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When I was a child I believed that if I was ever in a plane that was going to crash I could jump out at about five or six feet from the ground and land with only a twisted ankle. I found out later that this thought was obvously flawed but it gave me comfort when I was in planes.
I used to think that aeroplane carry people to a destination which located on top of the clouds
I believed that Jesus was flying across the sky, it was actually sunlight reflecting off planes.
My older brother told me he once saw a man summon a helicopter to land and pick him up by pointing his index finger and waving his outstretched arm over his head in a circular motion. Needless to say every time I saw a helicopter I did the same thing, hoping it would land in the front yard, the playground, a parking lot, and take me away on a great adventure.
top belief!
I used to think when an airplane ran out of fuel, it stayed stuck in the sky.
My brother (who, I might add, convinced me
of many strange things) told me that when a
plane flew over our house, if you looked up
and saw lights flashing, it meant the plane
was opening its hatch to drop a bomb on you. For the longest time my mom couldn't understand why I would cry and run into the house if a plane came near.
My Dad told me that toilets on planes were on the wings. I spent my first flight ( aged five) worrying that If i went for a pee I would fall off and be lost forever.
My dad worked in alaska and had to go to the airport and board a plane in order to get to work. Every time he came home late at night, I would wake up and go to greet him. I was about 2, and I thought the plane dropped him off in our driveway.
My parents confirmed my thought... But this was obviously because they couldn't understand my question.
I used to think that the exhaust smoke coming from jets as they streaked across the sky actually made the clouds.
I used to believe that the "jet stream" that they spoke about on the weather was created by jets. I would see a jet fly overhead, but the weather didn't show it anywhere near my state. What a gyp!
top belief!
I used to think that since some planes were faster than sound, when you would talk on them, no one could hear you, except for maybe people in the bac of the plane that might catch your words wizzing by!!!!!!!!!
I had a friend who told me that when she was young, she couldn't understand how they shrunk the plane's passengers because the plane looked to be the same size as a bird in the sky.
top belief!
I once told my dad that highjackers wait for the airplane to go up in the sky really high until it was too small...Then they would grab it!
When I was a child I used to believe that the tracks jets made in the sky were from the tail fin of the plane scratching the top of the sky. Because of this I also thought those planes that did that were the "sky scrapers" people were talking about.
top belief!
I used to believe that people got smaller to fit into airplanes because they looked so small in the sky. I asked my mom how they got people to be small enough to fit into airplanes.
I used to believe that the reason we had planes was because each state was a planet..why else would you need to fly?
top belief!
When I was little I use to think that Airplanes in the sky was really a flying McDonalds....I don't know why I use to think that, but my guess is that my sisters got me believing it, they where always up to no good!
I used to belive that an airplane was my mothers car. I don't no why.
top belief!
When I was a child, I used to think that the airplane's pilot would throw each passenger on its own house because I thought anybody who travelled by plane had a parachute.
When I was a kid my older brother and his friend told me that the white stripes planes leave on the sky was the tracks after Jesus had been skiing across the sky. I believed it and told all my friends at school......
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