use to believe when I saw an airplane in the sky my grandparents were on it and would see on the ground and wave hi. I would wave back and do that with all airplanes.

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One of the first times I flew on an aeroplane (when I was a toddler)... After seeing the safety video, introducing the safety procedures during a crash or whatever, I believed that you had to sit in the brace position for the entire flight! About an hour in my mum and dad told me that it was only if the aeroplane crashed... duh.

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i used to believe that aeroplanes would fly and land on the street of the persons house that you wanted to visit, i though how sad it was that the planes were knocking down all the houses on the street. The thought of an airport was just too extraordinary, plus it didnt envolve houses being demolished.

Dee Boy Lebowski
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I used to believe that when people flushed the toilet on aeroplanes, it just dropped out of the plane, so that was why houses were cheaper under flight paths. I have no excuse bar my age for my innocent stupidity. :(

something slightly odd
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when i went on holiday when i was little, my ears used to pop and i thought that there was popcorn in my ears so i tried to put my hand in my ear to get some popcorn so i could eat it

lil' miss sunshine
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When I Was About 7, My Friend Told Me That While She Was On An Airplane, She Waited Until They Were High Up Into The Clouds And That's When She Opened Up One Of Side Windows And Pulled In A Piece Of Cloud. I Sort Of Believed Her Because She Described It The Exact Way I Imagined It Would Feel; Like Wet Cotton.

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My sister and I used to think that when you flushed the toilet on a plane a trapdoor would open and the contents of the toilet would be sucked out (because of the loud noise) and dropped from the plane. So everytime a plane flew overhead we'd run into the house or under a tree. Eventually a friend told us that that was not true. Instead we were told that everything is stored in the plane, and frozen into a cube of waste, and that sometimes this cube is accidently dropped from the plane, so we still ran from planes. I'm still not sure whether to believe that or not.

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When I was little my parents and I would vacation to Florida every spring. Funny thing is that we took a plane every time. I believed that a plane was the only way to get there, because I thought Florida was in the sky!

Pop Tart
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I used to believe that the toilets on airplanes emptied out in the sky and would fall into cities, so I would write notes on a napkin with my name on it and flush it thinking I would get a pen pal down below. Then I would be ask my mom if I got any mail when we got home. Don't ask....

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When I was really tiny, my parents told me that we were going on holiday in a plane and I was really excited. Getting on the shuttle bus to carry us to the plane, I started crying.

"But Mummy, you said we were going in an aeroplane!"

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that when we flew in an airplane when we went into the sky, we never came down and that our final destination was in the sky!

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when i wuz younger i used to believe that planes were secretly big bad birds and that if u were bad they would drop u off and you would fall back down 2 earth heheheheh...pretty dumb huh ha ha.

Bean bag
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My grandmother lived in another state and when she came to visit we would pick her up and drop her off at the airport. I believed she lived on the air plane and waved at every plane that flew over.

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When I was about 4 I went on my first plane ride to Florida. I fell asleep on the way and so when I woke up my mom told me that it was a beautiful view that I missed...I was sooo mad cuz I thought that she had seen the moon, and the planets, and the sun up close. I stayed awake the next time and to my dismay I only saw trees, houses, and bodies of water. I was bummed...I always wanted to see the moon up close!!!

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When a family that my parents know was moving to a new city, they went on an airplane. The parents explained to their son what an airplane was, how it flew through the air. Then during the flight, the kid fell asleep, so his parents carried him off the plane and to their new home. A few weeks passed by, they settled into their house, he went to a new school and made friends, then eventually he asked his parents when they were going to get off the plane! He didn't know they had gotten off and thought all this was happening up in the air!

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