i used to believe

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when i was little my father would take a lot of business trips. I always believed (until I was 6 or 7) that the places he would go would be located within the airplane i.e. hong kong is at terminal two and seattle is in terminal three

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i used to belive that the airport lights i could see at nightime flashing in the distance were indans because thats what my brother had told me and its not until a couple of years ago when i was 13 that i finally realized the truth

He Thinks My Tractors Sexy
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I used to think that the sound made from airplanes flying over me was the antenna scrapping across the sky.

Richard J Brown
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Before i had ever been on a plane, i belived that the planes picked you up and drop you off in front of your house!

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When i was younger i thought if you flew in a plane that there was a petrol station in the sky so the plane could pull in and 'Fill up'

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When I was little I thought that every plane in the sky was a space ship. I couldn't see the shapes too well because I needed glasses. I told my mom and unfortunately got no amusing response. She just said something about it being on the news every time

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When I was little, I thought that planes actually went all the way up into orbit. What's more, I actually maintained adamantly for years, despite my parent's denials, that I'd seen the earth out of a plane window about the size of a grapefruit.

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I used to believe that areoplanes only stayed up in the sky because lots of hot air balloons kept them there. And when the pilot wanted to land, he'd simply shoot at the balloons with a gun until enough burst and the plane landed softly!

B.E. from N.I.
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I used to believe that when you went to the toilet on an aeroplane, it would fall straight out of a hole in the bottom of the plane. It made sense at first; you wern't allowed to go to the toilet on a plane when it was taking off for fear of skid starts. My theory was bolstered even more when I found out that houses near an airport are cheaper than ones that aren't. You can tell that I was somewhat alarmed when I moved to a house near an airport... luckily, my parents were able to set the record straight after they noticed me frantically looking upwards everytime I heard an aeroplane.

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I used to believe that aeroplanes were robotic birds that flew around really high and that their nest was at the airport where they would then eat more people because the people would walk right into what looked like their stomach!

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I thought until I was *deleted* years old that airplanes took off by means of a jump at the end of the runway.

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when I was younger I used to believe that New York was on a cloud because you had to get on an airplane to get their.
I mean why else would you need to get on an airplane unless it was up in the air

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Once, When we were on a plane taking off my brother said whoa big hill when the plane was going up into the sky.

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I used to believe that the vapor trails behind jets in the sky where caused by men pouring buckets full of clouds out of the back of the plane.

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I thought the dog poo in the street was human poo dropped from aeroplanes

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At night, when I was younger, I would see the jets and planes in the sky and never knew what they were because all I could see were the lights in the sky. When asking my dad what the odd lights were in the sky, he replied with "cars, going over huge bridges." Ill be sure to pass the cute myth along to my children one day.

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When travelling by plane, my older brother used to tell me that you didn't actually go anywhere, they just got a load of blokes to change the people, scenery etc on the ground!

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i have a friend who, until a few minutes ago, believed you couldn't use computers on airplanes because having them above a certain elevation would cause them to go haywire and intercept phone calls...i told him he was right, and if he ever sees anyone on a plane using a computer, to call a stewart/ess and have them throw it out a window.

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Everytime my friend saw a plane in the sky, my friend had to duck for cover just in case a poo fell out from a plane

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Since I never saw wheels under an airplane when it was flying, I thought that when the plane took off, the wheels fell off too. I always wondered how the plane landed with no wheels.

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